Using analog tiles

The core functionality of the package is provided by the rpucuda simulator. The simulator contains the primitives and functionality written in C++ and with CUDA (if enabled), and is exposed to the rest of the package through a Python interface.

The following table lists the main modules involved in accessing the simulator:




Entry point for instantiating analog tiles


Entry point for instantiating resistive devices


Different parameters used by the resistive devices


Low-level bindings of the C++ simulator members

Analog tiles and resistive devices

The basic primitives involved in the simulation are analog tiles. An analog tile is a two-dimensional array of resistive devices that determine its behavior and properties, i.e. the material response properties when a single update pulse is given (a coincidence between row and column pulse train happened).

The following types of analog tiles are available:

  • FloatingPointTile: implements a floating point or ideal analog tile.

  • AnalogTile: implements an abstract analog tile with many cycle-to-cycle non-idealities and systematic parameter-spreads that can be user-defined.

And the following types of resistive devices are available:

Creating an analog tile

The simplest way of constructing a tile is by instantiating its class. For example, the following snippet would create a floating point tile of the specified dimensions (10x20):

from aihwkit.simulator.tiles import FloatingPointTile

tile = FloatingPointTile(10, 20)

The parameters of the resistive devices that are part of a tile can be set by passing a resistive_device= parameter to the constructor:

from aihwkit.simulator.tiles import AnalogTile
from aihwkit.simulator.devices import ConstantStepResistiveDevice

device = ConstantStepResistiveDevice()
tile = AnalogTile(10, 20, device)

Analog arrays are low-level constructs that contain a number of functions that allow using them in the context of neural networks. A full description of the available arrays and its methods can be found at aihwkit.simulator.tiles.

GPU-stored tiles

By default, the Tiles will be set to perform their computations in the CPU. They can be moved to the GPU by invoking its .cuda() method:

from aihwkit.simulator.tiles import FloatingPointTile

cpu_tile = FloatingPointTile(10, 20)
gpu_tile = cpu_tile.cuda()

This method returns a counterpart of its original tile (for example, for a FloatingPointTile it will return a CudaFloatingPointTile). The GPU-stored tiles share the same interface as the CPU-stored tiled, and their methods can be used in the same manner.


For GPU-stored tiles to be used, the library needs to be compiled with GPU support. This can be checked by inspecting the return value of the aihwkit.simulator.rpu_base.cuda.is_compiled() function.

Specifying resistive devices

Each resistive device has a number of parameters an options that determines its behavior. A resistive device can be created by instantiating the corresponding class.

For example, for creating a floating point device that has the default values for its parameters:

from aihwkit.simulator.devices import FloatingPointResistiveDevice

device = FloatingPointResistiveDevice()

Device parameters

The behavior of a device is controlled by its parameters. The parameters can be specified during the device instantiation, or accessed as attributes of the device instance.

For example, the following snipped will create a ConstantStep resistive device, setting its weigths limits to [-0.4, 0.6]:

from aihwkit.simulator.devices import ConstantStepResistiveDevice
from aihwkit.simulator.parameters import PulsedResistiveDeviceParameters

parameters = PulsedResistiveDeviceParameters(w_min=-0.4)
device = ConstantStepResistiveDevice(parameters)
device.params.w_max = 0.6

A description of the available parameters for each device can be found at aihwkit.simulator.parameters.