Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base

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"""High level analog tiles (base)."""
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, abstract-method, too-many-instance-attributes

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Any, Dict, List
from copy import deepcopy

from numpy import array
from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

from torch import Tensor, from_numpy, float32, unsqueeze, cat, empty, stack, dtype
from torch import device as torch_device
from torch.cuda import device as cuda_device
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit import __version__
from aihwkit.exceptions import TileError
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.mapping import MappingParameter
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.base import RPUConfigGeneric
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.runtime import RuntimeParameter
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.enums import RPUDataType
from aihwkit.optim.context import AnalogContext

[docs]class TileModuleBase: """Base class for (logical) tile modules that can be used in layers, e.g. array of TileModules. """
[docs]class AnalogTileStateNames: """Class defining analog tile state name constants. Caution: Do *not* edit. Some names are attribute names of the tile. """ VERSION = "aihwkit_version" WEIGHTS = "analog_tile_weights" HIDDEN_PARAMETERS = "analog_tile_hidden_parameters" HIDDEN_PARAMETER_NAMES = "analog_tile_hidden_parameter_names" CLASS = "analog_tile_class" LR = "analog_lr" SHARED_WEIGHTS = "shared_weights" CONTEXT = "analog_ctx" OUT_SCALING = "out_scaling_alpha" MAPPING_SCALES = "mapping_scales" RPU_CONFIG = "rpu_config" ANALOG_STATE_PREFIX = "analog_tile_state_" ANALOG_STATE_NAME = "analog_tile_state" EXTRA = "state_extra"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_field_names() -> List[str]: """Returns expected field names.""" return [ getattr(AnalogTileStateNames, key) for key in AnalogTileStateNames.__dict__ if not key.startswith("_") ]
[docs]class BaseTile: """Base class for tile classes (without ``torch.Module`` dependence)."""
[docs] def joint_forward(self, x_input: Tensor, is_test: bool = False, ctx: Any = None) -> Tensor: """Perform the joint forward method. Calls first the ``pre_forward``, then the tile forward, and finally the ``post_forward`` step. Note: The full forward pass is not using autograd, thus all pre and post functions need to be handled appropriately in the pre/post backward functions. Args: x_input: ``[N, in_size]`` tensor. If ``in_trans`` is set, transposed. is_test: whether to assume testing mode. ctx: torch auto-grad context [Optional] Returns: torch.Tensor: ``[N, out_size]`` tensor. If ``out_trans`` is set, transposed. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def backward(self, d_input: Tensor, ctx: Any = None) -> Tensor: """Perform the backward pass. Args: d_input: ``[N, out_size]`` tensor. If ``out_trans`` is set, transposed. ctx: torch auto-grad context [Optional] Returns: torch.Tensor: ``[N, in_size]`` tensor. If ``in_trans`` is set, transposed. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update(self, x_input: Tensor, d_input: Tensor) -> None: """Perform the update pass. Calls the ``pre_update`` method to pre-process the inputs. Args: x_input: ``[..., in_size]`` tensor. If ``in_trans`` is set, ``[in_size, ...]``. d_input: ``[..., out_size]`` tensor. If ``out_trans`` is set, ``[out_size, ...]``. Returns: None """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SimulatorTile: """Minimal class interface for implementing the simulator tile. Note: This tile is generated by ``_create_simulator_tile`` in the ``SimulatorTileWrapper``. """
[docs] def forward( self, x_input: Tensor, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, is_test: bool = False, non_blocking: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """General simulator tile forward.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def backward( self, d_input: Tensor, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, non_blocking: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """Backward pass. Only needs to be implemented if torch autograd is `not` used. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update( self, x_input: Tensor, d_input: Tensor, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, non_blocking: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """Update. Only needs to be implemented if torch autograd update is `not` used. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_brief_info(self) -> str: """Returns a brief info""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_weights(self) -> Tensor: """Returns the analog weights.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def set_weights(self, weight: Tensor) -> None: """Stets the analog weights.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_x_size(self) -> int: """Returns input size of tile""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_d_size(self) -> int: """Returns output size of tile""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_hidden_parameters(self) -> Tensor: """Get the hidden parameters of the tile. Returns: Hidden parameter tensor. """ return empty(0, dtype=float32)
[docs] def get_hidden_parameter_names(self) -> List[str]: """Get the hidden parameters names. Each name corresponds to a slice in the Tensor slice of the ``get_hidden_parameters`` tensor. Returns: List of names. """ return []
[docs] def set_hidden_parameters(self, params: Tensor) -> None: """Set the hidden parameters of the tile."""
[docs] def get_learning_rate(self) -> Optional[float]: """Get the learning rate of the tile. Returns: learning rate if exists. """
[docs] def set_learning_rate(self, learning_rate: Optional[float]) -> None: """Set the learning rate of the tile. No-op for tiles that do not need a learning rate. Args: learning rate: learning rate to set """
[docs] def dump_extra(self) -> Optional[Dict]: """Dumps any extra states / attributed necessary for checkpointing. For Tiles based on Modules, this should be normally handled by torch automatically. """
[docs] def load_extra(self, extra: Dict, strict: bool = False) -> None: """Load any extra states / attributed necessary for loading from checkpoint. For Tiles based on Modules, this should be normally handled by torch automatically. Note: Expects the exact same RPUConfig / device etc for applying the states. Cross-loading of state-dicts is not supported for extra states, they will be just ignored. Args: extra: dictionary of states from `dump_extra`. strict: Whether to throw an error if keys are not found. """
[docs] def set_weights_uniform_random(self, bmin: float, bmax: float) -> None: """Sets the weights to uniform random numbers. Args: bmin: min value bmax: max value """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_meta_parameters(self) -> Any: """Returns meta parameters.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class SimulatorTileWrapper: """Wrapper base class for defining the necessary tile functionality. Will be overloaded extended for C++ or for any TorchTile. Args: out_size: output size in_size: input size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. bias: whether to add a bias column to the tile. in_trans: Whether to assume an transposed input (batch first) out_trans: Whether to assume an transposed output (batch first) shared_weights: optional shared weights tensor memory that should be used. handle_output_bound: whether the bound clamp gradient should be inserted ignore_analog_state: whether to ignore the analog state when __getstate__ is called """ def __init__( self, out_size: int, in_size: int, rpu_config: RPUConfigGeneric, bias: bool = True, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, torch_update: bool = False, handle_output_bound: bool = False, ignore_analog_state: bool = False, ): self.is_cuda = False self.device = torch_device("cpu") self.out_size = out_size self.in_size = in_size self.rpu_config = deepcopy(rpu_config) self.in_trans = in_trans self.out_trans = out_trans self.handle_output_bound = handle_output_bound self.ignore_analog_state = ignore_analog_state self.shared_weights = None # handling the bias if hasattr(rpu_config, "mapping"): mapping = rpu_config.mapping else: mapping = MappingParameter() self.digital_bias = bias and mapping.digital_bias self.use_bias = bias self.analog_bias = bias and not mapping.digital_bias x_size = self.in_size + 1 if self.analog_bias else self.in_size d_size = self.out_size self.tile = self._create_simulator_tile(x_size, d_size, rpu_config) self.analog_ctx = AnalogContext(self) self.analog_ctx.use_torch_update = torch_update
[docs] def get_runtime(self) -> RuntimeParameter: """Returns the runtime parameter.""" if not hasattr(self.rpu_config, "runtime"): self.rpu_config.runtime = RuntimeParameter() return self.rpu_config.runtime
[docs] def get_data_type(self) -> RPUDataType: """Return data_type setting of the RPUConfig""" return self.get_runtime().data_type
[docs] def get_dtype(self) -> dtype: """Return dtype setting of the RPUConfig""" return self.get_runtime().data_type.as_torch()
def _create_simulator_tile( self, x_size: int, d_size: int, rpu_config: "RPUConfigGeneric" ) -> Any: # just use Any instead of Union["SimulatorTile", tiles.AnalogTile, ..] """Create a simulator tile. Args: x_size: input size d_size: output size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration Returns: a simulator tile based on the specified configuration. """ raise NotImplementedError def _recreate_simulator_tile( self, x_size: int, d_size: int, rpu_config: "RPUConfigGeneric" ) -> Any: # just use Any instead of Union["SimulatorTile", tiles.AnalogTile, ..] """Re-create a simulator tile in __setstate__. Args: x_size: input size d_size: output size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration Returns: a simulator tile based on the specified configuration. """ return self._create_simulator_tile(x_size, d_size, rpu_config)
[docs] def get_tensor_view(self, ndim: int, dim: Optional[int] = None) -> tuple: """Return the tensor view for ndim vector at dim. Args: ndim: number of dimensions dim: the dimension to set to -1 Returns: Tuple of ones with the `dim`` index sets to -1 """ if dim is None: dim = 0 if self.out_trans else ndim - 1 tensor_view = [1] * ndim tensor_view[dim] = -1 return tuple(tensor_view)
[docs] def get_forward_out_bound(self) -> Optional[float]: """Helper for getting the output bound to correct the gradients using the AnalogFunction. """ return None
[docs] def set_verbosity_level(self, verbose: int) -> None: """Set the verbosity level. Args: verbose: level of verbosity """
[docs] def get_analog_ctx(self) -> AnalogContext: """Return the analog context of the tile to be used in ``AnalogFunction``.""" return self.analog_ctx
[docs] def get_brief_info(self) -> str: """Return short info about the underlying C++ tile.""" return self.tile.get_brief_info().rstrip()
[docs] def update(self, x_input: Tensor, d_input: Tensor) -> None: """Implements tile update (e.g. using pulse trains).""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_indexed(self, x_input: Tensor, d_input: Tensor) -> None: """Implements indexed interface to the tile update (e.g. using pulse trains).""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_analog_state(self) -> Dict: """Get the analog state for the state_dict. Excludes the non-analog state names that might be added for pickling. Only fields defined in ``AnalogTileStateNames`` are returned. """ state = self.__getstate__() fields = AnalogTileStateNames.get_field_names() rm_fields = [] for key in state: if key not in fields: rm_fields.append(key) for key in rm_fields: state.pop(key) return state
def __getstate__(self) -> Dict: """Get the state for pickling. This method removes the ``tile`` member, as the binding Tiles are not serializable. """ # Caution: all attributes of the tile will be saved. current_dict = self.__dict__.copy() if getattr(self, "ignore_analog_state", False): return current_dict SN = AnalogTileStateNames current_dict[SN.WEIGHTS] = self.tile.get_weights() current_dict[SN.HIDDEN_PARAMETERS] = self.tile.get_hidden_parameters().data current_dict[SN.HIDDEN_PARAMETER_NAMES] = self.tile.get_hidden_parameter_names() current_dict[SN.CLASS] = type(self).__name__ current_dict[SN.LR] = self.tile.get_learning_rate() current_dict.pop("tile", None) current_dict[SN.CONTEXT] = current_dict[SN.EXTRA] = self.tile.dump_extra() current_dict[SN.VERSION] = __version__ # don't save device. Will be determined by loading object current_dict.pop("stream", None) current_dict.pop("is_cuda", None) current_dict.pop("device", None) # this is should not be saved. current_dict.pop("image_sizes", None) return current_dict def __setstate__(self, state: Dict) -> None: """Set the state after unpickling. This method recreates the ``tile`` member, creating a new one from scratch, as the binding Tiles are not serializable. Caution: RPU configs are overwritten by loading the state. Note: Some RPUCuda (analog training) compounds have some extra internal states that should be set if checkpointing to continue training. To support this, extra states are extracted and stored. However, these are _not_ applied if cross-loading is done, e.g. map location is different for inference or tile type is changed. It will not throw any notice is they are not applied. Raises: TileError: if tile class does not match or hidden parameters do not match """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements, too-many-branches if getattr(self, "ignore_analog_state", False) or state.get("ignore_analog_state", False): self.__dict__.update(state) analog_ctx = self.analog_ctx else: SN = AnalogTileStateNames current_dict = state.copy() tile_class = current_dict.pop(SN.CLASS, type(self).__name__) analog_lr = current_dict.pop(SN.LR, 0.01) analog_ctx = current_dict.pop(SN.CONTEXT, None) weights = current_dict.pop(SN.WEIGHTS) extra = current_dict.pop(SN.EXTRA, None) hidden_parameters = current_dict.pop(SN.HIDDEN_PARAMETERS) hidden_parameters_names = current_dict.pop(SN.HIDDEN_PARAMETER_NAMES, []) current_dict.pop("analog_alpha_scale", None) # legacy current_dict.pop("image_sizes", None) # should not be saved # legacy if "non_blocking" not in current_dict: current_dict["non_blocking"] = False # Check for tile mismatch rpu_config = current_dict.pop("rpu_config") if hasattr(self, "rpu_config"): # only for state-dict load. Might not yet be defined (in # case of pickle load or deepcopy) if not self.rpu_config.compatible_with(tile_class): raise TileError( "Error creating tile" f". Possible mismatch between {tile_class} and {type(self).__name__}" ) # Need to always keep the same tile class rpu_config.tile_class = self.rpu_config.tile_class self.rpu_config = rpu_config self.__dict__.update(current_dict) self.device = torch_device("cpu") self.is_cuda = False # recreate attributes not saved # always first create on CPU x_size = self.in_size + 1 if self.analog_bias else self.in_size d_size = self.out_size # Recreate the tile. self.tile = self._recreate_simulator_tile(x_size, d_size, self.rpu_config) names = self.tile.get_hidden_parameter_names() if len(hidden_parameters_names) > 0 and names != hidden_parameters_names: # Check whether names match raise TileError( "Mismatch with loaded analog state: Hidden parameter structure is unexpected." ) if not isinstance(hidden_parameters, Tensor): hidden_parameters = from_numpy(array(hidden_parameters)) self.tile.set_hidden_parameters(hidden_parameters) if not isinstance(weights, Tensor): weights = from_numpy(array(weights)) self.tile.set_weights(weights) if analog_lr is not None: self.tile.set_learning_rate(analog_lr) # finally set the extra stuff (without complaining if keys not # found. Note that these extra states are only needed for some # tiles (compounds) if training needs to be continued without # resetting counters etc.) if extra is not None: self.tile.load_extra(extra, False) # map location should be applied to tensors in state_dict self.analog_ctx = AnalogContext(self) if analog_ctx is not None: # Keep the object ID and device to_device = analog_ctx.device if self.device != to_device: self.analog_ctx = self.analog_ctx.set_data(
[docs] @no_grad() def post_update_step(self) -> None: """Operators that need to be called once per mini-batch. Note: This function is called by the analog optimizer. Caution: If no analog optimizer is used, the post update steps will not be performed. """
def _combine_weights( self, weight: Union[Tensor, ArrayLike], bias: Optional[Union[Tensor, ArrayLike]] = None ) -> Tensor: """Helper to combines weights and biases In any case, a detached cpu weight and bias copy will be returned. Args: weight: weights without the bias bias: The bias vector if available Returns: combined weights with biases Raises: ValueError: if the tile has bias but ``bias`` has not been specified. """ d_type = self.get_dtype() if not isinstance(weight, Tensor): weight = from_numpy(array(weight)) weight = weight.clone().detach().cpu().to(d_type) shape = [self.out_size, self.in_size] weight = weight.reshape(shape) if self.analog_bias: # Create a ``[out_size, in_size (+ 1)]`` matrix. if bias is None: raise ValueError("Analog tile has a bias, but no bias given") if not isinstance(bias, Tensor): bias = from_numpy(array(bias)) bias = unsqueeze(bias.clone().detach().cpu().to(d_type), 1) return cat((weight, bias), dim=1) # Use only the ``[out_size, in_size]`` matrix. return weight def _separate_weights(self, combined_weights: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]: """Helper to separate the combined weights and biases""" # Split the internal weights (and potentially biases) matrix. if self.analog_bias: # combined_weights is [out_size, in_size (+ 1)]. return Tensor(combined_weights[:, :-1]), Tensor(combined_weights[:, -1]) return combined_weights, None
[docs] @no_grad() def cpu(self) -> "SimulatorTileWrapper": """Return a copy of this tile in CPU memory. Returns: self in case of CPU """ if not self.is_cuda: return self self.is_cuda = False self.device = torch_device("cpu") = self.analog_ctx.reset(self) return self
[docs] @no_grad() def cuda( self, device: Optional[Union[torch_device, str, int]] = None ) -> "SimulatorTileWrapper": """Return a copy of the tile in CUDA memory. Args: device: CUDA device Returns: Self with the underlying C++ tile moved to CUDA memory. Raises: CudaError: if the library has not been compiled with CUDA. """ device = torch_device("cuda", cuda_device(device).idx) self.is_cuda = True self.device = device = self.analog_ctx.reset(self) return self
[docs] def get_hidden_parameters(self) -> "OrderedDict": """Get the hidden parameters of the tile. Returns: Ordered dictionary of hidden parameter tensors. """ names = self.tile.get_hidden_parameter_names() hidden_parameters = self.tile.get_hidden_parameters().detach_() ordered_parameters = OrderedDict() for idx, name in enumerate(names): ordered_parameters[name] = hidden_parameters[idx].clone() return ordered_parameters
[docs] def set_hidden_parameters(self, ordered_parameters: "OrderedDict") -> None: """Set the hidden parameters of the tile. Caution: Usually the hidden parameters are drawn according to the parameter definitions (those given in the RPU config). If the hidden parameters are arbitrary set by the user, then this correspondence might be broken. This might cause problems in the learning, in particular, the `weight granularity` (usually ``dw_min``, depending on the device) is needed for the dynamic adjustment of the bit length (``update_bl_management``, see :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.parameters.utils.UpdateParameters`). Currently, the new ``dw_min`` parameter is tried to be estimated from the average of hidden parameters if the discrepancy with the ``dw_min`` from the definition is too large. Args: ordered_parameters: Ordered dictionary of hidden parameter tensors. Raises: TileError: In case the ordered dict keys do not conform with the current rpu config tile structure of the hidden parameters """ if len(ordered_parameters) == 0: return hidden_parameters = stack(list(ordered_parameters.values()), dim=0) names = self.tile.get_hidden_parameter_names() if names != list(ordered_parameters.keys()): raise TileError( "Mismatch with loaded analog state: Hidden parameter structure is unexpected." ) self.tile.set_hidden_parameters(hidden_parameters)
[docs] def set_learning_rate(self, learning_rate: Optional[float]) -> None: """Set the tile learning rate. Set the tile learning rate to ``-learning_rate``. Note that the learning rate is always taken to be negative (because of the meaning in gradient descent) and positive learning rates are not supported. Args: learning_rate: the desired learning rate. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_learning_rate(self) -> float: """Return the tile learning rate. Returns: float: the tile learning rate. """ raise NotImplementedError