Source code for aihwkit.utils.analog_info

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"""Analog Information utility.

This module prints relevant information about the model and its analog


from functools import reduce
import operator
from typing import Optional, Any, List

# Imports from PyTorch.
from torch import zeros
from torch.nn import Module

from aihwkit.nn.modules.base import AnalogLayerBase
from aihwkit.nn.modules.conv_mapped import _AnalogConvNdMapped
from aihwkit.nn.modules.linear_mapped import AnalogLinearMapped
from aihwkit.nn.modules.conv import _AnalogConvNd
from aihwkit.nn import AnalogLinear
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.module import TileModule
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters.base import RPUConfigBase

COLUMN_DEFINITIONS = ["Layer Information", "Tile Information"]

    "name": (0, "Layer Name"),
    "isanalog": (0, "Is Analog"),
    "input_size": (0, "In Shape"),
    "output_size": (0, "Out Shape"),
    "kernel_size": (0, "Kernel Shape"),
    "num_tiles": (0, "# of Tiles"),
    # "macs": "Multi_Adds",
    "log_shape": (1, "Log. tile shape"),
    "phy_shape": (1, "Phys. tile shape"),
    "utilization": (1, "utilization (%)"),
    "reuse_factor": (0, "Reuse Factor"),

FLOAT_FORMAT = "{0:.2f}"

[docs]class TileInfo: """Class for storing tile statistics and information.""" log_in_size: Any log_out_size: Any phy_in_size: Any phy_out_size: Any utilization: float def __init__(self, tile: TileModule, is_mapped: bool): self.log_in_size = tile.in_size self.log_out_size = tile.out_size self.phy_in_size = tile.rpu_config.mapping.max_input_size self.phy_out_size = tile.rpu_config.mapping.max_output_size self.is_mapped = is_mapped max_space = self.phy_in_size * self.phy_out_size log_space = self.log_in_size * self.log_out_size self.utilization = log_space * 100 / max_space if is_mapped else 100
[docs] def tile_summary_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary with the tile info.""" phys_shape = "N/A" if not self.is_mapped else (self.phy_out_size, self.phy_in_size) return { "log_shape": str((self.log_out_size, self.log_in_size)), "phys_shape": str(phys_shape), "utilization": self.utilization, }
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Print Tile's information.""" tile_info = self.tile_summary_dict().values() return "{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}\n".format(*(tile_info))
[docs]class LayerInfo: """Class for storing layer statistics and information.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes module: Module name: str isanalog: bool num_tiles: int tiles_info: List[TileInfo] input_size: Any output_size: Any kernel_size: Any reuse_factor: int def __init__( self, module: Module, rpu_config: Optional[RPUConfigBase] = None, input_size: Any = None, output_size: Any = None, ): self.module = module = self.module.__class__.__name__ self.isanalog = isinstance(self.module, AnalogLayerBase) self.num_tiles = 0 if not self.isanalog else len(list(self.module.analog_tiles())) self.tiles_info = self.set_tiles_info() self.kernel_size = None self.reuse_factor = 0 self.input_size, self.output_size = input_size, output_size self.rpu_config = rpu_config self.set_kernel_size() self.calculate_reuse_factor() def __set_reuse_factor(self, reuse_factor: int) -> None: """Private method to set layer's reuse factor attribute.""" self.reuse_factor = reuse_factor
[docs] def set_tiles_info(self) -> List[TileInfo]: """Create TileInfo objects for each tile of the layer.""" tiles_info = [] is_mapped = isinstance(self.module, AnalogLinearMapped) is_mapped = is_mapped or isinstance(self.module, _AnalogConvNdMapped) if isinstance(self.module, AnalogLayerBase): for tile in self.module.analog_tiles(): tiles_info.append(TileInfo(tile, is_mapped)) return tiles_info
[docs] def set_kernel_size(self) -> None: """Set kernel size attribute.""" if hasattr(self.module, "kernel_size"): self.kernel_size = self.module.kernel_size
[docs] def calculate_reuse_factor(self) -> None: """Compute the reuse factor. The reuse factor is the number of vector matrix multiplication a layer computes. """ if isinstance(self.module, (AnalogLinear, AnalogLinearMapped)): ruf = reduce(operator.mul, (self.input_size), 1) // int(self.input_size[-1]) self.__set_reuse_factor(ruf) elif isinstance(self.module, (_AnalogConvNd, _AnalogConvNdMapped)): ruf = reduce(operator.mul, (self.output_size), 1) // self.output_size[1] self.__set_reuse_factor(ruf)
[docs] def tiles_summary_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary with all tiles information.""" tiles_summary = {} for tile in self.tiles_info: tiles_summary.update(tile.tile_summary_dict()) return tiles_summary
[docs] def layer_summary_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary with all layer's information.""" analog = "analog" if self.isanalog else "digital" return { "name":, "isanalog": analog, "input_size": str(self.input_size) if self.input_size is not None else "-", "output_size": str(self.output_size) if self.output_size is not None else "-", "kernel_size": str(self.kernel_size) if self.kernel_size is not None else "-", "num_tiles": self.num_tiles, "reuse_factor": str(self.reuse_factor) if self.reuse_factor is not None else "-", "log_shape": "-", "phy_shape": "-", "utilization": "-", }
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Print layer's information in the summary table.""" stats = self.layer_summary_dict().values() result = ("{:<20}" * len(stats)).format(*stats) result += "\n" for tile in self.tiles_info: tile_info = tile.tile_summary_dict() tile_info["utilization"] = FLOAT_FORMAT.format(tile_info["utilization"]) result += " " * 20 * (len(stats) - 3) result += "{:<20}{:<20}{:<20}\n".format(*(tile_info.values())) return result
[docs]class AnalogInfo: """Class for computing and storing results of the analog summary.""" def __init__( self, model: Module, input_size: Any = None, rpu_config: Optional[RPUConfigBase] = None ): self.model = model self.input_size = input_size self.rpu_config = rpu_config self.layer_summary = self.create_layer_summary() self.total_tile_number = self.calculate_num_tiles() self.total_nb_analog = self.calculate_num_analog()
[docs] def register_hooks_recursively(self, module: Module, hook: Any) -> None: """Hooks the function into all layers with no children (or only analog tiles as childrens). """ if len(list(module.children())) == 0: module.register_forward_hook(hook) elif ( isinstance(module, AnalogLayerBase) and not module.IS_CONTAINER and len( [ch for ch in module.children() if isinstance(ch, AnalogLayerBase)] # type: ignore ) == 0 ): # type: ignore module.register_forward_hook(hook) # type: ignore else: for layer in module.children(): self.register_hooks_recursively(layer, hook)
[docs] def create_layer_summary(self) -> List[LayerInfo]: """Create the layer summary list. This list contains LayerInfo elements that corresponds to each layer of the model. """ layer_summary = [] def get_size_hook(_: Module, _input: Any, _output: Any) -> None: nonlocal layer_summary input_size = list(_input[0].size()) output_size = list(_output.size()) layer_summary.append(LayerInfo(_, self.rpu_config, input_size, output_size)) self.register_hooks_recursively(self.model, get_size_hook) device = next(self.model.parameters()).device dummy_var = zeros(self.input_size).to(device) self.model(dummy_var) return layer_summary
[docs] def calculate_num_tiles(self) -> int: """Calculate the total number of tiles needed by the model.""" total_tile_number = 0 for x in self.layer_summary: total_tile_number += x.num_tiles return total_tile_number
[docs] def calculate_num_analog(self) -> int: """Calculate the number of analog layers.""" total_nb_analog = 0 for x in self.layer_summary: total_nb_analog += 1 if x.isanalog else 0 return total_nb_analog
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Print summary results.""" divider = "=" * FORMATTING_WIDTH + "\n" name = "Model Name: " + self.model.__class__.__name__ + "\n" result = divider + name + divider result += "Per-layer Information\n" + divider # Add header header = [*COLUMN_NAMES.values()] for i, category in enumerate(COLUMN_DEFINITIONS): header_i = [v for x, v in header if x == i] trim_length = COLUMN_WIDTH * len(header_i) - len(category) result += category + " " * trim_length if i == len(COLUMN_DEFINITIONS) - 1: break result += "| " result += "\n" + divider for i, category in enumerate(COLUMN_DEFINITIONS): header_i = [v for x, v in header if x == i] result += ("{:<20}" * len(header_i)).format(*header_i) result += "\n" for x in self.layer_summary: result += repr(x) result += divider result += "General Information\n" + divider result += "Total number of tiles: " + str(self.total_tile_number) + "\n" result += "Total number of analog layers: " + str(self.total_nb_analog) + "\n" return result
[docs]def analog_summary( model: Module, input_size: Optional[Any] = None, rpu_config: Optional[RPUConfigBase] = None ) -> AnalogInfo: """Summarize the given PyTorch model. Summarized information includes: 1) Layer names, 2) input/output shapes, 3) kernel shape, 4) # of digital parameters, 5) # of analog parameters, 6) # of analog tiles 7) reuse factor Args: model: PyTorch model to run on the analog platform. input_size: required to run a forward pass of the model. rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. Returns: AnalogInfo Object. """ results = AnalogInfo(model, input_size, rpu_config) return results