Source code for

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# (C) Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 IBM. All Rights Reserved.
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"""API client the AIHW Composer API."""

from typing import List

from import CloudExperiment, CloudJob
from import ApiResponseError, CredentialsError
from import ObjectStorageSession, ApiSession
from import ExperimentParser, GeneralParser
from import ExperimentStub, InputStub, JobStub, LoginStub, OutputStub
from import BasicTrainingConverter
from import BasicTraining

[docs]class ApiClient: """API client the AIHW Composer API. Client for interfacing with the AIHW Composer API. Upon instantiation, the client will attempt to login (using the details from the ``session``). The functionality is provided by the stubs that are created during the instantiation, providing an interface that which mimic the REST API endpoints. """ def __init__(self, session: ApiSession): """Create a new ``ApiClient``. Args: session: the request session to be used in the client. """ self.session = session self.object_storage_session = ObjectStorageSession() # Create the helpers. self.converter = BasicTrainingConverter() # Create the stubs. self.experiments = ExperimentStub(self.session) self.inputs = InputStub(self.session) self.outputs = OutputStub(self.session) = JobStub(self.session) self.login_ = LoginStub(self.session) # Automatically login. self.login()
[docs] def login(self) -> None: """Login into the application. Raises: CredentialsError: if the credentials are not valid. ApiResponseError: if the request was not successful. """ try: response ={"token": self.session.api_token}) except ApiResponseError as ex: if ex.response.status_code == 400: try: json_response = ex.response.json() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except json_response = {} raise CredentialsError( "Error while trying to log in: {}".format( json_response.get("message", "unknown") ) ) from ex raise jwt_token = GeneralParser.parse_login(response) self.session.update_jwt_token(jwt_token)
[docs] def experiments_list(self) -> List[CloudExperiment]: """Return a list of experiments.""" response = self.experiments.list() return [ExperimentParser.parse_experiment(experiment, self) for experiment in response]
[docs] def experiment_create( self, input_: BasicTraining, name: str, device: str = "gpu" ) -> CloudExperiment: """Create a new experiment, queuing its execution. Args: input_: the experiment to be executed. name: the name of the experiment. device: the desired device. Returns: A ``CloudExperiment``. """ # Prepare the API data. # debug: print('input_: ', input_) payload = self.converter.to_proto(input_).SerializeToString() # debug: print('payload after convert to proto and serialize to string: \n', payload) # Create the experiment. response ={"name": name, "category": "train"}) # debug: print('response from ', response) experiment = ExperimentParser.parse_experiment(response, self) # Create the input. response ={"experiment": experiment.id_, "device": device}) object_storage_url = response["url"] # debug: print ('url: \n', object_storage_url) _ = self.object_storage_session.put(url=object_storage_url, data=payload) # Create the job. response ={"device": device, "experiment": experiment.id_}) # debug: print('response from ', response) experiment.job = ExperimentParser.parse_job(response) # debug: print('In experiment_create: experiment.job: \n', experiment.job) return experiment
[docs] def experiment_get(self, experiment_id: str) -> CloudExperiment: """Get an existing job by id. Args: experiment_id: id of the experiment. Returns: A `CloudExperiment` with the specified id. """ response = self.experiments.get(experiment_id) return ExperimentParser.parse_experiment(response, self)
[docs] def job_get(self, job_id: str) -> CloudJob: """Get an existing job by id. Args: job_id: id of the job. Returns: A `CloudJob` with the specified id. """ response = return ExperimentParser.parse_job(response)
[docs] def input_get(self, input_id: str) -> bytes: """Get an existing input by id. Args: input_id: id of the input. Returns: The input with the specified id, in protobuf format. """ response = self.inputs.get(input_id) object_storage_url = response["url"] object_storage_response = self.object_storage_session.get(object_storage_url) return object_storage_response.content
[docs] def output_get(self, output_id: str) -> bytes: """Get an existing output by id. Args: output_id: id of the output. Returns: The output with the specified id, in protobuf format. """ response = self.outputs.get(output_id) object_storage_url = response["url"] object_storage_response = self.object_storage_session.get(object_storage_url) return object_storage_response.content