Source code for aihwkit.optim.analog_optimizer

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"""Analog-aware inference optimizer."""

from types import new_class
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Type

from torch import cat
from torch.optim import Optimizer, SGD, Adam
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.optim.context import AnalogContext

[docs]class AnalogOptimizerMixin: """Mixin for analog optimizers. This class contains the methods needed for enabling analog in an existing ``Optimizer``. It is designed to be used as a mixin in conjunction with an ``AnalogOptimizer`` or torch ``Optimizer``. """
[docs] def regroup_param_groups(self, *_: Any) -> None: """Reorganize the parameter groups, isolating analog layers. Update the `param_groups` of the optimizer, moving the parameters for each analog layer to a new single group. """ # Create the new param groups. analog_param_groups = [] rm_group_lst = [] for group in self.param_groups: # type: ignore[has-type] rm_lst = [] for param in group["params"]: if isinstance(param, AnalogContext): param.analog_tile.set_learning_rate( self.defaults["lr"] # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) analog_param_groups.append({"params": [param]}) rm_lst.append(id(param)) group["params"] = [p for p in group["params"] if id(p) not in rm_lst] if len(group["params"]) == 0: rm_group_lst.append(id(group)) self.param_groups = [ g for g in self.param_groups if id(g) not in rm_group_lst # type: ignore[has-type] ] # Add analog groups. for group in analog_param_groups: self.add_param_group(group) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
[docs] @no_grad() def step(self, closure: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[float]: """Perform an analog-aware single optimization step. If a group containing analog parameters is detected, the optimization step calls the related RPU controller. For regular parameter groups, the optimization step has the same behaviour as ``torch.optim.SGD``. Args: closure (callable, optional): A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss. kwargs: additional arguments if any Returns: The loss, if ``closure`` has been passed as a parameter. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # Update non-analog parameters using the given optimizer ret = super().step(closure, **kwargs) # type: ignore[misc] # Update analog parameters for group in self.param_groups: learning_rate = group.get("lr") # Use analog_tile object. for param in group["params"]: if isinstance(param, AnalogContext): # Handle internal analog update. analog_ctx = param analog_tile = analog_ctx.analog_tile if analog_ctx.use_torch_update: # In this case a separate weight parameter exists: do nothing. continue # Call `update` in the tile. if not analog_ctx.has_gradient(): # Forward never used. continue # Update learning rate. if learning_rate == 0.0: analog_ctx.reset() continue if learning_rate is not None: analog_tile.set_learning_rate(learning_rate) runtime = analog_tile.get_runtime() if analog_ctx.use_indexed: for x_input, d_input in zip( analog_ctx.analog_input, analog_ctx.analog_grad_output ): analog_tile.update_indexed( ( if runtime.offload_input else x_input ), ( if runtime.offload_gradient else d_input ), ) else: x_input = cat( analog_ctx.analog_input, axis=-1 if analog_tile.in_trans else 0 ) d_input = cat( analog_ctx.analog_grad_output, axis=-1 if analog_tile.out_trans else 0 ) analog_tile.update( if runtime.offload_input else x_input, if runtime.offload_gradient else d_input, ) analog_ctx.reset() # Apply post-update step operations (diffuse, decay, etc). # (only here because of unknown params order and shared weights) for group in self.param_groups: for param in group["params"]: if isinstance(param, AnalogContext): param.analog_tile.post_update_step() return ret
[docs] def set_learning_rate(self, learning_rate: float = 0.1) -> None: """Update the learning rate to a new value. Update the learning rate of the optimizer, propagating the changes to the analog tiles accordingly. Args: learning_rate: learning rate for the optimizer. """ for param_group in self.param_groups: param_group["lr"] = learning_rate for param in param_group["params"]: if isinstance(param, AnalogContext): # Update learning rate on the tile param.analog_tile.set_learning_rate(learning_rate)
[docs]class AnalogOptimizer(AnalogOptimizerMixin, Optimizer): """Generic optimizer that wraps an existing ``Optimizer`` for analog inference. This class wraps an existing ``Optimizer``, customizing the optimization step for triggering the analog update needed for analog tiles. All other (digital) parameters are governed by the given torch optimizer. In case of hardware-aware training (``InferenceTile``) the tile weight update is also governed by the given optimizer, otherwise it is using the internal analog update as defined in the ``rpu_config``. The ``AnalogOptimizer`` constructor expects the wrapped optimizer class as the first parameter, followed by any arguments required by the wrapped optimizer. Note: The instances returned are of a *new* type that is a subclass of: * the wrapped ``Optimizer`` (allowing access to all their methods and attributes). * this ``AnalogOptimizer``. Example: The following block illustrate how to create an optimizer that wraps standard SGD: >>> from torch.optim import SGD >>> from torch.nn import Linear >>> from aihwkit.simulator.configs.configs import InferenceRPUConfig >>> from aihwkit.optim import AnalogOptimizer >>> model = AnalogLinear(3, 4, rpu_config=InferenceRPUConfig) >>> optimizer = AnalogOptimizer(SGD, model.parameters(), lr=0.02) """ SUBCLASSES = {} # type: Dict[str, Type] """Registry of the created subclasses.""" def __new__(cls, optimizer_cls: Type, *_: Any, **__: Any) -> "AnalogOptimizer": subclass_name = "{}{}".format(cls.__name__, optimizer_cls.__name__) # Retrieve or create a new subclass, that inherits both from # `AnalogOptimizer` and for the specific torch optimizer # (`optimizer_cls`). if subclass_name not in cls.SUBCLASSES: cls.SUBCLASSES[subclass_name] = new_class(subclass_name, (cls, optimizer_cls), {}) return super().__new__(cls.SUBCLASSES[subclass_name]) def __init__( self, optimizer_cls: Type, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any # pylint: disable=unused-argument ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class AnalogSGD(AnalogOptimizerMixin, SGD): """Implements analog-aware stochastic gradient descent."""
[docs]class AnalogAdam(AnalogOptimizerMixin, Adam): """Implements analog-aware Adam."""