Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.custom

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"""High level analog tiles (floating point)."""

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Type, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

from torch import Tensor, zeros, float32, randn_like, rand_like
from torch.autograd import no_grad
from torch.nn import Module

from aihwkit.exceptions import AnalogBiasConfigError, TileError
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base import SimulatorTileWrapper, SimulatorTile
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.module import TileModule
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.torch_tile import AnalogMVM
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.periphery import TileWithPeriphery
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.functions import AnalogFunction
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.array import TileModuleArray
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.pre_post import PrePostProcessingRPU
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.mapping import MappableRPU
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.helpers import _PrintableMixin
from import IOParameters

[docs]class CustomSimulatorTile(SimulatorTile, Module): """Custom Simulator Tile for analog training. To implement specialized SGD algorithms here the forward / backward / update are explicitly defined without using auto-grad. When not overriden, forward and backward use the analog forward pass of the :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.tiles.torch_tile.TorchSimulatorTile`. Update is in floating point but adds optionally noise to the gradient. """ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init def __init__(self, x_size: int, d_size: int, rpu_config: "CustomRPUConfig", bias: bool = False): Module.__init__(self) self.x_size = x_size self.d_size = d_size self.learning_rate = 0.1 if bias: raise AnalogBiasConfigError("Analog bias is not supported for TorchSimulatorTile") AnalogMVM.check_support(rpu_config.forward) AnalogMVM.check_support(rpu_config.backward) self.set_config(rpu_config) # just buffer to handle device, since do not use auto grad self.register_buffer("_analog_weight", zeros(self.d_size, self.x_size, dtype=float32))
[docs] @no_grad() def forward( self, x_input: Tensor, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, is_test: bool = False, non_blocking: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """General simulator tile forward. Note: Ignores additional arguments Raises: TileError: in case transposed input / output or bias is requested """ if bias or in_trans or out_trans or non_blocking: raise TileError("transposed inputs or analog bias not supported") return AnalogMVM.matmul(self._analog_weight, x_input, self._fwd_io, False) # type: ignore
[docs] def backward( self, d_input: Tensor, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, non_blocking: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """Backward pass. Note: Ignores additional arguments Raises: TileError: in case transposed input / output or bias is requested """ if bias or in_trans or out_trans or non_blocking: raise TileError("transposed inputs or analog bias not supported") return AnalogMVM.matmul(self._analog_weight, d_input, self._bwd_io, True) # type: ignore
[docs] def update( self, x_input: Tensor, d_input: Tensor, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, non_blocking: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: """Update with gradient noise. Note: Ignores additional arguments Raises: TileError: in case transposed input / output or bias is requested """ if bias or in_trans or out_trans or non_blocking: raise TileError("transposed inputs or analog bias not supported") delta_w = d_input.view(-1, d_input.size(-1)).T @ x_input.view(-1, x_input.size(-1)) if self._update.gradient_noise: delta_w += self._update.gradient_noise * randn_like(delta_w) self._analog_weight = self._analog_weight - self.learning_rate * delta_w # type: ignore
[docs] def set_config(self, rpu_config: "CustomRPUConfig") -> None: """Updated the configuration to allow on-the-fly changes. Args: rpu_config: configuration to use in the next forward passes. """ self._fwd_io = rpu_config.forward self._bwd_io = rpu_config.backward self._update = rpu_config.update
[docs] def set_weights(self, weight: Tensor) -> None: """Set the tile weights. Args: weight: ``[out_size, in_size]`` weight matrix. """ device = self._analog_weight.device self._analog_weight = weight.clone().to(device)
[docs] def get_weights(self) -> Tensor: """Get the tile weights. Returns: a tuple where the first item is the ``[out_size, in_size]`` weight matrix; and the second item is either the ``[out_size]`` bias vector or ``None`` if the tile is set not to use bias. """ return
[docs] def get_x_size(self) -> int: """Returns input size of tile""" return self.x_size
[docs] def get_d_size(self) -> int: """Returns output size of tile""" return self.d_size
[docs] def get_brief_info(self) -> str: """Returns a brief info""" return self.__class__.__name__ + f"({self.extra_repr()})"
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: """Extra documentation string.""" return "{}, {}, {}".format(self.d_size, self.x_size, self._analog_weight.device).rstrip()
[docs] def get_learning_rate(self) -> Optional[float]: """Get the learning rate of the tile. Returns: learning rate if exists. """ return self.learning_rate
[docs] def set_learning_rate(self, learning_rate: Optional[float]) -> None: """Set the learning rate of the tile. No-op for tiles that do not need a learning rate. Args: learning rate: learning rate to set """ if learning_rate is not None: self.learning_rate = learning_rate
[docs] def set_weights_uniform_random(self, bmin: float, bmax: float) -> None: """Sets the weights to uniform random numbers. Args: bmin: min value bmax: max value Raises: TileError: in case bmin >= bmax """ if bmin >= bmax: raise TileError("Bmin should be smaller than bmax") self.set_weights(rand_like(self.get_weights()) / (bmax - bmin) - bmin)
[docs] def get_meta_parameters(self) -> Any: """Returns meta parameters.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class CustomTile(TileModule, TileWithPeriphery, SimulatorTileWrapper): r"""Custom tile based on :class:`TileWithPeriphery`. Implements a tile with periphery for analog training without the RPUCuda engine. Raises: TileError: in case in-trans / out-trans is used (not supported) AnalogBiasConfigError: if analog bias is enabled in the `RPUConfig` """ supports_indexed = False def __init__( self, out_size: int, in_size: int, rpu_config: Optional["CustomRPUConfig"] = None, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, ): if in_trans or out_trans: raise TileError("in/out trans is not supported.") if not rpu_config: rpu_config = CustomRPUConfig() TileModule.__init__(self) SimulatorTileWrapper.__init__( self, out_size, in_size, rpu_config, # type: ignore bias, in_trans, out_trans, torch_update=True, ) TileWithPeriphery.__init__(self) if self.analog_bias: raise AnalogBiasConfigError("Analog bias is not supported for the torch tile") def _create_simulator_tile( # type: ignore self, x_size: int, d_size: int, rpu_config: "CustomRPUConfig" ) -> "SimulatorTile": """Create a simulator tile. Args: weight: 2D weight rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration Returns: a simulator tile based on the specified configuration. """ return rpu_config.simulator_tile_class(x_size=x_size, d_size=d_size, rpu_config=rpu_config)
[docs] def forward( self, x_input: Tensor, tensor_view: Optional[Tuple] = None # type: ignore ) -> Tensor: """Torch forward function that calls the analog context forward""" # pylint: disable=arguments-differ # to enable on-the-fly changes. However, with caution: might # change rpu config for backward / update while doing another forward. self.tile.set_config(self.rpu_config) out = AnalogFunction.apply( self.get_analog_ctx(), self, x_input, self.shared_weights, not ) if tensor_view is None: tensor_view = self.get_tensor_view(out.dim()) out = self.apply_out_scaling(out, tensor_view) if self.digital_bias: return out + self.bias.view(*tensor_view) return out
[docs] def post_update_step(self) -> None: """Operators that need to be called once per mini-batch. Note: This function is called by the analog optimizer. Caution: If no analog optimizer is used, the post update steps will not be performed. """
[docs]@dataclass class CustomUpdateParameters(_PrintableMixin): """Custom parameters for the update""" gradient_noise: float = 0.0 """Adds Gaussian noise (with this std) to the weight gradient. """
[docs]@dataclass class CustomRPUConfig(MappableRPU, PrePostProcessingRPU): """Configuration for resistive processing unit using the CustomTile.""" tile_class: Type = CustomTile """Tile class that corresponds to this RPUConfig.""" simulator_tile_class: Type = CustomSimulatorTile """Simulator tile class implementing the analog forward / backward / update.""" tile_array_class: Type = TileModuleArray """Tile class used for mapped logical tile arrays.""" forward: IOParameters = field(default_factory=IOParameters) """Input-output parameter setting for the forward direction.""" backward: IOParameters = field(default_factory=IOParameters) """Input-output parameter setting for the backward direction.""" update: CustomUpdateParameters = field(default_factory=CustomUpdateParameters) """Parameter for the update behavior."""