Source code for aihwkit.experiments.runners.i_metrics

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"""Helper for retrieving Metrics of an Experiment."""

from datetime import datetime
import json
from typing import Dict

[docs]class InferenceLocalMetric: """Metric used by the InferenceWorker Runner.""" def __init__(self, stdout: bool = False) -> None: self.current_repeat: Dict = {} self.time_init = datetime.utcnow() self.stdout = stdout
[docs] def receive_repeat_start(self, repeat: int) -> None: """Hook for `INFERENCE_REPEAT_START`.""" self.current_repeat = {"number": repeat, "inference_results": []}
[docs] def receive_repeat_end( self, t_inference_array: list, avg_acc_arr: list, std_acc_arr: list, avg_err_arr: list, avg_loss_arr: list, inference_repeats: int, ) -> Dict: """Hook for `INFERENCE_REPEAT_END`.""" inf_results = [] n_inference = len(t_inference_array) # The input are the arrays of avg accuracy, avg error and avg loss. # Create the dict entry for the items in the arrays. for i in range(n_inference): new_dict = { "t_inference": t_inference_array[i], "avg_accuracy": avg_acc_arr[i], "std_accuracy": std_acc_arr[i], "avg_error": avg_err_arr[i], "avg_loss": avg_loss_arr[i], } inf_results.append(new_dict) repeat = self.current_repeat["number"] + 1 time_elapsed = (datetime.utcnow() - self.time_init).total_seconds() is_partial = bool(repeat < inference_repeats) partial = { "inference_runs": { "inference_repeat": repeat, "is_partial": is_partial, "time_elapsed": time_elapsed, "inference_results": inf_results, } } if self.stdout: print("{}".format(json.dumps(partial))) # Return the partial. return partial