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"""Exceptions related to the cloud client."""

from urllib.parse import urlparse

from requests import Response

from aihwkit.exceptions import CloudError

[docs]class ResponseError(CloudError): """Error retrieving a response.""" def __init__(self, response: Response): self.response = response self.url = self._sanitize_url(response.url) super().__init__(str(self)) def __str__(self) -> str: return '{} {} for url: {} {}'.format( self.response.status_code, self.response.reason, self.response.request.method, self.url ) @staticmethod def _sanitize_url(url: str) -> str: """Remove sensitive parts from an url.""" return url
[docs]class ApiResponseError(ResponseError): """Error retrieving a response (object storage).""" @staticmethod def _sanitize_url(url: str) -> str: """Remove sensitive parts from an url.""" parts = urlparse(url) return '{}{}'.format(parts.path, '?...' if parts.query else '')
[docs]class InvalidResponseFieldError(CloudError): """Invalid or unsupported field in the response."""
[docs]class ExperimentStatusError(CloudError): """Error dependent on to the Experiment status."""
[docs]class CredentialsError(CloudError): """Errors related to cloud credentials."""