Source code for aihwkit.inference.noise.pcm

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"""Phenomenological noise models for PCM devices for inference."""

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Optional

from numpy import log as numpy_log
from numpy import sqrt
from torch import abs as torch_abs
from torch import clamp, log, randn_like, Tensor
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.inference.noise.base import BaseNoiseModel
from aihwkit.inference.converter.base import BaseConductanceConverter
from aihwkit.inference.converter.conductance import SinglePairConductanceConverter

_ZERO_CLIP = 1e-7

[docs]class PCMLikeNoiseModel(BaseNoiseModel): r"""Noise model that was fitted and characterized on real PCM devices. Expected weight noise at assumed time of inference with expected programming noise at 0. The statistical noise model is based on measured PCM devices. Args: prog_coeff: programming polynomial coeffs in :math:`\mu S`, c(0) + c(1)*gt + c(2)*gt^2) g_converter: instantiated class of the conductance converter (defaults to single pair) g_max: In :math:`\mu S`, the maximal conductance, ie the value the absolute max of the weights will be mapped to. t_read: parameter of the 1/f fit (in seconds) t_0: parameter of the drift fit (first reading time) Note: The ``t_inference`` is relative to this time `t0` e.g. t_inference counts from the completion of the programming of a device. prog_noise_scale: scale for the programming noise read_noise_scale: scale for the read and accumulated noise drift_scale: scale for the drift coefficient """ def __init__( self, prog_coeff: Optional[List[float]] = None, g_converter: Optional[BaseConductanceConverter] = None, g_max: Optional[float] = None, t_read: float = 250.0e-9, t_0: float = 20.0, prog_noise_scale: float = 1.0, read_noise_scale: float = 1.0, drift_scale: float = 1.0, ): g_converter = deepcopy(g_converter) or SinglePairConductanceConverter(g_max=g_max) super().__init__(g_converter) self.g_max = getattr(self.g_converter, 'g_max', g_max) if self.g_max is None: raise ValueError('g_max cannot be established from g_converter') self.prog_coeff = [0.26348, 1.9650, -1.1731] if prog_coeff is None else prog_coeff self.t_0 = t_0 self.t_read = t_read self.prog_noise_scale = prog_noise_scale self.read_noise_scale = read_noise_scale self.drift_scale = drift_scale def __str__(self) -> str: return ('{}(prog_coeff={}, g_converter={}, g_max={:1.2f}, t_read={}, ' 't_0={:1.2f})').format( self.__class__.__name__, self.prog_coeff, self.g_converter, self.g_max, self.t_read, self.t_0)
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_programming_noise_to_conductance(self, g_target: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Apply programming noise to a target conductance Tensor. Programming noise with additive Gaussian noise with conductance dependency of the variance given by a 2-degree polynomial. """ mat = 1 sig_prog = self.prog_coeff[0] for coeff in self.prog_coeff[1:]: mat *= g_target / self.g_max sig_prog += mat * coeff g_prog = g_target + self.prog_noise_scale * sig_prog * randn_like(g_target) g_prog.clamp_(min=0.0) # no negative conductances allowed return g_prog
[docs] @no_grad() def generate_drift_coefficients(self, g_target: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Return drift coefficients ``nu`` based on PCM measurements.""" g_relative = clamp(torch_abs(g_target / self.g_max), min=_ZERO_CLIP) # gt should be normalized wrt g_max mu_drift = (-0.0155 * log(g_relative) + 0.0244).clamp(min=0.049, max=0.1) sig_drift = (-0.0125 * log(g_relative) - 0.0059).clamp(min=0.008, max=0.045) nu_drift = torch_abs(mu_drift + sig_drift * randn_like(g_relative)).clamp(min=0.0) return nu_drift * self.drift_scale
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_drift_noise_to_conductance( self, g_prog: Tensor, nu_drift: Tensor, t_inference: float ) -> Tensor: """Apply the noise and drift up to the assumed inference time point based on PCM measurements.""" t = t_inference + self.t_0 # drift if t > self.t_0: g_drift = g_prog * ((t / self.t_0) ** (- nu_drift)) else: g_drift = g_prog # expected accumulated 1/f noise since start of programming at t=0 if t > 0: q_s = (0.0088 / ((torch_abs(g_prog) / self.g_max) ** 0.65).clamp(min=1e-3)).clamp(max=0.2) sig_noise = q_s * sqrt(numpy_log((t + self.t_read) / (2 * self.t_read))) g_final = g_drift + torch_abs(g_drift) * self.read_noise_scale \ * sig_noise * randn_like(g_prog) else: g_final = g_prog return g_final.clamp(min=0.0)