Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# (C) Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 IBM. All Rights Reserved.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error, too-few-public-methods

"""Mappings for version 1 of the AIHW Composer format."""

from collections import namedtuple
from typing import Any, Dict

from torch.nn import (
from torchvision.datasets import FashionMNIST, SVHN  # type: ignore[import]

from aihwkit.simulator.configs import InferenceRPUConfig
from aihwkit.simulator.presets.web import (

from import (  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from import ConversionError
from aihwkit.nn import AnalogConv2d, AnalogConv2dMapped, AnalogLinear, AnalogLinearMapped
from aihwkit.optim import AnalogSGD
from import RPUconfigInfo

Type = namedtuple("Type", ["attribute_type", "field", "fn"])

# pylint: disable=no-member
    int: Type(AttributeProto.AttributeType.INT, "i", lambda x: x),  # type: ignore
    bool: Type(AttributeProto.AttributeType.BOOL, "b", lambda x: x),  # type: ignore
    str: Type(
        AttributeProto.AttributeType.STRING, "s", lambda x: x.encode("utf-8")  # type: ignore
    float: Type(AttributeProto.AttributeType.FLOAT, "f", lambda x: x),  # type: ignore

    int: Type(AttributeProto.AttributeType.INTS, "ints", lambda x: x),  # type: ignore
    bool: Type(AttributeProto.AttributeType.BOOLS, "bools", lambda x: x),  # type: ignore
    str: Type(
        "strings",  # type: ignore
        lambda x: [y.encode("utf-8") for y in x],
    float: Type(AttributeProto.AttributeType.FLOATS, "floats", lambda x: x),  # type: ignore
# pylint: enable=no-member

[docs]class Function: """Mapping for a function-like entity.""" def __init__(self, id_: str, args: Dict): self.id_ = id_ self.args = args
[docs] def to_proto(self, source: object, proto_cls: type) -> object: """Convert a source object into a destination object.""" instance = proto_cls(id=self.id_) for name, type_ in self.args.items(): value = self.get_field_value_to_proto(source, name, None) argument = AttributeProto(name=name) if isinstance(type_, list): proto_type = TYPES_LISTS[type_[0]] final_value = proto_type.fn(value) if isinstance(final_value, int): final_value = [final_value, final_value] getattr(argument, proto_type.field).extend(final_value) else: proto_type = TYPES[type_] setattr(argument, proto_type.field, proto_type.fn(value)) argument.type = proto_type.attribute_type instance.arguments.append(argument) # TODO: add to_proto for state_dict return instance
[docs] def from_proto(self, source: Any, cls: type, default: Any = None) -> object: """Convert a proto object into a destination object.""" kwargs = {} for argument in source.arguments: if not in self.args: continue type_ = self.args[] if isinstance(type_, list): proto_type = TYPES_LISTS[type_[0]] else: proto_type = TYPES[type_] default_ = None if default is None else default.get(, None) new_argument = self.get_argument_from_proto(argument, proto_type.field, default_) if isinstance(type_, list): new_argument[] = list(new_argument[]) kwargs.update(new_argument) # TODO: add from_proto for state_dict return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_field_value_to_proto(self, source: Any, field: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """Get the value of a field.""" return getattr(source, field, default)
[docs] def get_argument_from_proto(self, source: Any, field: str, default: Any = None) -> Dict: """Get the value of an argument.""" return { getattr(source, field, default)}
[docs]class LayerFunction(Function): """Mapping for a function-like entity (Layer)."""
[docs] def get_field_value_to_proto(self, source: Any, field: str, default: Any = None) -> Any: """Get the value of a field. Raises ConversionError """ if field == "bias": return getattr(source, "bias", None) is not None if field == "rpu_config": # preset_cls = type(source.analog_tile.rpu_config) analog_tile = next(source.analog_tiles()) preset_cls = type(analog_tile.rpu_config) if preset_cls not in Mappings.presets: raise ConversionError( "Invalid rpu_config in layer: " f"{preset_cls} not among the presets" ) return Mappings.presets[preset_cls] return super().get_field_value_to_proto(source, field, default)
[docs] def get_argument_from_proto(self, source: Any, field: str, default: Any = None) -> Dict: """Get the value of an argument. Raises ConversionError """ if == "rpu_config": if not isinstance(default, RPUconfigInfo): raise ConversionError("Expect an new RPUconfigInfo as default for layer creation.") return {"rpu_config": default.create_inference_rpu_config(self.id_)} return super().get_argument_from_proto(source, field, default)
[docs]class Mappings: """Mappings between Python entities and AIHW format.""" datasets = {FashionMNIST: "fashion_mnist", SVHN: "svhn"} layers = { AnalogConv2d: LayerFunction( "AnalogConv2d", { "in_channels": int, "out_channels": int, "kernel_size": [int], "stride": [int], "padding": [int], "dilation": [int], "bias": bool, "rpu_config": str, }, ), AnalogConv2dMapped: LayerFunction( "AnalogConv2dMapped", { "in_channels": int, "out_channels": int, "kernel_size": [int], "stride": [int], "padding": [int], "dilation": [int], "bias": bool, "rpu_config": str, }, ), AnalogLinear: LayerFunction( "AnalogLinear", {"in_features": int, "out_features": int, "bias": bool, "rpu_config": str}, ), AnalogLinearMapped: LayerFunction( "AnalogLinearMapped", {"in_features": int, "out_features": int, "bias": bool, "rpu_config": str}, ), BatchNorm2d: LayerFunction("BatchNorm2d", {"num_features": int}), Conv2d: LayerFunction( "Conv2d", { "in_channels": int, "out_channels": int, "kernel_size": [int], "stride": [int], "padding": [int], "dilation": [int], "bias": bool, }, ), ConvTranspose2d: LayerFunction( "ConvTranspose2d", { "in_channels": int, "out_channels": int, "kernel_size": [int], "stride": [int], "padding": [int], "output_padding": [int], "dilation": [int], "bias": bool, }, ), Flatten: LayerFunction("Flatten", {}), Linear: LayerFunction("Linear", {"in_features": int, "out_features": int, "bias": bool}), MaxPool2d: LayerFunction( "MaxPool2d", {"kernel_size": int, "stride": int, "padding": int, "dilation": int, "ceil_mode": bool}, ), } activation_functions = { LeakyReLU: Function("LeakyReLU", {"negative_slope": float}), LogSigmoid: Function("LogSigmoid", {}), LogSoftmax: Function("LogSoftmax", {"dim": int}), ReLU: Function("ReLU", {}), Sigmoid: Function("Sigmoid", {}), Softmax: Function("Softmax", {"dim": int}), Tanh: Function("Tanh", {}), } loss_functions = { BCELoss: Function("BCELoss", {}), CrossEntropyLoss: Function("CrossEntropyLoss", {}), MSELoss: Function("MSELoss", {}), NLLLoss: Function("NLLLoss", {}), } optimizers = {AnalogSGD: Function("AnalogSGD", {"lr": float})} presets = { InferenceRPUConfig: "InferenceRPUConfig", OldWebComposerInferenceRPUConfig: "OldWebComposerInferenceRPUConfig", WebComposerInferenceRPUConfig: "WebComposerInferenceRPUConfig", }
[docs]def build_inverse_mapping(mapping: Dict) -> Dict: """Create the inverse mapping between Python entities and AIHW Composer formats.""" return { value if not isinstance(value, Function) else value.id_: key for key, value in mapping.items() }
[docs]class InverseMappings: """Mappings between AIHW Composer format and Python entities.""" datasets = build_inverse_mapping(Mappings.datasets) layers = build_inverse_mapping(Mappings.layers) activation_functions = build_inverse_mapping(Mappings.activation_functions) loss_functions = build_inverse_mapping(Mappings.loss_functions) optimizers = build_inverse_mapping(Mappings.optimizers) presets = build_inverse_mapping(Mappings.presets)