Source code for aihwkit.simulator.parameters.mapping

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"""Mapping parameters for resistive processing units."""

from typing import Type, Optional
from dataclasses import dataclass, fields, field

from aihwkit.exceptions import ConfigError

from .base import RPUConfigBase
from .helpers import _PrintableMixin

[docs]@dataclass class MappingParameter(_PrintableMixin): """Parameter related to hardware design and the mapping of logical weight matrices to physical tiles. Caution: Some of these parameters have only an effect for modules that support tile mappings. """ digital_bias: bool = True """Whether the bias term is handled by the analog tile or kept in digital. Note: Default is having a *digital* bias so that bias values are *not* stored onto the analog crossbar. This needs to be supported by the chip design. Set to False if the analog bias is instead situated on the the crossbar itself (as an extra column) Note: ``digital_bias`` is supported by *all* analog modules. """ weight_scaling_omega: float = 0.0 """omega_scale is a user defined parameter used to scale the weights while remapping these to cover the full range of values allowed. By default, no remapping is performed. If values > 0.0 are supplied the abs-max of the weight is scaled to that value. """ weight_scaling_columnwise: bool = False """Whether the weight matrix will be remapped column-wise over the maximum device allowed value.""" weight_scaling_lr_compensation: bool = False """Whether to adjust the LR to compensate for the mapping factors that are not learned. The learning rate will be divided for a tile individually by the mean of the mapping scales that are determined by the ``weight_scaling_omega`` setting. Otherwise the gradient information will be divided isntead before the update. """ learn_out_scaling: bool = False """Define (additional) out scales that are learnable parameter used to scale the output.""" out_scaling_columnwise: bool = False """Whether the learnable out scaling parameter enabled by ``learn_out_scaling`` is a scalar (``False``) or learned for each output (``True``). """ max_input_size: int = 512 """Maximal input size (number of columns) of the weight matrix that is handled on a single analog tile. If the logical weight matrix size exceeds this size it will be split and mapped onto multiple analog tiles. Caution: Only relevant for ``Mapped`` modules such as :class:`aihwkit.nn.modules.linear_mapped.AnalogLinearMapped`. """ max_output_size: int = 512 """Maximal output size (number of rows) of the weight matrix that is handled on a single analog tile. If the logical weight matrix size exceeds this size it will be split and mapped onto multiple analog tiles. Caution: Only relevant for ``Mapped`` modules such as :class:`aihwkit.nn.modules.linear_mapped.AnalogLinearMapped`. """
[docs] def compatible_with(self, mapping: "MappingParameter") -> bool: """Checks compatiblity Args: mapping: param to check Returns: success: if compatible """ if mapping == self: return True for key in fields(mapping): if in [ "weight_scaling_omega", "weight_scaling_columnwise", "weight_scaling_lr_compensation", ]: continue if mapping.__dict__[] != self.__dict__[]: return False return True
[docs]@dataclass class MappableRPU(RPUConfigBase, _PrintableMixin): """Defines the mapping parameters and utility factories""" tile_array_class: Optional[Type] = None """Tile array class that correspond to the RPUConfig. This is used to build logical arrays of tiles. Needs to be defined in the derived class. """ mapping: MappingParameter = field(default_factory=MappingParameter) """Parameter related to mapping weights to tiles for supporting modules."""
[docs] def get_default_tile_module_class(self, out_size: int = 0, in_size: int = 0) -> Type: """Returns the default TileModule class. Args: out_size: overall output size in_size: overall output size Raises: ConfigError: in case tile array is not defined. """ if self.tile_array_class is None: ConfigError("RPUConfig does not support any tile array class") if self.tile_array_class is None or ( self.mapping.max_input_size == 0 and self.mapping.max_output_size == 0 ): return self.tile_class if self.mapping.max_input_size < in_size or self.mapping.max_output_size < out_size: return self.tile_array_class return self.tile_class