Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.inference

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# (C) Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 IBM. All Rights Reserved.
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"""High level analog tiles (inference)."""

# pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors

from typing import Optional, Union, Any, Tuple, List, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING

from torch import device as torch_device
from torch import ones, Tensor
from torch.nn import Module
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.exceptions import ConfigError
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.functions import AnalogFunction
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.periphery import TileWithPeriphery
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.module import TileModule
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.rpucuda import RPUCudaSimulatorTileWrapper
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base import BaseTile
from aihwkit.simulator.rpu_base import tiles
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.helpers import parameters_to_bindings
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.enums import WeightModifierType, WeightClipType, WeightRemapType
from aihwkit.inference.noise.base import BaseNoiseModel

    from aihwkit.simulator.configs import InferenceRPUConfig

[docs]class InferenceTileWithPeriphery(TileWithPeriphery): """Additional (peripheral) functionality for hardware-aware training and inference. Note: Here it is assumed that the training is done in software and only the inference pass is done on analog hardware. """ # pylint: disable=abstract-method def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.drift_baseline = None self.drift_readout_tensor = None # type: Optional[Tensor] if isinstance(self, Module): self.register_buffer("alpha", ones((1,), dtype=self.get_dtype())) else: self.alpha = ones((1,), dtype=self.get_dtype()) # Helpers. self.programmed_weights = None # type: Optional[Tensor] self.drift_noise_parameters = None # type: Optional[List[Tensor]] def _create_simulator_tile( # type: ignore self, x_size: int, d_size: int, rpu_config: "InferenceRPUConfig" ) -> tiles.AnalogTile: """Create a simulator tile. Args: x_size: input size d_size: output size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration Returns: a simulator tile based on the specified configuration. """ meta_parameter = rpu_config.as_bindings() device_parameter = rpu_config.device.as_bindings(self.get_data_type()) return meta_parameter.create_array(x_size, d_size, device_parameter)
[docs] @no_grad() def init_mapping_scales(self) -> None: """Helper function to initialize the mapping scales used to scale the weights in digital and determine the conductance conversion. Note: This method is called from the constructor. """ super().init_mapping_scales() if hasattr(self.rpu_config, "remap") and self.rpu_config.remap.type != WeightRemapType.NONE: # needs to be always out_size mapping_scales = ones( (self.out_size,), dtype=self.get_dtype(), device=self.device, requires_grad=False ) self.set_mapping_scales(mapping_scales)
@no_grad() def _forward_drift_readout_tensor(self, reset_if: bool = False) -> Optional[Tensor]: """Perform a forward pass using the drift read-out tensor. Args: reset_if: Will reset the readout tensor, otherwise use the stored one Returns: Readout tensor if drift compensation is on """ if ( not hasattr(self.rpu_config, "drift_compensation") or self.rpu_config.drift_compensation is None ): return None if self.drift_readout_tensor is None or reset_if: self.drift_readout_tensor = ( self.rpu_config.drift_compensation.get_readout_tensor(self.tile.get_x_size()) .detach() .to(self.device) ) if self.in_trans: self.drift_readout_tensor = self.drift_readout_tensor.tranpose(0, 1).clone() else: self.drift_readout_tensor = # We need to take the bias as a common column here, also we do # not want to use indexed. return self.tile.forward( self.drift_readout_tensor, False, self.in_trans, self.out_trans, True, self.non_blocking )
[docs] @no_grad() def program_weights( self, from_reference: bool = True, noise_model: Optional[BaseNoiseModel] = None ) -> None: """Apply weights noise to the current tile weights and saves these for repeated drift experiments. This method also establishes the drift coefficients for each conductance slice. Will also reset the drift readout tensor and compute a new drift compensation baseline Args: from_reference: Whether to use weights from reference noise_model: Optional defining the noise model to be used. If not given, it will use the noise model defined in the `RPUConfig` of this tile. Caution: If given a noise model here it will overwrite the stored `rpu_config.noise_model` definition. Raises: ConfigError: in case of ``noise_model`` is not defined in the `RPUConfig` or the given noise model is of the wrong type """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if not hasattr(self.rpu_config, "noise_model"): raise ConfigError("Seems that RPUConfig is not of type InferenceRPUConfig.") if noise_model is not None: if not isinstance(noise_model, BaseNoiseModel): raise ConfigError("Given noise model has to be of type 'BaseNoiseModel'") self.rpu_config.noise_model = noise_model if not from_reference or self.reference_combined_weights is None: self.reference_combined_weights = Tensor(self.tile.get_weights()) ( self.programmed_weights, self.drift_noise_parameters, ) = self.rpu_config.noise_model.apply_programming_noise(self.reference_combined_weights) self.tile.set_weights(self.programmed_weights) if ( hasattr(self.rpu_config, "drift_compensation") and self.rpu_config.drift_compensation is not None ): forward_output = self._forward_drift_readout_tensor(True) self.drift_baseline = self.rpu_config.drift_compensation.init_baseline(forward_output)
[docs] @no_grad() def drift_weights(self, t_inference: float = 0.0) -> None: """Programs and drifts the current reference weights. The current weight reference is either the current weights or the ones at the time when :meth:`initialize_drift_reference` was called, which then would overwrite the current weights with the drifted ones. Args: t_inference: Time (in sec) of assumed inference time. Programming ends at t=0s. The rest is waiting time, where the devices might drift and accumulate noise. See noise model used for details. Raises: ConfigError: in case of ``noise_model`` is not defined in the RPUConfig """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ, arguments-renamed if not hasattr(self.rpu_config, "noise_model"): raise ConfigError("Seems that RPUConfig is not of type InferenceRPUConfig.") if self.programmed_weights is None: self.program_weights() if hasattr(self, "nu_drift_list"): # legacy self.drift_noise_parameters = self.__dict__.pop("nu_drift_list") drifted_weights = self.rpu_config.noise_model.apply_drift_noise( self.programmed_weights, self.drift_noise_parameters, t_inference ) self.tile.set_weights(drifted_weights) if ( hasattr(self.rpu_config, "drift_compensation") and self.rpu_config.drift_compensation is not None ): forward_output = self._forward_drift_readout_tensor() alpha = self.rpu_config.drift_compensation.apply(forward_output, self.drift_baseline) if isinstance(self, Module): # somehow legacy is incompatible with torch buffers self.__dict__.pop("alpha", None) self.alpha = alpha
[docs] def post_forward( self, x_output: Tensor, dim: int, is_test: bool = False, ctx: Any = None ) -> Tensor: """Operations after the actual forward step for post processing""" x_output = super().post_forward(x_output, dim, is_test, ctx) if ( is_test and hasattr(self.rpu_config, "drift_compensation") and self.rpu_config.drift_compensation is not None ): # only do drift compensation in eval mode return x_output * self.alpha return x_output
[docs] @no_grad() def post_update_step(self) -> None: """Operators that need to be called once per mini-batch. In the :class:`~InferenceTile`, the following calls are made (if enabled in the ``rpu_config`` settings). First, the post update step of the parent is called, then the weight clipping is done, subsequently then remapping is done (if enforced), and finally the forward-backward weight modifier is called. The latter will modify the weights that are used during forward and backward (but not update) until the next time this function is called. """ super().post_update_step() # TODO: make this a little nicer. Now each time bindings are # generated, which however has the advantage that parameters # could be changed-on-the-fly data_type = self.get_data_type() on_the_fly_bindings = self.get_runtime().on_the_fly_bindings if not hasattr(self, "_tmp"): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._tmp = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if hasattr(self.rpu_config, "clip") and self.rpu_config.clip.type != WeightClipType.NONE: if on_the_fly_bindings or "weight_clip_params" not in self._tmp: self._tmp["weight_clip_params"] = parameters_to_bindings( self.rpu_config.clip, data_type ) self.tile.clip_weights(self._tmp["weight_clip_params"]) if hasattr(self.rpu_config, "remap") and self.rpu_config.remap.type != WeightRemapType.NONE: if on_the_fly_bindings or "weight_remap_params" not in self._tmp: self._tmp["weight_remap_params"] = parameters_to_bindings( self.rpu_config.remap, data_type ) scales = self.get_scales() scales = self.tile.remap_weights(self._tmp["weight_remap_params"], scales) self.set_scales(scales) # update the forward / backward modified weights here if not hasattr(self.rpu_config, "modifier"): return if self.rpu_config.modifier.type == WeightModifierType.NONE: return if ( self.rpu_config.modifier.type == WeightModifierType.COPY and self.rpu_config.modifier.pdrop <= 0.0 ): return if on_the_fly_bindings or "weight_modify_params" not in self._tmp: self._tmp["weight_modify_params"] = parameters_to_bindings( self.rpu_config.modifier, data_type ) self.tile.modify_weights(self._tmp["weight_modify_params"]) # type: ignore
def __getstate__(self) -> Dict: # pylint: disable=no-member self.__dict__.pop("_tmp", None) state = super().__getstate__() return state
[docs] def cuda(self, device: Optional[Union[torch_device, str, int]] = None) -> "BaseTile": self.alpha = self.alpha.cuda(device) ret = super().cuda(device) return ret
[docs] def cpu(self) -> "BaseTile": self.alpha = self.alpha.cpu() ret = super().cpu() return ret
[docs]class InferenceTile(TileModule, InferenceTileWithPeriphery, RPUCudaSimulatorTileWrapper): """Tile used for analog inference and hardware-aware training for inference. Note: This tile uses RPUCuda library with backward and update set to perfect. Args: out_size: output size in_size: input size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. bias: whether to add a bias column to the tile. in_trans: Whether to assume an transposed input (batch first) out_trans: Whether to assume an transposed output (batch first) shared_weights: Whether to keep the weight in torch's memory space """ supports_ddp: bool = True def __init__( self, out_size: int, in_size: int, rpu_config: Optional["InferenceRPUConfig"] = None, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, shared_weights: bool = True, ): if not rpu_config: # Import `InferenceRPUConfig` dynamically to avoid import cycles. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from aihwkit.simulator.configs import InferenceRPUConfig rpu_config = InferenceRPUConfig() TileModule.__init__(self) RPUCudaSimulatorTileWrapper.__init__( self, out_size, in_size, rpu_config, bias, in_trans, out_trans, shared_weights=shared_weights, ) InferenceTileWithPeriphery.__init__(self)
[docs] def forward( self, x_input: Tensor, tensor_view: Optional[Tuple] = None # type: ignore ) -> Tensor: """Torch forward function that calls the analog forward""" # pylint: disable=arguments-differ out = AnalogFunction.apply( self.get_analog_ctx(), self, x_input, self.shared_weights, not ) if tensor_view is None: tensor_view = self.get_tensor_view(out.dim()) out = self.apply_out_scaling(out, tensor_view) if self.digital_bias: return out + self.bias.view(*tensor_view) return out