Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.floating_point

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"""High level analog tiles (floating point)."""

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

from torch import device as torch_device
from torch.cuda import device as cuda_device

from aihwkit.exceptions import CudaError
from aihwkit.simulator.rpu_base import cuda, tiles
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base import BaseTile

    from aihwkit.simulator.configs import FloatingPointRPUConfig

[docs]class FloatingPointTile(BaseTile): r"""Floating point tile. Implements a floating point or ideal analog tile. A linear layer with this tile is perfectly linear, it just uses the RPUCuda library for execution. **Forward pass**: .. math:: \mathbf{y} = W\mathbf{x} :math:`W` are the weights, :math:`\mathbf{x}` is the input vector. :math:`\mathbf{y}` is output of the vector matrix multiplication. Note that if bias is used, :math:`\mathbf{x}` is concatenated with 1 so that the last column of :math:`W` are the biases. **Backward pass**: Typical backward pass with transposed weights: .. math:: \mathbf{d'} = W^T\mathbf{d} where :math:`\mathbf{d}` is the error vector. :math:`\mathbf{d}_o` is output of the backward matrix vector multiplication. **Weight update**: Usual learning rule for back-propagation: .. math:: w_{ij} \leftarrow w_{ij} + \lambda d_i\,x_j **Decay**: .. math:: w_{ij} \leftarrow w_{ij}(1-\alpha r_\text{decay}) Weight decay can be called by calling the analog tile decay. Note: ``life_time`` parameter is set during initialization. alpha is a scaling factor that can be given during run-time. **Diffusion**: .. math:: w_{ij} \leftarrow w_{ij} + \xi\;r_\text{diffusion} Similar to the decay, diffusion is only done when explicitly called. However, the parameter of the diffusion process are set during initialization and are fixed for the remainder. :math:`\xi` is a standard Gaussian process. Args: out_size: output vector size of the tile, ie. the dimension of :math:`\mathbf{y}` in case of :math:`\mathbf{y} = W\mathbf{x}` (or equivalently the dimension of the :math:`\boldsymbol{\delta}` of the backward pass). in_size: input vector size, ie. the dimension of the vector :math:`\mathbf{x}` in case of :math:`\mathbf{y} = W\mathbf{x}`). rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. bias: whether to add a bias column to the tile, ie. :math:`W` has an extra column to code the biases. Internally, the input :math:`\mathbf{x}` will be automatically expanded by an extra dimension which will be set to 1 always. in_trans: Whether to assume an transposed input (batch first). out_trans: Whether to assume an transposed output (batch first). """ def __init__( self, out_size: int, in_size: int, rpu_config: Optional['FloatingPointRPUConfig'] = None, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, ): if not rpu_config: # Import `FloatingPointRPUConfig` dynamically to avoid import cycles. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from aihwkit.simulator.configs import FloatingPointRPUConfig rpu_config = FloatingPointRPUConfig() super().__init__(out_size, in_size, rpu_config, bias, in_trans, out_trans)
[docs] def cpu(self) -> 'BaseTile': """Return a copy of this tile in CPU memory. Note: CUDA tiles weight can be accessed by `get_weights` etc methods, there is no need to move them to CPU and it is currently not supported. Returns: self in case of CPU Raises: CudaError: if a CUDA tile is moved to CPU """ if self.is_cuda: raise CudaError('Currently it is not possible to move CUDA tile to cpu.') return self
[docs] def cuda( self, device: Optional[Union[torch_device, str, int]] = None ) -> 'BaseTile': """Return a copy of this tile in CUDA memory. Args: device: CUDA device Returns: Self with the underlying C++ tile moved to CUDA memory. Raises: CudaError: if the library has not been compiled with CUDA. """ if not cuda.is_compiled(): raise CudaError('aihwkit has not been compiled with CUDA support') device = torch_device('cuda', cuda_device(device).idx) if self.is_cuda and device != self.device: raise CudaError('Cannot switch CUDA devices of existing Cuda tiles') if isinstance(self.tile, tiles.FloatingPointTile): with cuda_device(device): self.tile = tiles.CudaFloatingPointTile(self.tile) self.is_cuda = True self.device = device self.analog_ctx.cuda(device) return self
def _create_simulator_tile( self, x_size: int, d_size: int, rpu_config: 'FloatingPointRPUConfig' ) -> tiles.FloatingPointTile: """Create a simulator tile. Args: x_size: input size d_size: output size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration Returns: a simulator tile based on the specified configuration. """ meta_parameter = rpu_config.device.as_bindings() return meta_parameter.create_array(x_size, d_size)
[docs]class CudaFloatingPointTile(FloatingPointTile): """Floating point tile (CUDA). Floating point tile that uses GPU for its operation. The instantiation is based on an existing non-cuda tile: all the source attributes are copied except for the simulator tile, which is recreated using a GPU tile. Caution: Deprecated. Use ``FloatingPointTile(..).cuda()`` instead. Args: source_tile: tile to be used as the source of this tile """ is_cuda = True def __init__(self, source_tile: FloatingPointTile): if not cuda.is_compiled(): raise CudaError('aihwkit has not been compiled with CUDA support') # Create a new instance of the rpu config. new_rpu_config = deepcopy(source_tile.rpu_config) # Create the tile, replacing the simulator tile. super().__init__(source_tile.out_size, source_tile.in_size, new_rpu_config, source_tile.bias, source_tile.in_trans, source_tile.out_trans) self.cuda(self.device)