Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.torch_tile

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# (C) Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 IBM. All Rights Reserved.
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"""Low level implementation of torch-based tile."""

from typing import Callable, Any, Type, TYPE_CHECKING

from torch import Tensor, zeros, clamp, randn
from torch.nn import Parameter, Module
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.exceptions import TorchTileConfigError, AnalogBiasConfigError
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.analog_mvm import AnalogMVM
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base import SimulatorTile
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.utils import UniformQuantize
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.enums import WeightModifierType, WeightClipType, WeightRemapType

from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.inference import (

    from aihwkit.simulator.configs.configs import TorchInferenceRPUConfig

[docs]class TorchSimulatorTile(SimulatorTile, Module): """Torch based tile class. Args: x_size: input size d_size: output size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. """ # pylint: disable=abstract-method def __init__( self, x_size: int, d_size: int, rpu_config: "TorchInferenceRPUConfig", bias: bool = False, analog_mvm: Type[AnalogMVM] = AnalogMVM, ): Module.__init__(self) self.x_size = x_size self.d_size = d_size if bias: raise AnalogBiasConfigError("Analog bias is not supported for TorchSimulatorTile") self.check_rpu_config_support(rpu_config) analog_mvm.check_support(rpu_config.forward) self._analog_mvm = analog_mvm self._f_io = rpu_config.forward self._modifier = rpu_config.modifier dtype = rpu_config.runtime.data_type.as_torch() if self._f_io.out_noise_std > 0: out_noise_values = (self._f_io.out_noise * (1.0 + randn((d_size,), dtype=dtype))).abs() self.register_buffer("out_noise_values", out_noise_values) else: self.out_noise_values = None # Don't use randn here to avoid changing the seed in # comparison to RPUCuda tiles self.weight = Parameter(zeros(self.d_size, self.x_size, dtype=dtype))
[docs] def set_weights(self, weight: Tensor) -> None: """Set the tile weights. Args: weight: ``[out_size, in_size]`` weight matrix. """ = weight.clone().to(self.weight.device)
[docs] def get_weights(self) -> Tensor: """Get the tile weights. Returns: a tuple where the first item is the ``[out_size, in_size]`` weight matrix; and the second item is either the ``[out_size]`` bias vector or ``None`` if the tile is set not to use bias. """ return
[docs] def get_x_size(self) -> int: """Returns input size of tile""" return self.x_size
[docs] def get_d_size(self) -> int: """Returns output size of tile""" return self.d_size
[docs] def get_brief_info(self) -> str: """Returns a brief info""" return self.__class__.__name__ + "({})".format(self.extra_repr())
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: return "{}, {}, {}".format(self.d_size, self.x_size, self.weight.device).rstrip()
[docs] @no_grad() def remap_weights(self, remap: WeightRemapParameter, scales: Tensor) -> Tensor: """ Remap the weights to the specified range and return new scales. Args: remap: hyper-parameters defining the remapping scales: current scale values. Raises: ConfigError: If WeightRemapType is unknown. Returns: Tensor: New scales. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ scaled_weights = self.weight * scales.view(-1, 1) if remap.type == WeightRemapType.LAYERWISE_SYMMETRIC: new_scale = scaled_weights.abs().max() = scaled_weights / new_scale return new_scale.view(-1) if remap.type == WeightRemapType.CHANNELWISE_SYMMETRIC: new_scale, _ = scaled_weights.abs().max(1) = scaled_weights / new_scale.view(-1, 1) return new_scale raise TorchTileConfigError(f"Unknown weight remap type {remap.type}")
[docs] @no_grad() def clip_weights(self, clip: WeightClipParameter) -> None: """Clip the weights. Args: clip: parameters specifying the clipping methof and type. Raises: NotImplementedError: For unsupported WeightClipTypes ConfigError: If unknown WeightClipType used. """ if clip.type == WeightClipType.FIXED_VALUE: = clamp(self.weight, -clip.fixed_value, clip.fixed_value) elif clip.type == WeightClipType.LAYER_GAUSSIAN: alpha = self.weight.std() * clip.sigma if clip.fixed_value > 0: alpha = min(clip.fixed_value, alpha) = clamp(self.weight, -alpha, alpha) elif clip.type == WeightClipType.AVERAGE_CHANNEL_MAX: raise NotImplementedError else: raise TorchTileConfigError(f"Unknown clip type {clip.type}")
[docs] def set_config(self, rpu_config: "TorchInferenceRPUConfig") -> None: """Updated the configuration to allow on-the-fly changes. Args: rpu_config: configuration to use in the next forward passes. """ self._f_io = rpu_config.forward self._modifier = rpu_config.modifier
[docs] def register_weight_hook(self, hook: Callable) -> Any: """Register a hook to the weights.""" return self.weight.register_hook(hook)
[docs] def forward( self, x_input: Tensor, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, is_test: bool = False, non_blocking: bool = False, ) -> Tensor: # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches if in_trans or out_trans: raise TorchTileConfigError("Non-trans MVMs supported only.") if not is_test: noisy_weights = TorchSimulatorTile.modify_weight( self.weight, self._modifier, x_input.shape[0] ) else: noisy_weights = self.weight return self._analog_mvm.matmul( noisy_weights, x_input, self._f_io, False, is_test=is_test, out_noise_values=self.out_noise_values, )
[docs] @staticmethod def modify_weight( inp_weight: Tensor, modifier: WeightModifierParameter, batch_size: int ) -> Tensor: """Weight modifier that adds noise to the weights according to rpu config. Args: inp_weight: Input weights. modifier: Noise injection configuration. batch_size (int): Batch size. Raises: TorchTileConfigError: Unsupported/unknown weight modifier type. Returns: Weights with noise injected. """ per_batch_sample = modifier.per_batch_sample target_shape = (batch_size,) + inp_weight.shape if per_batch_sample else inp_weight.shape if modifier.type in [WeightModifierType.NONE, WeightModifierType.COPY]: return inp_weight if modifier.type == WeightModifierType.MULT_NORMAL: with no_grad(): gauss = randn(size=target_shape, device=inp_weight.device, dtype=inp_weight.dtype) noise = inp_weight * modifier.std_dev * gauss out_weight = inp_weight.clone() + noise return out_weight assumed_wmax = modifier.assumed_wmax if modifier.rel_to_actual_wmax: assumed_wmax = inp_weight.abs().max() if modifier.type == WeightModifierType.DISCRETIZE: # - Discretize the weights on the fly and backprob through them out_weight = inp_weight.clone().view(target_shape) out_weight = UniformQuantize.apply( out_weight, modifier.res, assumed_wmax, modifier.sto_round ) elif modifier.type == WeightModifierType.ADD_NORMAL: with no_grad(): noise = ( modifier.std_dev * assumed_wmax * randn(target_shape, device=inp_weight.device, dtype=inp_weight.dtype) ) out_weight = inp_weight.clone() + noise else: raise TorchTileConfigError(f"Weight modifier {modifier} not supported") return out_weight
[docs] @classmethod def check_rpu_config_support(cls, rpu_config: "TorchInferenceRPUConfig") -> None: """Check the RPUConfig for support with TorchSimulatorTile Throws an assertion error when there is an incompatibility with the used rpu config and what the current torch tile supports Args: rpu_config: the rpu config to be checked Raises: TorchTileConfigError: in case a feature is not supported """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if rpu_config.clip.type == WeightClipType.AVERAGE_CHANNEL_MAX: raise TorchTileConfigError("Clip type AVERAGE_CHANNEL_MAX not supported by torch tile") if rpu_config.modifier.enable_during_test: raise TorchTileConfigError("Modifier noise is currently always off in the torch tile") if rpu_config.modifier.copy_last_column: raise TorchTileConfigError("Bias is assumed to be in digital only for torch tile") if rpu_config.modifier.type in [ WeightModifierType.DOREFA, WeightModifierType.POLY, WeightModifierType.PROG_NOISE, WeightModifierType.PCM_NOISE, WeightModifierType.DISCRETIZE_ADD_NORMAL, ]: raise TorchTileConfigError( "The given modifier noise type is not supported in the torch tile" ) if rpu_config.modifier.pdrop > 0.0: raise TorchTileConfigError("The drop-connect is not supported in the torch tile") if rpu_config.remap.type not in [ WeightRemapType.LAYERWISE_SYMMETRIC, WeightRemapType.CHANNELWISE_SYMMETRIC, WeightRemapType.NONE, ]: raise TorchTileConfigError("Remapping type not supported.") if rpu_config.remap.remapped_wmax != 1.0: raise TorchTileConfigError("Remapping to value different from 1.0 not supported.") if rpu_config.remap.max_scale_range != 0.0: raise TorchTileConfigError("Remap parameter max_scale_range must be 0.0.") if rpu_config.remap.max_scale_ref != 0.0: raise TorchTileConfigError("Remap parameter max_scale_ref must be 0.0.")