Source code for aihwkit.simulator.tiles.inference

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"""High level analog tiles (inference)."""

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Optional, Union, TYPE_CHECKING

from torch import device as torch_device
from torch import ones, zeros, Tensor
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.exceptions import CudaError
from aihwkit.simulator.rpu_base import cuda
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles.analog import AnalogTile

    from aihwkit.simulator.configs import InferenceRPUConfig
    from aihwkit.simulator.tiles import BaseTile

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

[docs]class InferenceTile(AnalogTile): """Tile used for analog inference and hardware-aware training for inference. Args: out_size: output size in_size: input size rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. bias: whether to add a bias column to the tile. in_trans: Whether to assume an transposed input (batch first) out_trans: Whether to assume an transposed output (batch first) shared_weights: Whether to keep the weight in torch's memory space """ def __init__( self, out_size: int, in_size: int, rpu_config: Optional['InferenceRPUConfig'] = None, bias: bool = False, in_trans: bool = False, out_trans: bool = False, shared_weights: bool = True, ): if not rpu_config: # Import `InferenceRPUConfig` dynamically to avoid import cycles. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from aihwkit.simulator.configs import InferenceRPUConfig rpu_config = InferenceRPUConfig() # Noise model. self.noise_model = deepcopy(rpu_config.noise_model) # Drift compensation. self.drift_compensation = None if rpu_config.drift_compensation: self.drift_compensation = deepcopy(rpu_config.drift_compensation) self.drift_baseline = None self.drift_readout_tensor = None # type: Optional[Tensor] self.alpha = ones((1,)) # Helpers. self.reference_combined_weights = None # type: Optional[Tensor] self.programmed_weights = None # type: Optional[Tensor] self.nu_drift_list = None # type: Optional[List[Tensor]] super().__init__(out_size, in_size, rpu_config, bias, in_trans, out_trans) if shared_weights: self.shared_weights = zeros(out_size, in_size + int(bias), requires_grad=True) # type: Tensor self.ensure_shared_weights() @no_grad() def _forward_drift_readout_tensor(self) -> Optional[Tensor]: """Perform a forward pass using the drift read-out tensor.""" if self.drift_compensation is None: return None if self.drift_readout_tensor is None: self.drift_readout_tensor = self.drift_compensation.get_readout_tensor( self.tile.get_x_size()).detach().to(self.device) if self.in_trans: self.drift_readout_tensor = self.drift_readout_tensor.tranpose(0, 1).clone() # We need to take the bias as a common column here, also we do # not want to use indexed. return self.tile.forward(self.drift_readout_tensor, False, self.in_trans, self.out_trans, True)
[docs] @no_grad() def program_weights(self, from_reference: bool = True) -> None: """Apply weights noise to the current tile weights and saves these for repeated drift experiments. This method also establishes the drift coefficients for each conductance slice. Args: from_reference: Whether to use weights from reference """ if not from_reference or self.reference_combined_weights is None: self.reference_combined_weights = Tensor(self.tile.get_weights()) self.programmed_weights, self.nu_drift_list = self.noise_model.apply_programming_noise( self.reference_combined_weights) if self.drift_compensation is not None: self.tile.set_weights(self.programmed_weights.numpy()) forward_output = self._forward_drift_readout_tensor() self.drift_baseline = self.drift_compensation.init_baseline(forward_output)
[docs] @no_grad() def drift_weights( self, t_inference: float = 0.0 ) -> None: """Programs and drifts the current reference weights. The current weight reference is either the current weights or the ones at the time when :meth:`initialize_drift_reference` was called, which then would overwrite the current weights with the drifted ones. Args: t_inference: Time (in sec) of assumed inference time. Programming ends at t=0s. The rest is waiting time, where the devices might drift and accumulate noise. See noise model used for details. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ,arguments-renamed if self.programmed_weights is None: self.program_weights() drifted_weights = self.noise_model.apply_drift_noise( self.programmed_weights, self.nu_drift_list, t_inference) self.tile.set_weights(drifted_weights.detach().cpu().numpy()) if self.drift_compensation is not None: forward_output = self._forward_drift_readout_tensor() self.alpha = self.drift_compensation.apply(forward_output, self.drift_baseline).to(self.device)
[docs] def forward(self, x_input: Tensor, is_test: bool = False) -> Tensor: """Forward pass with drift compensation. Note: The drift compensation scale will only be applied during testing, ie if ``is_test=True``. """ # Import `aihwkit.simulator.configs` items dynamically to avoid import cycles. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from aihwkit.simulator.configs.helpers import parameters_to_bindings from aihwkit.simulator.configs.utils import WeightModifierType if not is_test and (self.rpu_config.modifier.type != WeightModifierType.COPY or self.rpu_config.modifier.pdrop > 0.0): weight_modify_params = parameters_to_bindings(self.rpu_config.modifier) self.tile.modify_weights(weight_modify_params) if not is_test or self.drift_compensation is None: return super().forward(x_input, is_test) # only do drift compensation in eval mode return super().forward(x_input, True)*self.alpha
[docs] @no_grad() def post_update_step(self) -> None: """Operators that need to be called once per mini-batch.""" # Import `aihwkit.simulator.configs` items dynamically to avoid import cycles. # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from aihwkit.simulator.configs.helpers import parameters_to_bindings from aihwkit.simulator.configs.utils import WeightClipType super().post_update_step() # TODO: make this a little nicer. Now each time bindings are generated. if self.rpu_config.clip.type != WeightClipType.NONE: weight_clip_params = parameters_to_bindings(self.rpu_config.clip) self.tile.clip_weights(weight_clip_params)
[docs] def cuda( self, device: Optional[Union[torch_device, str, int]] = None ) -> 'BaseTile': """Return a copy of this tile in CUDA memory. Args: device: CUDA device Returns: Self with the underlying C++ tile moved to CUDA memory. Raises: CudaError: if the library has not been compiled with CUDA. """ super().cuda(device) self.alpha = self.alpha.cuda(device) = zeros(self.tile.get_x_size(), self.tile.get_d_size(), requires_grad=True).cuda(device) self.ensure_shared_weights() return self
[docs]class CudaInferenceTile(InferenceTile): """Analog inference tile (CUDA). Analog inference tile that uses GPU for its operation. The instantiation is based on an existing non-cuda tile: all the source attributes are copied except for the simulator tile, which is recreated using a GPU tile. Caution: Deprecated. Use ``InferenceTile(..).cuda()`` instead. Args: source_tile: tile to be used as the source of this tile """ def __init__(self, source_tile: AnalogTile): if not cuda.is_compiled(): raise CudaError('aihwkit has not been compiled with CUDA support') # Create a new instance of the rpu config. new_rpu_config = deepcopy(source_tile.rpu_config) # Create the tile, replacing the simulator tile. super().__init__(source_tile.out_size, source_tile.in_size, new_rpu_config, source_tile.bias, source_tile.in_trans, source_tile.out_trans, shared_weights=True) self.cuda(self.device)