Source code for aihwkit.simulator.configs.helpers

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"""Helper for generating presets."""

from typing import Union, Type, Callable, Any
from copy import deepcopy

from aihwkit.exceptions import ArgumentError
from aihwkit.simulator.configs.configs import (
from aihwkit.simulator.configs.devices import PulsedDevice
from aihwkit.simulator.configs.compounds import (
from import UpdateParameters
from import IOParameters
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.enums import (

[docs]def build_config( algorithm: str, device: Union[Type[PulsedDevice], PulsedDevice, Callable], io_parameters: Union[Type[IOParameters], IOParameters, Callable] = IOParameters, up_parameters: Union[Type[UpdateParameters], UpdateParameters, Callable] = UpdateParameters, n_devices: int = 1, construction_seed: int = 0, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[UnitCellRPUConfig, SingleRPUConfig, DigitalRankUpdateRPUConfig]: """Generate a RPU configuration for analog training using a specific device model and a given training algoithm. Args: algorithm: The type of the training algorithm. Valid choices are: "sgd": Random pulsed (naive) SGD on analog crossbars. See `Gokmen & Vlasov, Front. Neurosci. 2016`_ for details. "mp", "mixed-precision": Mixed-precision analog, where the gradient is computed in digital and only the forward abd backward pass is in analog. Uses :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.configs.compounds.MixedPrecisionCompound`. See also `Nandakumar et al. Front. in Neurosci. (2020)`_ for details. "tiki-taka", "ttv1", "tt": Tiki-taka I algorithm. Uses :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.configs.compounds.TransferCompound`. See `Gokmen & Haensch, Front. Neurosci. 2020`_ for details. "ttv2": second version of the Tiki-taka algorithm (TTv2). Uses :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.configs.compounds.ChoppedTransferCompound` with chopper probabilty set to 0. See `Gokmen, Front. Artif. Intell. 2021`_ for details. "chopped-ttv2", "ttv3", "c-ttv2": Chopped version of TTv2 algorithm. Uses :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.configs.compounds.ChoppedTransferCompound`. See `Rasch et al., ArXiv 2023`_ for details. "agad", "ttv4": Analog gradient accumulation with dynamic reference computation. Uses :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.configs.compounds.StatsticalransferCompound`. See `Rasch et al., ArXiv 2023`_ for details. device: Device configuration of the analog devices. Can be the class or the actual device. All available device will have the same configuration. io_parameters: IOParameters class (or actual instance) that are used for forward / backward and transfer. Default is :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.config.IOParameters`. up_parameters: UpdateParameters class (or actual instance) that are used for update and transfer update. Default is :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.config.UpdateParameters`. n_devices: In case of SGD, how many device pairs are used in the unit cell. Note: This option is only applied for ``algorithm="sgd"`` and ignored for all other algorithm choices. construction_seed: Seed of the construction kwargs: Other RPUConfig fields to assign explicitely (e.g. ``mapping``). Returns: RPU config according to the algorithm and device settings. Raises: ArgumentError: in case algorithm is not known .. _`Gokmen & Vlasov, Front. Neurosci. 2016`: \ .. _`Gokmen & Haensch, Front. Neurosci. 2020`: \ .. _`Gokmen, Front. Artif. Intell. 2021`: \ .. _`Rasch et al., ArXiv 2023`: \ .. _`Nandakumar et al. Front. in Neurosci. (2020)`: \ """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements, too-many-return-statements if isinstance(device, PulsedDevice): device_to_use = device def device_fun(**kwargs: Any) -> PulsedDevice: dev = deepcopy(device_to_use) dev.__dict__.update(**kwargs) return dev device = device_fun if isinstance(io_parameters, IOParameters): io_pars_to_use = io_parameters def io_pars_fun(**kwargs: Any) -> IOParameters: io_pars = deepcopy(io_pars_to_use) io_pars.__dict__.update(**kwargs) return io_pars io_parameters = io_pars_fun if isinstance(up_parameters, UpdateParameters): up_pars_to_use = up_parameters def up_pars_fun(**kwargs: Any) -> UpdateParameters: up_pars = deepcopy(up_pars_to_use) up_pars.__dict__.update(**kwargs) return up_pars up_parameters = up_pars_fun if algorithm.lower() in ["sgd"]: if n_devices == 1: return SingleRPUConfig( device=device(construction_seed=construction_seed), forward=io_parameters(), backward=io_parameters(), update=up_parameters(), **kwargs, ) return UnitCellRPUConfig( device=VectorUnitCell( unit_cell_devices=[device() for _ in range(n_devices)], update_policy=VectorUnitCellUpdatePolicy.SINGLE_RANDOM, construction_seed=construction_seed, ), forward=io_parameters(), backward=io_parameters(), update=up_parameters(), **kwargs, ) if algorithm.lower() in ["tiki-taka", "tt", "ttv1"]: return UnitCellRPUConfig( device=TransferCompound( unit_cell_devices=[device(), device()], transfer_forward=io_parameters( noise_management=NoiseManagementType.NONE, bound_management=BoundManagementType.NONE, ), transfer_update=up_parameters(), units_in_mbatch=True, construction_seed=construction_seed, ), forward=io_parameters(), backward=io_parameters(), update=up_parameters(), **kwargs, ) if algorithm.lower() in ["ttv2"]: return UnitCellRPUConfig( device=ChoppedTransferCompound( unit_cell_devices=[device(), device()], transfer_forward=io_parameters( noise_management=NoiseManagementType.NONE, bound_management=BoundManagementType.NONE, ), transfer_update=up_parameters( desired_bl=1, update_bl_management=False, update_management=False ), in_chop_prob=0.0, units_in_mbatch=False, auto_scale=False, construction_seed=construction_seed, ), forward=io_parameters(), backward=io_parameters(), update=up_parameters(desired_bl=5), **kwargs, ) if algorithm.lower() in ["chopped-ttv2", "ttv3", "c-ttv2"]: return UnitCellRPUConfig( device=ChoppedTransferCompound( unit_cell_devices=[device(), device()], transfer_forward=io_parameters( noise_management=NoiseManagementType.NONE, bound_management=BoundManagementType.NONE, ), transfer_update=up_parameters( desired_bl=1, update_bl_management=False, update_management=False ), units_in_mbatch=False, fast_lr=0.1, auto_scale=True, construction_seed=construction_seed, ), forward=io_parameters(), backward=io_parameters(), update=up_parameters(desired_bl=5), **kwargs, ) if algorithm.lower() in ["agad", "ttv4"]: return UnitCellRPUConfig( device=DynamicTransferCompound( unit_cell_devices=[device(), device()], transfer_forward=io_parameters(), transfer_update=up_parameters( desired_bl=1, update_bl_management=True, update_management=True ), auto_scale=True, fast_lr=0.1, units_in_mbatch=False, construction_seed=construction_seed, ), forward=io_parameters(), backward=io_parameters(), update=up_parameters(desired_bl=5), **kwargs, ) if algorithm.lower() in ["mp", "mixed-precision"]: return DigitalRankUpdateRPUConfig( device=MixedPrecisionCompound(device=device(construction_seed=construction_seed)), forward=io_parameters(), backward=io_parameters(), update=up_parameters(), **kwargs, ) raise ArgumentError("Algorithm {} is not known".format(algorithm))