Source code for aihwkit.experiments.runners.local

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"""Runner that executes Experiments locally."""

from typing import Dict, List, Optional

from torch import device as torch_device
from torchvision.datasets import FashionMNIST, SVHN

from aihwkit.experiments.experiments.base import Signals
from aihwkit.experiments.runners.base import Runner
from import BasicTraining
from aihwkit.experiments.runners.metrics import LocalMetric

[docs]class LocalRunner(Runner): """Runner that executes Experiments locally. Class that allows executing Experiments locally. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, device: Optional[torch_device] = None): """Create a new ``LocalRunner``. Args: device: the device where the model will be moved to. """ self.device = device
[docs] def run( # type: ignore[override] self, experiment: BasicTraining, max_elements_train: int = 0, dataset_root: str = '/tmp/datasets', stdout: bool = True ) -> List[Dict]: """Run a single Experiment. Executes an experiment locally, in the device specified by ``self.device``, optionally printing information to stdout. Note: If using a dataset different than ``FashionMNIST`` or ``SVHN``, the runner assumes that the files for the dataset are downloaded at ``dataset_root``. For those two datasets, the downloading will take place automatically if the files are not present. Args: experiment: the experiment to be executed. max_elements_train: limit on the amount of samples to use from the dataset. If ``0``, no limit is applied. dataset_root: path for the dataset files. stdout: enable printing to stdout during the execution of the experiment. Returns: A list of dictionaries with information about each epoch. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # Setup the metric helper for the experiment. metric = LocalMetric(stdout=stdout) experiment.clear_hooks() experiment.add_hook(Signals.EPOCH_START, metric.receive_epoch_start) experiment.add_hook(Signals.EPOCH_END, metric.receive_epoch_end) experiment.add_hook(Signals.TRAIN_EPOCH_END, metric.receive_train_epoch_end) experiment.add_hook(Signals.TRAIN_EPOCH_BATCH_END, metric.receive_train_epoch_batch_end) experiment.add_hook(Signals.VALIDATION_EPOCH_BATCH_END, metric.receive_validation_epoch_batch_end) experiment.add_hook(Signals.VALIDATION_EPOCH_END, metric.receive_validation_epoch_end) # Download the dataset if needed. if experiment.dataset == FashionMNIST: _ = experiment.dataset(dataset_root, download=True) elif experiment.dataset == SVHN: _ = experiment.dataset(dataset_root, download=True, split='train') _ = experiment.dataset(dataset_root, download=True, split='test') # Move the model to the device. if self.device: if self.device.type == 'cuda': experiment.model = # Build the objects needed for training. training_loader, validation_loader = experiment.get_data_loaders( experiment.dataset, experiment.batch_size, max_elements_train=max_elements_train, dataset_root=dataset_root ) optimizer = experiment.get_optimizer(experiment.learning_rate, experiment.model) experiment.results = experiment.train(training_loader, validation_loader, experiment.model, optimizer, experiment.loss_function(), experiment.epochs, self.device) return experiment.results