Source code for aihwkit.nn.modules.rnn.rnn

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""" Analog RNN modules. """

import warnings
import math
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Callable
from torch import Tensor, jit
from torch.nn import Dropout, ModuleList, init

from aihwkit.nn import AnalogSequential
from aihwkit.nn.modules.rnn.layers import AnalogRNNLayer, AnalogBidirRNNLayer
from aihwkit.nn.modules.base import AnalogModuleBase, RPUConfigAlias

[docs]class ModularRNN(AnalogSequential): """Helper class to create a Modular RNN Args: num_layers: number of serially connected RNN layers layer: RNN layer type (e.g. AnalogLSTMLayer) dropout: dropout applied to output of all RNN layers except last first_layer_args: RNNCell type, input_size, hidden_size, rpu_config, etc. other_layer_args: RNNCell type, hidden_size, hidden_size, rpu_config, etc. """ # pylint: disable=abstract-method # Necessary for iterating through self.layers and dropout support __constants__ = ['layers', 'num_layers'] def __init__( self, num_layers: int, layer: Type, dropout: float, first_layer_args: Any, other_layer_args: Any): super().__init__() self.layers = self.init_stacked_analog_lstm(num_layers, layer, first_layer_args, other_layer_args) # Introduce a Dropout layer on the outputs of each RNN layer except # the last layer. self.num_layers = num_layers if num_layers == 1 and dropout > 0: warnings.warn('dropout lstm adds dropout layers after all but last ' 'recurrent layer, it expects num_layers greater than ' '1, but got num_layers = 1') self.dropout_layer = Dropout(dropout) if dropout else None
[docs] @staticmethod def init_stacked_analog_lstm( num_layers: int, layer: Type, first_layer_args: Any, other_layer_args: Any ) -> ModuleList: """Construct a list of LSTMLayers over which to iterate. Args: num_layers: number of serially connected LSTM layers layer: RNN layer type (e.g. AnalogLSTMLayer) first_layer_args: RNNCell type, input_size, hidden_size, rpu_config, etc. other_layer_args: RNNCell type, hidden_size, hidden_size, rpu_config, etc. Returns: torch.nn.ModuleList, which is similar to a regular Python list, but where torch.nn.Module methods can be applied """ layers = [layer(*first_layer_args)] \ + [layer(*other_layer_args) for _ in range(num_layers - 1)] return ModuleList(layers)
[docs] def get_zero_state(self, batch_size: int) -> List[Tensor]: """Returns a zeroed state. Args: batch_size: batch size of the input Returns: List of zeroed state tensors for each layer """ return [lay.get_zero_state(batch_size) for lay in self.layers]
[docs] def forward( self, input_: Tensor, states: List ) -> Tuple[Tensor, List]: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # List[RNNState]: One state per layer. output_states = jit.annotate(List, []) output = input_ for i, rnn_layer in enumerate(self.layers): state = states[i] output, out_state = rnn_layer(output, state) # Apply the dropout layer except the last layer. if i < self.num_layers - 1 and self.dropout_layer is not None: output = self.dropout_layer(output) output_states += [out_state] return output, output_states
[docs]class AnalogRNN(AnalogSequential): """Modular RNN that uses analog tiles. Args: cell: type of Analog RNN cell (AnalogLSTMCell/AnalogGRUCell/AnalogVanillaRNNCell) input_size: in_features to W_{ih} matrix of first layer hidden_size: in_features and out_features for W_{hh} matrices bias: whether to use a bias row on the analog tile or not rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. realistic_read_write: whether to enable realistic read/write for setting initial weights and read out of weights xavier: whether standard PyTorch LSTM weight initialization (default) or Xavier initialization num_layers: number of serially connected RNN layers bidir: if True, becomes a bidirectional RNN dropout: dropout applied to output of all RNN layers except last """ # pylint: disable=abstract-method, too-many-arguments def __init__( self, cell: Type, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, bias: bool = True, rpu_config: Optional[RPUConfigAlias] = None, realistic_read_write: bool = False, xavier: bool = False, num_layers: int = 1, bidir: bool = False, dropout: float = 0.0 ): super().__init__() if bidir: layer = AnalogBidirRNNLayer num_dirs = 2 else: layer = AnalogRNNLayer num_dirs = 1 self.rnn = ModularRNN( num_layers, layer, dropout, first_layer_args=[cell, input_size, hidden_size, bias, rpu_config, realistic_read_write], other_layer_args=[cell, num_dirs*hidden_size, hidden_size, bias, rpu_config, realistic_read_write]) self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.num_layers = num_layers self.reset_parameters(xavier)
[docs] def init_layers( self, weight_init_fn: Callable, bias_init_fn: Optional[Callable] = None ) -> None: """Init the analog layers with custom functions. Args: weight_init_fn: in-place tensor function applied to weight of ``AnalogLinear`` layers bias_init_fn: in-place tensor function applied to bias of ``AnalogLinear`` layers Note: If no bias init function is provided the weight init function is taken for the bias as well. """ def init_analog_layer(layer: AnalogModuleBase) -> None: """Init the weights and bias of an analog linear layer.""" weight_init_fn( if layer.use_bias: if bias_init_fn is None: weight_init_fn( else: bias_init_fn( layer.set_weights(layer.weight, layer.bias) self._apply_to_analog(init_analog_layer) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def reset_parameters(self, xavier: bool = False) -> None: """Weight and bias initialization. Args: xavier: whether standard PyTorch LSTM weight initialization (default) or Xavier initialization """ if xavier: self.init_layers(init.xavier_uniform_, init.zeros_) else: stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(self.hidden_size) self.init_layers(lambda x: x.uniform_(-stdv, stdv))
[docs] def get_zero_state(self, batch_size: int) -> List[Tensor]: """Returns a zeroed RNN state based on cell type and layer type Args: batch_size: batch size of the input Returns: List of zeroed state tensors for each layer """ return self.rnn.get_zero_state(batch_size)
[docs] def forward( self, x: Tensor, states: Optional[List] = None ) -> Tuple[Tensor, List]: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if states is None: # TODO: batch_first. states = self.get_zero_state(x.shape[1]) return self.rnn(x, states)