Source code for aihwkit.simulator.parameters.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# (C) Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 IBM. All Rights Reserved.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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"""Utilities for resistive processing units configurations."""
from sys import version_info
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Type
from dataclasses import Field, fields, is_dataclass
from enum import Enum
from textwrap import indent

from aihwkit.simulator import rpu_base
from aihwkit.exceptions import ConfigError
from .enums import RPUDataType

if version_info[0] >= 3 and version_info[1] > 7:
    # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, ungrouped-imports
    from typing import get_origin  # type: ignore

    HAS_ORIGIN = True
    HAS_ORIGIN = False

ALL_SKIP_FIELD = "is_perfect"
FIELD_MAP = {"forward": "forward_io", "backward": "backward_io"}
ALWAYS_INCLUDE = ["forward", "backward", "update"]

[docs]def get_bindings_class(params: Any, data_type: RPUDataType) -> Optional[Type]: """Return the data class from the param binding fields. Args: params: parameter dataclass data_type: RPUDataType to use Returns: the C++ binding class Raises: ConfigError: if the class is not found """ if getattr(params, "bindings_class", None) is None: return None if not isinstance(params.bindings_class, str): return params.bindings_class # string / typed class_name = params.bindings_class module = getattr(rpu_base, getattr(params, "bindings_module", "devices")) if data_type != RPUDataType.FLOAT: if not hasattr(module, data_type.value): raise ConfigError( f"Cannot find requested data_type '{data_type.value}' in rpu_base module. " ) module = getattr(module, data_type.value) param_class = getattr(module, class_name, None) if param_class is None: ConfigError(f"Cannot find requested class '{class_name}' in rpu_base module. ") return param_class
[docs]def parameters_to_bindings(params: Any, data_type: RPUDataType, check_fields: bool = True) -> Any: """Convert a dataclass parameter into a bindings class. Args: params: parameter dataclass data_type: RPUDataType to use check_fields: whether to check for the correct attributes Returns: the C++ bindings Raises: ConfigError: if the field type mismatches (int to float conversion is ignored) """ # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, too-many-branches result = get_bindings_class(params, data_type) if result is None: return params result = result() field_dict = { (field, getattr(params, for field in fields(params)} ignore_fields = getattr(params, "bindings_ignore", []) if check_fields: for key in params.__dict__.keys(): if key not in field_dict and key not in ignore_fields: raise ConfigError( f"Cannot find '{key}' in params " f"'{params.__class__.__name__}'. " "Wrong attribute name?" ) for field, (dataclass_field, value) in field_dict.items(): # Convert enums to the bindings enums. if field in ("unit_cell_devices", "device") or field in ignore_fields: # Exclude special fields that are not present in the bindings. continue if isinstance(value, Enum): if hasattr(rpu_base.tiles, value.__class__.__name__): enum_class = getattr(rpu_base.tiles, value.__class__.__name__) else: enum_class = getattr(rpu_base.devices, value.__class__.__name__) enum_value = getattr(enum_class, value.value) setattr(result, field, enum_value) elif is_dataclass(value): if hasattr(value, "bindings_class"): setattr(result, field, parameters_to_bindings(value, data_type=data_type)) else: if HAS_ORIGIN: expected_type = get_origin(dataclass_field.type) or dataclass_field.type if (not isinstance(value, expected_type)) and not ( expected_type == float and isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, bool) ): raise ConfigError(f"Expected type {expected_type} for field {field}") setattr(result, field, value) return result
[docs]def tile_parameters_to_bindings(params: Any, data_type: RPUDataType) -> Any: """Convert a tile dataclass parameter into a bindings class. Ignores fields that do not have metadata with ``bindings_include`` key. Args: params: parameter dataclass data_type: RPUDataType to use Returns: the C++ bindings """ result = get_bindings_class(params, data_type) if result is None: return params result = result() # instantiate results class for field in fields(params): # Get the mapped field name, if needed. if not in ALWAYS_INCLUDE and not field.metadata.get("bindings_include", False): continue value = params.__dict__[] field_name = FIELD_MAP.get(, if isinstance(value, Enum): if hasattr(rpu_base.tiles, value.__class__.__name__): enum_class = getattr(rpu_base.tiles, value.__class__.__name__) else: enum_class = getattr(rpu_base.devices, value.__class__.__name__) enum_value = getattr(enum_class, value.value) setattr(result, field_name, enum_value) elif is_dataclass(value): if getattr(value, "bindings_class", None) is not None: setattr(result, field_name, parameters_to_bindings(value, data_type=data_type)) else: setattr(result, field_name, value) return result
class _PrintableMixin: """Helper class for pretty-printing of config dataclasses.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __str__(self) -> str: """Return a pretty-print representation.""" def lines_list_to_str( lines_list: List[str], prefix: str = "", suffix: str = "", indent_: int = 0, force_multiline: bool = False, ) -> str: """Convert a list of lines into a string. Args: lines_list: the list of lines to be converted. prefix: an optional prefix to be appended at the beginning of the string. suffix: an optional suffix to be appended at the end of the string. indent_: the optional number of spaces to indent the code. force_multiline: force the output to be multiline. Returns: The lines collapsed into a single string (potentially with line breaks). """ if force_multiline or len(lines_list) > 3 or any("\n" in line for line in lines_list): # Return a multi-line string. lines_str = indent(",\n".join(lines_list), " " * indent_) prefix = "{}\n".format(prefix) if prefix else prefix suffix = "\n{}".format(suffix) if suffix else suffix else: # Return an inline string. lines_str = ", ".join(lines_list) return "{}{}{}".format(prefix, lines_str, suffix) def field_to_str(field_value: Any) -> str: """Return a string representation of the value of a field. Args: field_value: the object that contains a field value. Returns: The string representation of the field (potentially with line breaks). """ field_lines = [] force_multiline = False # Handle special cases. if isinstance(field_value, list) and len(value) > 0: # For non-empty lists, always use multiline, with one item per line. for item in field_value: field_lines.append(indent("{}".format(str(item)), " " * 4)) force_multiline = True else: field_lines.append(str(field_value)) prefix = "[" if force_multiline else "" suffix = "]" if force_multiline else "" return lines_list_to_str(field_lines, prefix, suffix, force_multiline=force_multiline) def is_skippable(field: Field, value: Any) -> bool: """Return whether a field should be skipped.""" if field.metadata.get("always_show", False): return False if value == field.default: # Skip fields with the default value. return True if "hide_if" in field.metadata and field.metadata.get("hide_if") == value: return True return False # Main loop. # Build the list of lines. fields_lines = [] # special case for global skip: all_skip = hasattr(self, ALL_SKIP_FIELD) and getattr(self, ALL_SKIP_FIELD) for field in fields(self): # type: ignore[arg-type] value = getattr(self, # Exclude fields. if (all_skip and != ALL_SKIP_FIELD) or is_skippable(field, value): continue # Convert the value into a string, falling back to repr if needed. try: value_str = field_to_str(value) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except value_str = str(value) fields_lines.append("{}={}".format(, value_str)) # Convert the full object to str. output = lines_list_to_str(fields_lines, "{}(".format(self.__class__.__name__), ")", 4) return output