Source code for aihwkit.simulator.parameters.pre_post

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# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

"""Pre-post processing related parameters for resistive processing units."""

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any, Optional

from .helpers import _PrintableMixin
from .io import IOParameters
from .base import RPUConfigBase
from .enums import BoundManagementType, NoiseManagementType

[docs]@dataclass class InputRangeParameter(_PrintableMixin): """Parameter related to input range learning""" enable: bool = field(default_factory=lambda: False, metadata={"always_show": True}) """Whether to enable to learn the input range. Note that if enable is ``False`` then no clip is applied. Note: The input bound (``forward.inp_bound``) is assumed to be 1 if enabled as the input range already scales the input into to the range :math:`(-1, 1)` by dividing the input to the type by itself and multiplying the output accordingly. Typically, noise and bound management should be set to `NONE` for the input range learning as it replaces the dynamic managements with a static but learned input bound. However, in some exceptional experimental cases one might want to enable the management techniques on top of the input range learning, so that no error is raised if they are not set to `NONE`. """ learn_input_range: bool = True """Whether to learn the input range when enabled. Note: If not learned, the input range should in general be set with some calibration method before training the DNN. """ init_value: float = 3.0 """Initial setting of the input range in case of input range learning.""" init_from_data: int = 100 """Number of batches to use for initialization from data. Set 0 to turn off.""" init_std_alpha: float = 3.0 """Standard deviation multiplier for initialization from data.""" decay: float = 0.001 """Decay rate for input range learning.""" input_min_percentage: float = 0.95 """Decay is only applied if percentage of non-clipped values is above this value. Note: The added gradient is (in case of non-clipped input percentage ``percentage > input_min_percentage``):: grad += decay * input_range """ manage_output_clipping: bool = False """Whether to increase the input range when output clipping occurs. Caution: The output bound is taken from the ``forward.out_bound`` value, which has to exist. Noise and bound management have to be set to NONE if this feature is enabled otherwise a ``ConfigError`` is raised. """ output_min_percentage: float = 0.95 """Increase of the input range is only applied if percentage of non-clipped output values is below this value. Note: The gradient subtracted from the input range is (in case of ``output_percentage < output_min_percentage``):: grad -= (1.0 - output_percentage) * input_range """ gradient_scale: float = 1.0 """Scale of the gradient magnitude (learning rate) for the input range learning.""" gradient_relative: bool = True """Whether to make the gradient of the input range learning relative to the current range value. """ calibration_info: Optional[str] = None """ Information field for potential post-training calibrations. """
[docs] def supports_manage_output_clipping(self, rpu_config: Any) -> bool: """Checks whether rpu_config supported ``manage_output_clipping``. Args: rpu_config: RPUConfig to check Returns: True if supported otherwise False """ if not hasattr(rpu_config, "forward") or rpu_config.forward.is_perfect: return False if not isinstance(rpu_config.forward, IOParameters): return False if rpu_config.forward.noise_management != NoiseManagementType.NONE: return False if rpu_config.forward.bound_management != BoundManagementType.NONE: return False return True
[docs]@dataclass class PrePostProcessingParameter(_PrintableMixin): """Parameter related to digital input and output processing, such as input clip learning. """ input_range: InputRangeParameter = field(default_factory=InputRangeParameter)
[docs]@dataclass class PrePostProcessingRPU(RPUConfigBase, _PrintableMixin): """Defines the pre-post parameters and utility factories""" pre_post: PrePostProcessingParameter = field(default_factory=PrePostProcessingParameter) """Parameter related digital pre and post processing."""