Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.analog_mvm

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"""Implementation of analog MVM for torch tiles."""

from typing import Union, Any, Optional
from numbers import Number

from torch import Tensor, zeros, randn_like, clamp, bmm
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.exceptions import ConfigError
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.utils import UniformQuantize
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.enums import (
from import IOParameters

[docs]class AnalogMVM: """Torch implementation of (part of) the IO-managed forward / backward pass in RPUCuda. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches @classmethod def _matmul(cls, weight: Tensor, input_: Tensor, trans: bool = False) -> Tensor: """The inner FP GEMM.""" if weight.ndim == 3: if input_.ndim == 2: if not trans: return bmm(input_[:, None, :], weight.permute(0, 2, 1))[:, 0, :] return bmm(input_[:, None, :], weight)[:, 0, :] if not trans: return bmm(input_, weight.permute(0, 2, 1)) return bmm(input_, weight) if not trans: return input_ @ weight.T return input_ @ weight
[docs] @classmethod def matmul( cls, weight: Tensor, input_: Tensor, io_pars: IOParameters, trans: bool = False, is_test: bool = False, **fwd_pars: Any, ) -> Tensor: """Noisy, io-managed mat-mul. Args: weight: weight matrix (``out_size``, ``in_size``) input_: activation (m, ``in_size`` / ``out_size``) io_pars: Parameter defining the mat-mul nonlinearities trans : transpose of the weight (so that ``in_size`` and ``out_size`` is transposed). is_test: whether testing or training mode fwd_pars: additional parameter dictionary Returns: Result tensor """ if io_pars.is_perfect or io_pars.mv_type == AnalogMVType.IDEAL: return cls._matmul(weight, input_, trans) nm_scale_values = cls._compute_noise_management( input_=input_, nm_type=io_pars.noise_management, io_pars=io_pars ) out_size = input_.shape[:-1] + (weight.shape[int(trans)],) n_management = io_pars.noise_management != NoiseManagementType.NONE b_management = io_pars.bound_management != BoundManagementType.NONE if ( io_pars.inp_noise <= 0.0 and isinstance(nm_scale_values, Tensor) and (nm_scale_values == 0.0).all() ): # - Shortcut, output would be all zeros return zeros(size=out_size, device=input_.device, dtype=input_.dtype) if isinstance(nm_scale_values, Tensor): # set zeros to 1 to avoid divide-by-zero errors nm_scale_values[nm_scale_values <= 0.0] = 1.0 out_scale = io_pars.out_scale scale = 1.0 scaling = False if not b_management: # Fast path without bound management if n_management: scale = scale / nm_scale_values scaling = not (isinstance(scale, Number) and scale == 1.0) _, output = cls._compute_analog_mv( weight=weight, input_=input_, trans=trans, scale=scale, scaling=scaling, is_test=is_test, io_pars=io_pars, **fwd_pars, ) if scaling or out_scale != 1.0: output *= out_scale / scale return output # with bound management bound_test_passed = False reduction_due_to_bound_management = 0.5 inp_res = io_pars.inp_res if inp_res > 0: inp_res = 1 / inp_res if inp_res > 1.0 else inp_res inp_res *= 2.0 * io_pars.inp_bound bm_round = 0 while not bound_test_passed: bound_test_passed = True reduction_due_to_bound_management *= 2.0 bm_round += 1 scaling = False scale = 1.0 if n_management: scale /= nm_scale_values scaling = not (isinstance(scale, Number) and scale == 1.0) if b_management: scale /= reduction_due_to_bound_management scaling = not (isinstance(scale, Number) and scale == 1.0) bound_test_passed, output = cls._compute_analog_mv( weight=weight, input_=input_, trans=trans, scale=scale, scaling=scaling, is_test=is_test, io_pars=io_pars, **fwd_pars, ) bound_test_passed = bound_test_passed or ( (reduction_due_to_bound_management > io_pars.max_bm_factor) or ( (inp_res > 0.0) and (reduction_due_to_bound_management > io_pars.max_bm_res / inp_res) ) ) # - Final scaling if scaling or out_scale != 1.0: output *= out_scale / scale return output
@classmethod def _compute_analog_mv( cls, weight: Tensor, input_: Tensor, trans: bool, scale: float, scaling: bool, is_test: bool, # pylint: disable=unused-argument io_pars: IOParameters, **fwd_pars: Any, ) -> Tensor: """ Prepare input, perform noisy MVM and finalize output. Takes care of noise/bound management and discretization. Args: weight: Weight tensor. input_: Input tensor in format [N, in_size]. trans: whether to transpose the weight scale: Scale for scaling the input. scaling: Whether to scale. is_test: whether test or training mode io_pars: forward pass configuration. fwd_pars: additional forward parameters Returns: Whether the bound management test passed and the result. Raises: NotImplementedError: If choices in the rpu config were made that are not supported. ConfigError: If unknown AnalogMVType """ prepared_input = cls._prepare_input( input_=input_, scale=scale, scaling=scaling, with_asymmetry=io_pars.inp_asymmetry != 0.0, io_pars=io_pars, ) if io_pars.mv_type == AnalogMVType.ONE_PASS: # - Perform the noisy MVM out_values = cls._matmul(weight, prepared_input, trans=trans) bound_test_passed, finalized_outputs = cls._finalize_output( out_values=out_values, io_pars=io_pars, **fwd_pars ) elif io_pars.mv_type in [ AnalogMVType.POS_NEG_SEPARATE, AnalogMVType.POS_NEG_SEPARATE_DIGITAL_SUM, AnalogMVType.SPLIT_MODE, AnalogMVType.BIT_WISE, ]: raise NotImplementedError else: raise ConfigError(f"Unknown AnalogMVType {io_pars.mv_type}") return bound_test_passed, finalized_outputs @classmethod def _finalize_output( cls, out_values: Tensor, io_pars: IOParameters, out_noise_values: Optional[Tensor] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tensor: """Discretize the output if applicable. Args: out_values: Finalized input. io_pars: IO parameter. out_noise_values: if given, individual out noise values per output. Otherwise out_noise is used kwargs: dummy container Returns: Finalized output. """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument bound_test_passed = True bound = io_pars.out_bound if io_pars.out_bound > 0 else float("inf") asymmetry_scale = 1.0 - io_pars.out_asymmetry res = io_pars.out_res if io_pars.out_asymmetry != 0.0: out_values[out_values < 0] *= asymmetry_scale if io_pars.out_noise > 0.0 or out_noise_values is not None: if out_noise_values is None: out_values += io_pars.out_noise * randn_like(out_values) else: out_values += randn_like(out_values) * out_noise_values.view( 1, -1, *((1,) * (out_values.ndim - 2)) ) # - Discretize if res > 0: out_values = UniformQuantize.apply( out_values, res, io_pars.out_bound, io_pars.out_sto_round ) not_clipping = ((out_values <= bound) & (out_values >= -bound)).all() out_values = clamp(out_values, min=-bound, max=bound) if io_pars.bound_management != BoundManagementType.NONE: bound_test_passed = not_clipping return bound_test_passed, out_values @classmethod def _prepare_input( cls, input_: Tensor, scale: Tensor, scaling: bool, with_asymmetry: bool, io_pars: IOParameters, ) -> Tensor: """Quantization and scaling of the input. Args: input_: Input to the tile. scale: Scaling of the input. scaling: Whether to scale or not. with_asymmetry: Asymmetrically scale. io_pars: forward pass configuration. Returns: torch.Tensor: Discretized input. """ bound = io_pars.inp_bound if io_pars.inp_bound > 0 else float("inf") noise = io_pars.inp_noise asymmetry_scale = 1.0 - io_pars.inp_asymmetry res = io_pars.inp_res scaled_input = input_.clone() # - Scale if scaling: scaled_input *= scale # - Discretize if io_pars.inp_res > 0: scaled_input = UniformQuantize.apply( scaled_input, res, io_pars.inp_bound, io_pars.inp_sto_round ) # - Clip between -bound and bound if no_grad(): scaled_input = clamp(scaled_input, min=-bound, max=bound) if noise > 0.0: # - Apply input noise scaled_input += noise * randn_like(scaled_input) if with_asymmetry: scaled_input[scaled_input < 0] *= asymmetry_scale return scaled_input @classmethod def _compute_noise_management( cls, input_: Tensor, nm_type: NoiseManagementType, io_pars: IOParameters, axis: int = -1 ) -> Union[float, Tensor]: """Returns scale based on noise management strategy by which the input is scaled. Args: input_: Input tensor. nm_type: Noise management type. io_pars: parameter specifying the analog forward pass nonidealities axis: dimension to take compute the mangement (default -1) Raises: ConfigError: If NoiseManagementType unknown. Returns: Scales for the input """ if nm_type == NoiseManagementType.NONE: return 1.0 if nm_type == NoiseManagementType.ABS_MAX: abs_max = input_.abs().max(axis=axis, keepdim=True)[0] if io_pars.nm_thres > 0.0: return clamp(abs_max, max=io_pars.nm_thres) return abs_max if nm_type == NoiseManagementType.CONSTANT: return io_pars.nm_thres if io_pars.nm_thres > 0.0 else 1.0 if nm_type == NoiseManagementType.MAX: _max = input_.max(axis=axis, keepdim=True)[0] if io_pars.nm_thres > 0.0: return clamp(_max, max=io_pars.nm_thres) return _max raise ConfigError(f"Unknown NoiseManagementType {nm_type}")
[docs] @classmethod def check_support(cls, io_pars: IOParameters) -> None: """Check whether the IO settings are supported. Throws an assertion error when there is an incompatibility Args: io_pars: the IOParameters to be checked Raises: ConfigError: in case a feature is not supported """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if io_pars.mv_type != AnalogMVType.ONE_PASS: raise ConfigError("Only AnalogMVType.ONE_PASS supported as forward.mv_type") if io_pars.bound_management == BoundManagementType.SHIFT: raise ConfigError("Shift bound management not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.noise_management in [ NoiseManagementType.AVERAGE_ABS_MAX, NoiseManagementType.ABS_MAX_NP_SUM, ]: raise ConfigError("Special noise mangement types not supported.") if io_pars.w_noise > 0.0 or io_pars.w_noise_type != WeightNoiseType.NONE: raise ConfigError("forward.w_noise not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.ir_drop > 0.0: raise ConfigError("IR drop not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.out_nonlinearity > 0.0: raise ConfigError("S-shaped non-linearity not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.slope_calibration > 0.0: raise ConfigError("Slope calibration not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.v_offset_std > 0.0 or io_pars.v_offset_w_min > 0.0 or io_pars.r_series > 0.0: raise ConfigError("Voltage offset or R-series not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.w_read_asymmetry_dtod > 0.0: raise ConfigError("Device polarity read dependence is not supported in torch tile")