Source code for aihwkit.utils.export

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# (C) Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022 IBM. All Rights Reserved.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# pylint: disable=too-many-locals

"""Exporting utilities"""

from typing import Optional, Dict, Tuple, Union, OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict as ordered_dict
from csv import writer, reader

from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module, ModuleList

from numpy import array

from aihwkit.exceptions import TileError, FusionExportError
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.inference import InferenceTile
from aihwkit.inference.converter.base import BaseConductanceConverter
from aihwkit.inference.converter.fusion import FusionConductanceConverter
from aihwkit.inference.noise.fusion import FusionImportNoiseModel
from aihwkit.nn.modules.base import AnalogLayerBase
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base import TileModuleBase, SimulatorTile

def _fusion_save_csv(file_name: str, conductance_data: OrderedDict, header: str) -> None:
    """Saves the conductance data to a csv file."""

    layer_names = list(conductance_data.keys())

    with open(file_name, "w", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        csv_writer = writer(file, delimiter=",")
        for layer_data in conductance_data.values():

def _fusion_load_csv(file_name: str, header: str) -> OrderedDict:
    """Loads the conductance data to a csv file.

        FusionExportError: if the header mismatches

    conductance_data = ordered_dict()
    header_lines = header.split("\n")[:-1]

    with open(file_name, "r", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as file:
        csv_reader = reader(file, delimiter=",")
        for header_line in header_lines:
            tmp = next(csv_reader)
            actual_header_line = ",".join(tmp)
            if actual_header_line != header_line:
                raise FusionExportError("Header line mismatch: ", header_line, actual_header_line)
        layer_names = next(csv_reader)
        for layer_name in layer_names:
            tmp = next(csv_reader)
            conductance_data[layer_name] = [float(x) for x in tmp]
    return conductance_data

def _fusion_get_csv_header(analog_model: Module) -> str:
    """Generates and returns the fusion CSV header."""

    def add_to_header(current_header: str, field: str) -> str:
        current_header += ",".join([str(info[field]) for info in layer_infos.values()]) + "\n"
        return current_header

    layer_infos = ordered_dict()  # type: OrderedDict

    idx = 0
    for layer_name, module in analog_model.named_modules():
        if isinstance(module, (TileModuleBase, SimulatorTile, ModuleList)):

        if isinstance(module, AnalogLayerBase) and module.IS_CONTAINER:  # type: ignore

        idx += 1
        if not isinstance(module, AnalogLayerBase):

        weights = module.get_weights()[0]
        layer_infos[layer_name] = {
            "num_weights": array(weights.size()).prod().item(),
            "class": module.__class__.__name__,
            "id": idx,
            "height": weights.size()[0],
            "width": array(weights.size())[1:].prod(),
    header = ""
    header = add_to_header(header, "id")
    header = add_to_header(header, "class")
    header = add_to_header(header, "num_weights")
    header = add_to_header(header, "height")
    header = add_to_header(header, "width")
    return header

[docs]def fusion_export( analog_model: Module, g_converter: Optional[BaseConductanceConverter] = None, file_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """Exports an analog module for inference on the Fusion chip. Args: analog_model: The analog model to export weights from. It is assumed that weights are stored in :class:`~aihwkit.simulator.tiles.inference.InferenceTile` g_converter: the conductance converter to be used. If non given :class:`~aihwkit.inference.converter.fusion.FusionConductanceConverter` is used. file_name: if give, will be used to export the CSV file to upload to the composer. Raises: TileError: if the analog tiles are not derived from InferenceTile """ g_converter = deepcopy(g_converter) or FusionConductanceConverter() state_dict = analog_model.state_dict() conductance_data = ordered_dict() for layer_name, module in analog_model.named_analog_layers(): layer_data = [] for analog_tile in module.analog_tiles(): if not isinstance(analog_tile, InferenceTile): raise TileError("Expected an InferenceTile.") weights = analog_tile.tile.get_weights() target_conductances, _ = g_converter.convert_to_conductances(weights) # we do not store params but recreate later. Note that for # that the model for import and export has to be exactly # the same. Better save the model checkpoint and load it # later? or just save the parmater in an extra file ? for conductance_matrix in target_conductances: layer_data.extend(conductance_matrix.flatten().numpy().tolist()) conductance_data[layer_name] = layer_data if file_name is not None: header = _fusion_get_csv_header(analog_model) _fusion_save_csv(file_name, conductance_data, header) return conductance_data, state_dict
[docs]def fusion_import( conductance_data: Union[OrderedDict, str], analog_model: Module, state_dict: Optional[Dict] = None, g_converter: Optional[BaseConductanceConverter] = None, ) -> Module: """Imports the data from the Fusion chip and sets the model weights. Args: conductance_data: Either the data dictionary or filename from the fuction experiment analog_model: The analog model used for export. It will be changed in place. state_dict: the state_dict of the model to initialize the same weights as when using :func:`fusion_export` Caution: If not given the weights of the model are simply overwritte, however, it is assumed that the weights are the very same as during the :func:`fusion_export` call and not check is done to ensure it. g_converter: The same g-converter used for :func:`fusion_export` Returns: Model with the given layer conductance data applied. The model will be in eval mode. Raises: TileError: if the analog tiles are not derived from InferenceTile FusionExportError: if the header mismatches """ g_converter = deepcopy(g_converter) or FusionConductanceConverter() if state_dict is not None: analog_model.load_state_dict(state_dict) if isinstance(conductance_data, str): header = _fusion_get_csv_header(analog_model) conductance_data = _fusion_load_csv(conductance_data, header) analog_model.eval() for layer_name, module in analog_model.named_analog_layers(): layer_data = conductance_data[layer_name] last_value = 0 for analog_tile in module.analog_tiles(): if not isinstance(analog_tile, InferenceTile): raise TileError("Expected an InferenceTile.") weights = analog_tile.tile.get_weights() target_conductances, params = g_converter.convert_to_conductances(weights) # we do not store params but recreate later. Note that for # that the model for import and export has to be exactly # the same. Better save the model checkpoint and load it # later? or just save the parmater in an extra file ? programmed_conductances = [] for conductance_matrix in target_conductances: num_values = conductance_matrix.numel() g_mat = Tensor(layer_data[last_value : last_value + num_values]).reshape( *conductance_matrix.size() ) last_value += num_values programmed_conductances.append(g_mat) fusion_noise = FusionImportNoiseModel( g_converter=g_converter, programmed_conductances=programmed_conductances, **params ) analog_tile.program_weights(from_reference=False, noise_model=fusion_noise) analog_model.drift_analog_weights() return analog_model