Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.rpucuda

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"""Wrapper for the RPUCuda C++ tiles."""

from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, Tuple, Any

from torch import Tensor, zeros, tensor
from torch import device as torch_device
from torch.nn import Parameter
from torch.cuda import device as cuda_device
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.exceptions import CudaError
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.base import RPUConfigGeneric
from aihwkit.simulator.rpu_base import cuda, tiles
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base import SimulatorTileWrapper
from aihwkit.exceptions import ArgumentError
from aihwkit.optim.context import AnalogContext

if cuda.is_compiled():
        tiles.AnalogTile: tiles.CudaAnalogTile,
        tiles.FloatingPointTile: tiles.CudaFloatingPointTile,
    if hasattr(tiles, "half"):
                tiles.half.AnalogTile: tiles.half.CudaAnalogTile,
                tiles.half.FloatingPointTile: tiles.half.CudaFloatingPointTile,
    if hasattr(tiles, "double"):
                tiles.double.AnalogTile: tiles.double.CudaAnalogTile,
                tiles.double.FloatingPointTile: tiles.double.CudaFloatingPointTile,
    if hasattr(tiles, "bfloat16"):
                tiles.bfloat16.AnalogTile: tiles.bfloat16.CudaAnalogTile,
                tiles.bfloat16.FloatingPointTile: tiles.bfloat16.CudaFloatingPointTile,


[docs]class RPUCudaSimulatorTileWrapper(SimulatorTileWrapper): """Wraps the RPUCuda simulator tile. This class adds some functionality to the minimalistic ``SimulatorTileWrapper`` specific to the RPUCuda tiles that are handled in C++ through python bindings . Args: out_size: output size in_size: input size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. bias: whether to add a bias column to the tile. in_trans: Whether to assume an transposed input (batch first) out_trans: Whether to assume an transposed output (batch first) shared_weights: optional shared weights tensor memory that should be used. """ # pylint: disable=abstract-method, too-many-public-methods def __init__( self, out_size: int, in_size: int, rpu_config: RPUConfigGeneric, bias: bool = True, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, shared_weights: bool = False, ) -> None: SimulatorTileWrapper.__init__( self, out_size, in_size, rpu_config, bias, in_trans, out_trans, torch_update=False, handle_output_bound=True, ) self.shared_weights = None # type: Parameter if shared_weights: self.shared_weights = Parameter( zeros(out_size, in_size + int(self.analog_bias), dtype=self.get_dtype()) ) self.ensure_shared_weights()
[docs] def get_forward_out_bound(self) -> Optional[float]: """Helper for getting the output bound to correct the gradients using the AnalogFunction. """ if hasattr(self.rpu_config, "forward") and self.rpu_config.forward.out_bound > 0: return self.rpu_config.forward.out_scale * self.rpu_config.forward.out_bound * 0.999 return None
[docs] @no_grad() def cpu(self) -> "SimulatorTileWrapper": """Return a copy of this tile in CPU memory. Returns: self in case of CPU """ if not self.is_cuda: return self super().cpu() state_dict = self.__getstate__() for value in state_dict.values(): if isinstance(value, AnalogContext): = self.__setstate__(state_dict) return self
[docs] @no_grad() def cuda( self, device: Optional[Union[torch_device, str, int]] = None ) -> "SimulatorTileWrapper": """Return a copy of the tile in CUDA memory. Args: device: CUDA device Returns: Self with the underlying C++ tile moved to CUDA memory. Raises: CudaError: if the library has not been compiled with CUDA. """ if not cuda.is_compiled(): raise CudaError("aihwkit has not been compiled with CUDA support") device = torch_device("cuda", cuda_device(device).idx) if self.is_cuda and device != self.device: return self.cpu().cuda(device) if self.tile.__class__ in MAP_TILE_CLASS_TO_CUDA: with cuda_device(device): self.tile = MAP_TILE_CLASS_TO_CUDA[self.tile.__class__](self.tile) self.is_cuda = True self.device = device = self.analog_ctx.reset(self) # type: ignore if self.shared_weights is not None: = zeros( self.tile.get_x_size(), self.tile.get_d_size(), dtype=self.get_dtype(), requires_grad=True, ).cuda(device) # ensure shared weights will be called later (needs copying still) return self
[docs] @no_grad() def ensure_shared_weights(self, shared_weights: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> None: """Ensure that the shared_weights is set properly. Caution: This is only called from analog function. No-op if shared weights is not used. """ if shared_weights is not None: = # type: ignore if self.shared_weights is not None: self.tile.set_shared_weights( # type: ignore
[docs] @no_grad() def set_delta_weights(self, delta_weights: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> None: """Set the weight grad tensor and set the update to. No-op if shared weights is not used. """ if self.shared_weights is not None and delta_weights is not None: self.tile.set_delta_weights(delta_weights)
[docs] @no_grad() def reset_delta_weights(self) -> None: """Reset the weight grad tensor to default update behavior (i.e. adding the update directly to the weight). No-op if shared weights is not used. """ if self.shared_weights is not None: self.tile.reset_delta_weights()
[docs] def get_hidden_update_index(self) -> int: """Get the current updated device index of the hidden devices. Usually this is 0 as only one device is present per cross-point for many tile RPU configs. However, some RPU configs maintain internally multiple devices per cross-point (e.g. :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.config.devices.VectorUnitCell`). Returns: The next mini-batch updated device index. Note: Depending on the update and learning policy implemented in the tile, updated devices might switch internally as well. """ return self.tile.get_hidden_update_index()
[docs] def set_hidden_update_index(self, index: int) -> None: """Set the current updated hidden device index. Usually this is ignored and fixed to 0 as only one device is present per cross-point. Other devices, might not allow explicit setting as it would interfere with the implemented learning rule. However, some tiles have internally multiple devices per cross-point (eg. unit cell) that can be chosen depending on the update policy. Args: index: device index to be updated in the next mini-batch Note: Depending on the update and learning policy implemented in the tile, updated devices might switch internally as well. """ self.tile.set_hidden_update_index(index)
def _get_extra_parameters( self, pre_key: str, full_key: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Union[Dict[Tuple[str, str], Tensor], Dict[str, Tensor]], Dict[str, Any]]: """Get the sub keys in the extra starting with pre_key.""" extra = self.tile.dump_extra() if full_key: dic = { (key.split(pre_key)[-1], key): tensor(value) for key, value in extra.items() if pre_key in key } else: dic = { key.split(pre_key)[-1]: tensor(value) for key, value in extra.items() if pre_key in key } return dic, extra def _set_extra_parameters(self, pre_key: str, dic: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Set the sub keys in the extra starting with pre_key. Raises: ArgumentError: in case a length mismatch with the stored values exists """ org_dic, extra = self._get_extra_parameters(pre_key, full_key=True) # type: ignore key_lst = [] for (key, full_key), org_value in org_dic.items(): # type: ignore if key not in dic: continue key_lst.append(key) new_value = dic[key].tolist() if len(new_value) != len(org_value): raise ArgumentError(f"Length mismatch in parameter '{key}'!") extra[full_key] = new_value if len(set(list(dic.keys())) - set(key_lst)) > 0: raise ArgumentError("Some given dict key names do not exist!") self.load_extra(extra)
[docs] def get_forward_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: """Get the additional parameters generated for the forward pass. Returns: Dictionary of the forward parameters set. """ return self._get_extra_parameters("fb_pass.fwd.")[0] # type: ignore
[docs] def set_forward_parameters( self, dic: Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Tensor] ) -> None: """Set the additional parameters generated for the forward pass. Args: dic: dictionary of parameters to set (from :meth:`get_forward_parameter`) kwargs: parameter names can alternatively given directly as keywords """ if dic is None: dic = kwargs return self._set_extra_parameters("fb_pass.fwd.", dic)
[docs] def get_backward_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: """Get the additional parameters generated for the backward pass. Returns: Dictionary of the forward parameters set. """ return self._get_extra_parameters("fb_pass.bwd.")[0] # type: ignore
[docs] def set_backward_parameters( self, dic: Optional[Dict[str, Tensor]], **kwargs: Dict[str, Tensor] ) -> None: """Set the additional parameters generated for the backward pass. Args: dic: dictionary of parameters to set (from :meth:`get_backward_parameter`) kwargs: parameter names can alternatively given directly as keywords """ if dic is None: dic = kwargs return self._set_extra_parameters("fb_pass.bwd.", dic)
[docs] def decay_weights(self, alpha: float = 1.0) -> None: """Decays the weights once according to the decay parameters of the tile. Args: alpha: additional decay scale (such as LR). The base decay rate is set during tile init. Returns: None. """ return self.tile.decay_weights(alpha)
[docs] def drift_weights(self, delta_t: float = 1.0) -> None: """Drifts the weights once according to the drift parameters of the tile. See also :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.configs.DriftParameter`. Args: delta_t: Time since last drift call. Returns: None. """ return self.tile.drift_weights(delta_t)
[docs] def diffuse_weights(self) -> None: """Diffuses the weights once according to the diffusion parameters of the tile. The base diffusion rate is set during tile init. Returns: None """ return self.tile.diffuse_weights()
[docs] def reset_columns( self, start_column_idx: int = 0, num_columns: int = 1, reset_prob: float = 1.0 ) -> None: r"""Reset (a number of) columns according to the reset parameters of the tile. Resets the weights with device-to-device and cycle-to-cycle variability (depending on device type), typically: .. math:: W_{ij} = \xi*\sigma_\text{reset} + b^\text{reset}_{ij} The reset parameters are set during tile init. Args: start_column_idx: a start index of columns (0..x_size-1) num_columns: how many consecutive columns to reset (with circular warping) reset_prob: individual probability of reset. Returns: None """ return self.tile.reset_columns(start_column_idx, num_columns, reset_prob)
[docs] def reset(self, reset_prob: float = 1.0) -> None: r"""Reset the updated device tile according to the reset parameters of the tile. Resets the weights with device-to-device and cycle-to-cycle variability (depending on device type), typically: .. math:: W_{ij} = \xi*\sigma_\text{reset} + b^\text{reset}_{ij} The reset parameters are set during tile init. Args: reset_prob: individual probability of reset. Returns: None """ return self.tile.reset_columns(0, -1, reset_prob)
[docs] def set_verbosity_level(self, verbose: int) -> None: """Set verbosity level of tile. Args: verbose: level of verbosity """ self.tile.set_verbosity_level(verbose)
[docs] def dump_extra(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """Dumps any extra states / attributed necessary for checkpointing. For Tiles based on Modules, this should be normally handled by torch automatically. """ return self.tile.dump_extra()
[docs] def load_extra(self, extra: Dict[str, Any], strict: bool = False) -> None: """Load any extra states / attributed necessary for loading from checkpoint. For Tiles based on Modules, this should be normally handled by torch automatically. Note: Expects the exact same RPUConfig / device etc for applying the states. Cross-loading of state-dicts is not supported for extra states, they will be just ignored. Args: extra: dictionary of states from `dump_extra`. strict: Whether to throw an error if keys are not found. """ self.tile.load_extra(extra, strict)
[docs] def post_update_step(self) -> None: """Operators that need to be called once per mini-batch. Note: This function is called by the analog optimizer. Caution: If no analog optimizer is used, the post update steps will not be performed. """ if self.rpu_config.device.requires_diffusion(): self.tile.diffuse_weights() if self.rpu_config.device.requires_decay(): self.tile.decay_weights()