Source code for aihwkit.linalg.matrix

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""" Defines an analog matrix

from typing import Any, Union, Tuple
from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator

from numpy import ndarray, dtype

# Imports from PyTorch.
from torch import Tensor, from_numpy
from torch.autograd import no_grad

# Imports from aihwkit.
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.base import RPUConfigBase

[docs]class AnalogMatrix(LinearOperator): """Defines an analog matrix for linear algebra. Args: matrix: matrix to store into the analog crossbar array. rpu_config: RPU Config specifying the analog hardware properties. realistic: Whether to use realistic writing while storing the matrix elements. Otherwise, the elements will be stored exactly without write noise(fake write) to_kwargs: arguments for the torch .to call such as `device` """ def __init__( self, matrix: Union[Tensor, ndarray], rpu_config: RPUConfigBase, realistic: bool = False, **to_kwargs: Any, ): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called out_features, in_features = matrix.shape tile_module_class = rpu_config.get_default_tile_module_class(out_features, in_features) if isinstance(matrix, ndarray): matrix = from_numpy(matrix) self._tile = tile_module_class(out_features, in_features, rpu_config, False) self._tile =**to_kwargs) self._tile.set_weights(matrix, realistic=realistic) self.realistic = realistic
[docs] def cuda(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "AnalogMatrix": """Move to GPU.""" self._tile = self._tile.cuda(*args, **kwargs) return self
[docs] def to(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "AnalogMatrix": """Move to device, datatype, or rpu_config.""" # pylint: disable=invalid-name self._tile =*args, **kwargs) return self
def __matmul__(self, matrix: Union[Tensor, ndarray]) -> Union[Tensor, ndarray]: output_numpy = False if isinstance(matrix, ndarray): output_numpy = True matrix = from_numpy(matrix).to(self._tile.device) with no_grad(): output = self._tile.forward(matrix) if output_numpy: return output.cpu().numpy() return output def __rmatmul__(self, matrix: Union[Tensor, ndarray]) -> Union[Tensor, ndarray]: output_numpy = False if isinstance(matrix, ndarray): output_numpy = True matrix = from_numpy(matrix).to(self._tile.device) with no_grad(): output = self._tile.backward(matrix) if output_numpy: return output.cpu().numpy() return output def _matmat(self, X: Union[Tensor, ndarray]) -> Union[Tensor, ndarray]: return self @ X def _matvec(self, x: Union[Tensor, ndarray]) -> Union[Tensor, ndarray]: return self @ x def _rmatvec(self, x: Union[Tensor, ndarray]) -> Union[Tensor, ndarray]: return x @ self def _rmatmat(self, X: Union[Tensor, ndarray]) -> Union[Tensor, ndarray]: return X @ self @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns shape of analog matrix.""" return (self._tile.out_size, self._tile.in_size) @property def dtype(self) -> dtype: """Return data type.""" return self._tile.rpu_config.get_data_type().as_torch()
[docs] def ger( self, x_matrix: Union[Tensor, ndarray], d_matrix: Union[Tensor, ndarray], alpha: float = 1.0 ) -> None: """GER (rank update) function performed on the analog matrix. Args: x_matrix: left input matrix d_matrix: right input matrix alpha: scale factor """ if isinstance(x_matrix, ndarray): x_matrix = from_numpy(x_matrix) if isinstance(d_matrix, ndarray): d_matrix = from_numpy(d_matrix) self._tile.set_learning_rate(alpha) self._tile.update(x_matrix, -d_matrix)