Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.analog_mvm_irdrop_t

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# (C) Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 IBM. All Rights Reserved.
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# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-arguments

"""Low level implementation of torch-based tile."""

from typing import Any, Tuple, List, Optional
from math import log2

from torch import (
    sum as torch_sum,
    abs as torch_abs,
from torch.autograd import no_grad
from torch.nn.functional import pad

from aihwkit.extension import extension_ops  # type: ignore
from aihwkit.inference.converter.conductance import SinglePairConductanceConverter

from aihwkit.exceptions import ConfigError
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.analog_mvm import AnalogMVM

from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.enums import (
from import IOParameters, IOParametersIRDropT

[docs]class AnalogMVMIRDropT(AnalogMVM): """Torch Perseus implementation of (part of) the IO-managed forward / backward pass in RPUCuda. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ @classmethod def _get_res(cls, res: float) -> float: """Return resolution as number less than 1 Args: res: resolution specified either less than or greater than 1 Returns: float resolution specified as a number less than 1 """ res = 1.0 / res if res > 1.0 else res assert res > 0, "resolution is <= 0" return res @classmethod def _interleave_cols_2d(cls, mvm1: Tensor, mvm2: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Returns 2D matrix with columns interleaved, starting with mvm1 Args: mvm1: ``[batch_size, out_size/2]`` output activations (to south ADCs) mvm2: ``[batch_size, out_size/2]`` output activations (to north ADCs) Returns: Column-wise interleaved 2D matrix of output activations that captures IR drop in both directions (to north and south ADCs) in a symmetric tile design. """ mvm = zeros((mvm1.shape[0], mvm1.shape[1] + mvm2.shape[1])).to(mvm1.device) mvm[:, 0::2] = mvm1 mvm[:, 1::2] = mvm2 return mvm @classmethod def _pad_symmetric( cls, input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, phys_input_size: int = 512 ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Return input_ (activations) and weights symmetrically padded with zeros to mimic symmetric ADCs (north and south). Args: input_: ``[batch_size, in_size]`` input_ (activations). weight: ``[in_size, out_size]`` weight matrix. phys_input_size: number of hardware tile rows Returns: Tuple[Tensor] containing the symmetrically 0-padded input_ and weight """ pad1 = int((phys_input_size - weight.shape[0]) / 2) if pad1 == 0: return input_, weight pad2 = phys_input_size - weight.shape[0] - pad1 input_ = pad(input_, (pad1, pad2, 0, 0), "constant", 0) weight = pad(weight, (0, 0, pad1, pad2), "constant", 0) return input_, weight @classmethod def _prepare_inputs( cls, input_: Tensor, scale: Tensor, scaling: bool, with_asymmetry: bool, io_pars: IOParametersIRDropT, ) -> List[Tensor]: """ Returns list of activations that will be applied to MVM tile depending on the mode of operation. For instance, ONE_PASS will simply return a list containing one set of activations to be applied. SPLIT_MODE will return a list of two sets of activations that will be applied to the MVM tile. This results in higher throughput/energy efficiency, but may amplify some output noise and sacrifice accuracy. BIT_WISE will return a list of activations for each bit, which depends on the inp_res. SPLIT_MODE and BIT_WISE will appropriately bit-shift the output results to perform the MVM operation correctly. Args: input_: ``[N, in_size]`` input activations. scale: scale for rescaling input activations. scaling: whether to rescale input activations. with_asymmetry: io_pars: forward pass configuration. Returns: List[Tensor] containing input activations to be sequentially applied to the MVM tile. Raises: NotImplementedError: If choices in the rpu config were made that are not supported. ConfigError: If unknown AnalogMVType """ res = cls._get_res(io_pars.inp_res) prepared_input = super(AnalogMVMIRDropT, cls)._prepare_input( input_, scale, scaling, with_asymmetry, io_pars ) if io_pars.mv_type == AnalogMVType.ONE_PASS: prepared_input = [prepared_input] elif io_pars.mv_type == AnalogMVType.SPLIT_MODE: n_bits = int(log2(1.0 / res)) if not log2(1.0 / res) % 1 == 0: raise ConfigError( f"inp_res={1. / res} must be power of 2 (or 1/2**n_bits) " "for AnalogMVType.SPLIT_MODE" ) if not io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift % 1 == 0: raise ConfigError( f"split_mode_bit_shift={io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift}" " must be integer" ) if not io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift < n_bits: raise ConfigError( f"split_mode_bit_shift={io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift} " f"cannot exceed equivalent bits specified by inp_res={n_bits}." ) int_input = prepared_input / (2 * res) upper_bits = sign(int_input) * floor( torch_abs(int_input) / (2**io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift) ) prepared_input_msb = upper_bits * (2 * res) # +/- remainders lower_bits = fmod(int_input, 2**io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift) prepared_input_lsb = lower_bits * (2 * res) if not allclose( (2**io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift) * prepared_input_msb + prepared_input_lsb, prepared_input, ): raise ConfigError("Split mode pwm conversion error") prepared_input = [prepared_input_lsb, prepared_input_msb] elif io_pars.mv_type == AnalogMVType.BIT_WISE: int_input = prepared_input / (2 * res) n_bits = int(log2(1.0 / res)) prepared_input = [] for _ in range(n_bits): # fmod for +/- remainders lsb = fmod(int_input, 2) int_input = sign(int_input) * floor(torch_abs(int_input) / 2) prepared_input.append(lsb * (2 * res)) elif io_pars.mv_type in [ AnalogMVType.POS_NEG_SEPARATE, AnalogMVType.POS_NEG_SEPARATE_DIGITAL_SUM, ]: raise NotImplementedError else: raise ConfigError(f"Unknown AnalogMVType {io_pars.mv_type}") return prepared_input @classmethod @no_grad() def _thev_equiv( cls, input_: Tensor, weight: Tensor, g_converter: Optional[SinglePairConductanceConverter] = None, time_steps: int = 128, t_max: float = 1.0, segments: int = 8, r_s: float = 0.15, phys_input_size: int = 512, use_extension: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]: """Returns the Thevenin voltages and resistances for an entire 2D MVM tile as a function of time. First computes the atomic time-varying Thevenin equivalents for each unit cell. These are combined into synthetic (non-physical) segments, which serve as an approximation to limit computational expense. Lastly, the wire series resistance between segments is included when collapsing the time-varying segment Thevenin equivalents into one time-varying Thevenin equivalent circuit per MVM tile column (i.e. each element of out_size). This part is represented by the for loop at the end of the method. Largest indices are closest to the ADC. Args: input_: ``[N, in_size]`` MVM tile input activations weight: ``[in_size, out_size]`` MVM tile weights time_steps: discrete time steps for time-varying Thevenin equivalent (approximation). High value is more accurate whereas lower value results in faster computation with more IR drop inaccuracy. SPLIT_MODE and BIT_WISE will automatically set this parameter to an appropriate value. g_converter: specifies weight programming scheme which determines conductances for Thevenin equivlanet circuit. t_max: max sim time, beyond which activations all zero. Can cease computation segments: Number of synthetic segments for IR drop calculation (approximation). Ideally the number of segments matches the number of unit cells per column (i.e. in_size). Default value is 8. Increasing beyond 8 for in_size of 512 results in diminishing returns for IR drop accuracy calculations while incurring higher computational overhead. Note: When using the C++ extension segments is always maximized. r_s: wire series resistance in units of Ohms phys_input_size: max hardware MVM tile rows (need to 0-pad) use_extension: Whether to use the C++ extension operator for speedup if available Returns: Tuple[Tensor] containing thevenin voltages vth_3d and rth_3d where both have dimensions ``[batch_size, out_size/2, time_steps]``. Tensor vth_3d is given volts and rth_3d is in units of MOhms. """ seg_rows = int(phys_input_size / segments) assert seg_rows * segments == phys_input_size, ( "Error: phys_input_size " "(%s) must be evenly divisible by number " "of segments (%s)" % (str(phys_input_size), str(segments)) ) input_, weight = cls._pad_symmetric(input_, weight, phys_input_size=phys_input_size) if g_converter is None: g_converter = SinglePairConductanceConverter() [gp_2d, gm_2d], _ = g_converter.convert_to_conductances(weight) if use_extension and extension_ops is not None: # use C++ code for speedup if available output = extension_ops.thevenin_equiv( input_, gp_2d.T.contiguous(), gm_2d.T.contiguous(), r_s, t_max, time_steps ) vth_3d = output[0, :, :, :] rth_3d = output[1, :, :, :] return vth_3d, rth_3d gp_4d = gp_2d[None, :, :, None] gm_4d = gm_2d[None, :, :, None] t_4d = linspace(0.0, t_max, time_steps)[None, None, None, :].to(input_.device) x_4d = input_[:, :, None, None] def sum_segs(g_values: Tensor) -> Tensor: if seg_rows == 1: return g_values shape = g_values.shape return g_values.view( (shape[0], shape[1] // seg_rows, seg_rows, shape[2], shape[3]) ).sum(dim=2) # pp pos_msk = x_4d > t_4d neg_msk = x_4d < -t_4d g_4d = gp_4d * pos_msk + gm_4d * neg_msk g_4d = sum_segs(g_4d) gth_4d_segs = g_4d vth_4d_segs = 0.6 * g_4d # mm g_4d = gm_4d * pos_msk + gp_4d * neg_msk g_4d = sum_segs(g_4d) gth_4d_segs += g_4d vth_4d_segs += 0.2 * g_4d # zz g_4d = (torch_abs(x_4d) <= t_4d) * (gp_4d + gm_4d) g_4d = sum_segs(g_4d) # regularized to avoid device-by-zero gth_4d_segs += g_4d + 1e-12 # atomic Thev equiv conductance [uS] vth_4d_segs += 0.4 * g_4d # atomic Thevenin equivalent resistance [MOhm] vth_4d_segs /= gth_4d_segs g_4d = None # wire resistance depends on segmentation rw_segs = 1e-6 * r_s * seg_rows vth_3d = vth_4d_segs[:, 0, :, :] rth_3d = 1.0 / gth_4d_segs[:, 0, :, :] for seg in range(1, segments, 1): r_1 = rth_3d + rw_segs r_2 = 1.0 / gth_4d_segs[:, seg, :, :] rth_3d = (r_1 * r_2) / (r_1 + r_2) # parallel R vth_3d = (vth_3d / r_1 + vth_4d_segs[:, seg, :, :] / r_2) * rth_3d rth_3d += 0.5 * rw_segs return vth_3d, rth_3d # rth_3d in MOhm @classmethod def _matmul_irdrop( cls, weight: Tensor, input_: Tensor, trans: bool, io_pars: IOParametersIRDropT, ir_drop: float, t_max: float, time_steps: int, phys_input_size: int, g_converter: SinglePairConductanceConverter, info: Optional[str] = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Tensor: """The inner FP GEMM. Args: weight: ``[in_size, out_size]`` MVM tile weights input_: ``[N, in_size]`` MVM tile input activations trans: whether to transpose the weight io_pars: Parameter defining the mat-mul nonlinearities and time-dependent IR drop ir_drop: scale of the IR-drop wire resistance t_max: max time, beyond which activations all zero. Can cease computation phys_input_size: physical size of the tile in input dimension g_converter: specifies weight programming scheme which determines conductances for Thevenin equivlanet circuit. info: info string. Returns: Tensor with 2D matmul result """ ir_drop_rs = ir_drop * io_pars.ir_drop_rs if ir_drop == 0.0: return super(AnalogMVMIRDropT, cls)._matmul(weight, input_, trans) if weight.dim() != 2: raise ConfigError("Only 2-d weights are supported for time-sliced IR-drop") if not trans: new_weight = weight.T else: new_weight = weight vth_3d, rth_3d = cls._thev_equiv( input_, new_weight[:, 0::2], # even cols g_converter, time_steps=time_steps, t_max=t_max, segments=io_pars.ir_drop_segments, r_s=ir_drop_rs, phys_input_size=phys_input_size, ) i_out_3d = (vth_3d - io_pars.ir_drop_v_read) / rth_3d # uA mvm_even_col_down_adc = torch_sum(i_out_3d, dim=2) # batch_size x n_cols/2 vth_3d, rth_3d = cls._thev_equiv( flip(input_, (1,)), # flip input flip(new_weight[:, 1::2], (0,)), # odd cols g_converter, time_steps=time_steps, t_max=t_max, segments=io_pars.ir_drop_segments, r_s=ir_drop_rs, phys_input_size=phys_input_size, ) i_out_3d = (vth_3d - io_pars.ir_drop_v_read) / rth_3d # uA mvm_odd_col_up_adc = torch_sum(i_out_3d, dim=2) # batch_size x n_cols/2 mvm = cls._interleave_cols_2d(mvm_even_col_down_adc, mvm_odd_col_up_adc) # symmetric ADCs mvm /= g_converter.g_max - g_converter.g_min # conductance normalization mvm /= 0.2 # hardware normalization return mvm @classmethod def _compute_analog_mv( # type: ignore cls, weight: Tensor, input_: Tensor, trans: bool, scale: float, scaling: bool, is_test: bool, io_pars: IOParametersIRDropT, phys_input_size: int, g_converter: SinglePairConductanceConverter, **fwd_pars: Any, ) -> Tensor: """ Prepare input, perform noisy MVM and finalize output. Takes care of noise/bound management and discretization. Args: weight: Weight tensor. input_: Input tensor in format [N, in_size]. trans: whether to transpose the weight scale: Scale for scaling the input. scaling: Whether to scale. io_pars: forward pass configuration. ir_drop: scale of the ir drop phys_input_size: Physical input size g_converter: conductance programming scheme for calculating Thevenin equivalent circuit fwd_pars: additional forward parameters Returns: Whether the bound management test passed and the result. Raises: NotImplementedError: If choices in the rpu config were made that are not supported. ConfigError: If unknown AnalogMVType """ ir_drop = io_pars.ir_drop if is_test else 0.0 prepared_input = cls._prepare_inputs( input_=input_, scale=scale, scaling=scaling, with_asymmetry=io_pars.inp_asymmetry != 0.0, io_pars=io_pars, ) res = cls._get_res(io_pars.inp_res) bit_res = io_pars.inp_bound / res if io_pars.mv_type == AnalogMVType.ONE_PASS: # - Perform the noisy MVM out_values = cls._matmul_irdrop( weight, prepared_input[0], trans, io_pars, ir_drop=ir_drop, t_max=1.0, time_steps=int((bit_res / 2) * io_pars.ir_drop_time_step_resolution_scale), phys_input_size=phys_input_size, g_converter=g_converter, ) out_values /= bit_res / 2.0 bound_test_passed, finalized_outputs = cls._finalize_output( out_values=out_values, io_pars=io_pars, **fwd_pars ) elif io_pars.mv_type == AnalogMVType.SPLIT_MODE: [prepared_input_lsb, prepared_input_msb] = prepared_input time_steps = int(2**io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift) t_max = (2 * res) * (2**io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift - 1) out_values_lsb = cls._matmul_irdrop( weight, prepared_input_lsb, trans, io_pars, ir_drop=ir_drop, t_max=t_max, time_steps=int(time_steps * io_pars.ir_drop_time_step_resolution_scale), phys_input_size=phys_input_size, g_converter=g_converter, info="LSB", ) out_values_lsb /= bit_res / 2.0 # normalize bound_test_passed_lsb, finalized_outputs_lsb = cls._finalize_output( out_values=out_values_lsb, io_pars=io_pars, **fwd_pars ) time_steps = 2 ** int( log2(bit_res + 1) - io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift - 1 ) # minus 1 for sign bit t_max = io_pars.inp_bound / (2**io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift) out_values_msb = cls._matmul_irdrop( weight, prepared_input_msb, trans, io_pars, ir_drop=ir_drop, t_max=t_max, time_steps=int(time_steps * io_pars.ir_drop_time_step_resolution_scale), phys_input_size=phys_input_size, g_converter=g_converter, info="MSB", ) out_values_msb /= bit_res / 2.0 # normalize bound_test_passed_msb, finalized_outputs_msb = cls._finalize_output( out_values=out_values_msb, io_pars=io_pars, **fwd_pars ) finalized_outputs = ( finalized_outputs_lsb + (2**io_pars.split_mode_bit_shift) * finalized_outputs_msb ) bound_test_passed = bound_test_passed_lsb * bound_test_passed_msb elif io_pars.mv_type == AnalogMVType.BIT_WISE: finalized_outputs, bound_test_passed = 0.0, True for bit_pos, prepared_input_1b in enumerate(prepared_input): out_values_1b = cls._matmul_irdrop( weight, prepared_input_1b, trans, io_pars, ir_drop=ir_drop, t_max=2 * res, time_steps=2, phys_input_size=phys_input_size, g_converter=g_converter, info=str(bit_pos), ) out_values_1b /= bit_res / 2.0 # normalize bound_test_passed_1b, finalized_outputs_1b = cls._finalize_output( out_values=out_values_1b, io_pars=io_pars, **fwd_pars ) finalized_outputs += (2**bit_pos) * finalized_outputs_1b bound_test_passed *= bound_test_passed_1b elif io_pars.mv_type in [ AnalogMVType.POS_NEG_SEPARATE, AnalogMVType.POS_NEG_SEPARATE_DIGITAL_SUM, ]: raise NotImplementedError else: raise ConfigError(f"Unknown AnalogMVType {io_pars.mv_type}") return bound_test_passed, finalized_outputs
[docs] @classmethod def check_support(cls, io_pars: IOParameters) -> None: """Check whether the IO settings are supported. Throws an assertion error when there is an incompatibility Args: io_pars: the IOParametersDropT to be checked Raises: ConfigError: in case a feature is not supported """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if io_pars.mv_type not in [ AnalogMVType.ONE_PASS, AnalogMVType.SPLIT_MODE, AnalogMVType.BIT_WISE, ]: raise ConfigError( "Only AnalogMVType.ONE_PASS, " "AnalogMVType.SPLIT_MODE, and " "AnalogMVType.BIT_WISE supported as forward.mv_type" ) if io_pars.bound_management == BoundManagementType.SHIFT: raise ConfigError("Shift bound management not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.noise_management in [ NoiseManagementType.AVERAGE_ABS_MAX, NoiseManagementType.ABS_MAX_NP_SUM, ]: raise ConfigError("Special noise mangement types not supported.") if io_pars.w_noise > 0.0 or io_pars.w_noise_type != WeightNoiseType.NONE: raise ConfigError("forward.w_noise not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.out_nonlinearity > 0.0: raise ConfigError("S-shaped non-linearity not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.slope_calibration > 0.0: raise ConfigError("Slope calibration not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.v_offset_std > 0.0 or io_pars.v_offset_w_min > 0.0 or io_pars.r_series > 0.0: raise ConfigError("Voltage offset or R-series not supported in torch tile") if io_pars.w_read_asymmetry_dtod > 0.0: raise ConfigError("Device polarity read dependence is not supported in torch tile")