Source code for

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"""Forward / backward / update related parameters for resistive processing units."""

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import ClassVar, Type, Optional, Union

from .helpers import _PrintableMixin
from .enums import PulseType

[docs]@dataclass class UpdateParameters(_PrintableMixin): """Parameter that modify the update behaviour of a pulsed device.""" bindings_class: ClassVar[Optional[Union[str, Type]]] = "AnalogTileUpdateParameter" bindings_module: ClassVar[str] = "devices" desired_bl: int = 31 """Desired length of the pulse trains. For update BL management, it is the maximal pulse train length. """ fixed_bl: bool = True """Whether to fix the length of the pulse trains. See also ``update_bl_management``. In case of ``True`` (where ``dw_min`` is the mean minimal weight change step size) it is:: BL = desired_BL A = B = sqrt(learning_rate / (dw_min * BL)) In case of ``False``:: if dw_min * desired_BL < learning_rate: A = B = 1 BL = ceil(learning_rate / dw_min else: # same as for fixed_BL=True """ pulse_type: PulseType = PulseType.STOCHASTIC_COMPRESSED """Switching between different pulse types. See also :class:`PulseTypeMap` for details. Important: Pulsing can also be turned off in which case the update is done as if in floating point and all other update related parameter are ignored. """ res: float = 0 """Resolution of the update probability for the stochastic bit line generation. Resolution ie. bin width in ``0..1``) of the update probability for the stochastic bit line generation. Use -1 for turning discretization off. Can be given as number of steps as well. """ x_res_implicit: float = 0 """Resolution of each quantization step for the inputs ``x``. Resolution (ie. bin width) of each quantization step for the inputs ``x`` in case of ``DeterministicImplicit`` pulse trains. See :class:`PulseTypeMap` for details. """ d_res_implicit: float = 0 """Resolution of each quantization step for the error ``d``. Resolution (ie. bin width) of each quantization step for the error ``d`` in case of `DeterministicImplicit` pulse trains. See :class:`PulseTypeMap` for details. """ d_sparsity: bool = False """Whether to compute gradient sparsity. """ sto_round: bool = False """Whether to enable stochastic rounding.""" update_bl_management: bool = True """Whether to enable dynamical adjustment of ``A``,``B``,and ``BL``:: BL = ceil(learning_rate * abs(x_j) * abs(d_i) / weight_granularity); BL = min(BL,desired_BL); A = B = sqrt(learning_rate / (weight_granularity * BL)); The ``weight_granularity`` is usually equal to ``dw_min``. """ update_management: bool = True r"""Whether to apply additional scaling. After the above setting an additional scaling (always on when using `update_bl_management``) is applied to account for the different input strengths. If .. math:: \gamma \equiv \max_i |x_i| / (\alpha \max_j |d_j|) is the ratio between the two maximal inputs, then ``A`` is additionally scaled by :math:`\gamma` and ``B`` is scaled by :math:`1/\gamma`. The gradient scale :math:`\alpha` can be set with ``um_grad_scale`` """ um_grad_scale: float = 1.0 r"""Scales the gradient for the update management. The factor :math:`\alpha` for the ``update_management``. If smaller than 1 it means that the gradient will be earlier clipped when learning rate is too large (ie. exceeding the maximal pulse number times the weight granularity). If 1, both d and x inputs are clipped for the same learning rate. """