Source code for aihwkit.inference.compensation.drift

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"""Global drift compensation for inference."""

from torch.autograd import no_grad
from torch import abs as torch_abs
from torch import clamp, Tensor, eye

from aihwkit.inference.compensation.base import BaseDriftCompensation

[docs]class GlobalDriftCompensation(BaseDriftCompensation): """Global drift compensation. Uses a constant factor for compensating the drift. """
[docs] @no_grad() def readout(self, out_tensor: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Read outs the mean abs.""" return clamp(torch_abs(out_tensor).mean(), min=0.0001)
[docs] @no_grad() def get_readout_tensor(self, in_size: int) -> Tensor: """Return the read-out tensor. Uses the set of one-hot vectors (eye). """ return eye(in_size)
def __str__(self) -> str: return "{}()".format(self.__class__.__name__)