Source code for aihwkit.inference.noise.reram

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# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

"""Phenomenological noise models for ReRAM devices for inference."""

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Optional, Dict

from torch import randn_like, Tensor
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.exceptions import ArgumentError
from aihwkit.inference.noise.base import BaseNoiseModel
from aihwkit.inference.converter.base import BaseConductanceConverter
from aihwkit.inference.converter.conductance import SinglePairConductanceConverter

[docs]class ReRamWan2022NoiseModel(BaseNoiseModel): r"""Noise model that was inferred from ReRam publication data. This ReRam model is and approximation to the data published by `Wan et al. Nature (2022)`_. Conductance dependence of the deviations from the target conductance was estimated from the published figures and fitted with a 4-th order polynomial (only 1 sec, 1 day, 2 day). No separate data is available for read noise (1/f). Note: To account for short-term read noise (about 1\%) one should additional set the ``forward.w_noise`` parameter to about 0.01 (with w_noise_type=WeightNoiseType.ADDITIVE_CONSTANT) Args: coeff_dic: polynomial coefficients in :math:`\mu S`, :math:`\sum_i c_i \left(\frac{g_t}{g_\max}\right)^i` for each time. If not given, the fitted measurement is taken at selected time points only g_converter: Instantiated class of the conductance converter (defaults to single pair). g_max: In :math:`\mu S`, the maximal conductance, i.e. the value the absolute max of the weights will be mapped to. noise_scale: Additional scale for the noise. coeff_g_max_reference: reference :math:`g_\max` value when fitting the coefficients, since the result of the polynomial fit is given in uS. If ``coeff_g_max_reference`` is not given and `coeffs` are given explicitely, it will be set to ``g_max`` of the conductance converter. .. _`Wan et al. Nature (2022)`: """ def __init__( self, coeff_dic: Optional[Dict[float, List]] = None, g_converter: Optional[BaseConductanceConverter] = None, g_max: Optional[float] = None, noise_scale: float = 1.0, coeff_g_max_reference: Optional[float] = None, ): g_converter = deepcopy(g_converter) or SinglePairConductanceConverter(g_max=g_max) super().__init__(g_converter) self.g_max = getattr(self.g_converter, "g_max", g_max) if self.g_max is None: raise ValueError("g_max cannot be established from g_converter") if coeff_g_max_reference is None: self.coeff_g_max_reference = self.g_max if coeff_dic is None: # standard g_max are defined in respect to 40.0 uS. Need to # adjust for that in case g_max is not equal to 40.0 uS coeff_dic = { 1.0: [-16.815, 45.393, -43.853, 16.030, 0.348][::-1], 3600 * 24.0: [-16.458, 47.095, -50.773, 22.086, 0.701][::-1], 3600 * 24.0 * 2: [-11.934, 37.062, -43.507, 20.274, 0.782][::-1], } self.prog_coeff_g_max_reference = 40.0 self.coeff_dic = coeff_dic self.noise_scale = noise_scale def _apply_poly(self, g_target: Tensor, coeff: List, scale: float = 1.0) -> Tensor: """Applied polynomial noise""" mat = 1 sig_prog = coeff[0] for value in coeff[1:]: mat *= g_target / self.g_max sig_prog += mat * value sig_prog *= self.g_max / self.coeff_g_max_reference # type: ignore g_prog = g_target + scale * sig_prog * randn_like(g_target) g_prog.clamp_(min=0.0) # no negative conductances allowed return g_prog
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_programming_noise_to_conductance(self, g_target: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Apply programming noise to a target conductance Tensor. Programming noise with additive Gaussian noise with conductance dependency of the variance given by a 2-degree polynomial. """ min_key = min(list(self.coeff_dic.keys())) return self._apply_poly(g_target, self.coeff_dic[min_key], self.noise_scale)
[docs] @no_grad() def generate_drift_coefficients(self, g_target: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Return target values as coefficients. Since ReRAM does not show drift in the usual sense, here simply the target values will given as coefficients to compute the long-term variations on-the-fly """ return g_target
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_drift_noise_to_conductance( self, g_prog: Tensor, g_target: Tensor, t_inference: float ) -> Tensor: """Apply the accumulated noise according to the time of inference. Will use unique 4th-order polynomial fit to the ReRAM measurements to the target values. Args: g_prog: will be ignored g_target: target conductance values that will be used to add noise t_inference: time of inference. Returns: conductances with noise applied Raises: ArgumentError: if `t_inference` is not one of ``(1, 24*3600, 2*24*3600)`` seconds (or any user-defined key in ``coeff_dic``), the error will be raised. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed if t_inference not in self.coeff_dic: raise ArgumentError(f"t_inference should be one of `{list(self.coeff_dic.keys())}`") g_final = self._apply_poly(g_target, self.coeff_dic[t_inference], self.noise_scale) return g_final.clamp(min=0.0)