Source code for aihwkit.optim.context

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"""Parameter context for analog tiles."""

# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init

from typing import Optional, Type, Union, Any, TYPE_CHECKING

from torch import ones, dtype, Tensor, no_grad
from torch.nn import Parameter
from torch import device as torch_device

    from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base import SimulatorTileWrapper

[docs]class AnalogContext(Parameter): """Context for analog optimizer.""" def __new__( cls: Type["AnalogContext"], analog_tile: "SimulatorTileWrapper", parameter: Optional[Parameter] = None, ) -> "AnalogContext": # pylint: disable=signature-differs if parameter is None: return Parameter.__new__( cls, data=ones((), device=analog_tile.device, dtype=analog_tile.get_dtype()), requires_grad=True, ) parameter.__class__ = cls return parameter def __init__( self, analog_tile: "SimulatorTileWrapper", parameter: Optional[Parameter] = None ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument super().__init__() self.analog_tile = analog_tile self.use_torch_update = False self.use_indexed = False self.analog_input = [] # type: list self.analog_grad_output = [] # type: list self.reset(analog_tile)
[docs] def set_indexed(self, value: bool = True) -> None: """Set the context to forward_indexed.""" self.use_indexed = value
[docs] def set_data(self, data: Tensor) -> None: """Set the data value of the Tensor.""" with no_grad():
[docs] def get_data(self) -> Tensor: """Get the data value of the underlying Tensor.""" return
[docs] def reset(self, analog_tile: Optional["SimulatorTileWrapper"] = None) -> None: """Reset the gradient trace and optionally sets the tile pointer.""" if analog_tile is not None: self.analog_tile = analog_tile self.analog_tile.analog_ctx = self self.analog_input = [] self.analog_grad_output = []
[docs] def has_gradient(self) -> bool: """Return whether a gradient trace was stored.""" return len(self.analog_input) > 0
def __copy__(self) -> Parameter: """Turn off copying of the pointers. Context will be re-created when tile is created""" return Parameter( def __deepcopy__(self, memo: Any) -> Parameter: """Turn off deep copying. Context will be re-created when tile is created""" return Parameter(
[docs] def cuda(self, device: Optional[Union[torch_device, str, int]] = None) -> "AnalogContext": """Move the context to a cuda device. Args: device: the desired device of the tile. Returns: This context in the specified device. """ = # type: Tensor if not self.analog_tile.is_cuda: self.analog_tile = self.analog_tile.cuda(device) self.reset(self.analog_tile) return self
[docs] def cpu(self) -> "AnalogContext": """Move the context to CPU. Note: This is a no-op for CPU context. Returns: self """ = if self.analog_tile is not None and self.analog_tile.is_cuda: self.analog_tile = self.analog_tile.cpu() self.reset(self.analog_tile) return self
[docs] def to(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> "AnalogContext": """Move analog tiles of the current context to a device. Note: Please be aware that moving analog tiles from GPU to CPU is currently not supported. Caution: Other tensor conversions than moving the device to CUDA, such as changing the data type are not supported for analog tiles and will be simply ignored. Returns: This module in the specified device. """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name =*args, **kwargs) device = None if "device" in kwargs: device = kwargs["device"] elif len(args) > 0 and not isinstance(args[0], (Tensor, dtype)): device = torch_device(args[0]) if device is not None: device = torch_device(device) if device.type == "cuda" and not self.analog_tile.is_cuda: self.cuda(device) elif device.type == "cpu" and self.analog_tile.is_cuda: self.cpu() return self
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "AnalogContext of " + self.analog_tile.get_brief_info()