Source code for aihwkit.inference.noise.base

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"""Base class for the phenomenological noise models for inference."""

from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from torch import Tensor
from torch.autograd import no_grad

from aihwkit.inference.converter.base import BaseConductanceConverter
from aihwkit.inference.converter.conductance import SinglePairConductanceConverter

[docs]class BaseNoiseModel: """Base class for phenomenological noise models for inference.""" def __init__( self, g_converter: Optional[BaseConductanceConverter] = None ): self.g_converter = g_converter or SinglePairConductanceConverter()
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_noise(self, weights: Tensor, t_inference: float) -> Tensor: """Apply the expected noise. Applies the noise to a non-perturbed conductance matrix ``weights`` at time of inference ``t_inference`` (in seconds) where 0 sec refers to the time when weight programming has finished. Note: The drift coefficients and intermediate noises etc. are sampled for each application of this function anew from the distributions, thus it samples the expected noise and drift behavior at time ``t_inference`` but not a continual trajectory of a given device instance over time (having e.g. constant drift coefficients). """ target_conductances, params = self.g_converter.convert_to_conductances(weights) noisy_conductances = [] for g_target in target_conductances: g_prog = self.apply_programming_noise_to_conductance(g_target) if t_inference > 0: nu_drift = self.generate_drift_coefficients(g_target) noisy_conductances.append(self.apply_drift_noise_to_conductance( g_prog, nu_drift, t_inference)) noisy_weights = self.g_converter.convert_back_to_weights(noisy_conductances, params) return noisy_weights
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_programming_noise(self, weights: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, List[Tensor]]: """Apply the expected programming noise to weights. Uses the :meth:`~apply_programming_noise_to_conductances` on each of the conductance slices. Args: weights: weights tensor Returns: weight tensor with programming noise applied, and tuple of all drift coefficients (per conductances slice) that are determined during programming. """ target_conductances, params = self.g_converter.convert_to_conductances(weights) noisy_conductances = [] nu_drift_list = [] for g_target in target_conductances: noisy_conductances.append(self.apply_programming_noise_to_conductance(g_target)) nu_drift_list.append(self.generate_drift_coefficients(g_target)) noisy_weights = self.g_converter.convert_back_to_weights(noisy_conductances, params) return noisy_weights, nu_drift_list
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_drift_noise( self, weights: Tensor, nu_drift_list: List[Tensor], t_inference: float ) -> Tensor: """Apply the expected drift noise to weights. Uses the :meth:`~apply_drift_noise_to_conductances` on each of the conductance slices. Args: weights: weights tensor (usually with programming noise already applied) nu_drift_list: list of drift nu for each conductance slice t_inference: assumed time of inference (in sec) Returns: weight tensor with drift noise applied """ target_conductances, params = self.g_converter.convert_to_conductances(weights) noisy_conductances = [] for g_target, nu_drift in zip(target_conductances, nu_drift_list): noisy_conductances.append( self.apply_drift_noise_to_conductance(g_target, nu_drift, t_inference)) noisy_weights = self.g_converter.convert_back_to_weights(noisy_conductances, params) return noisy_weights
[docs] @no_grad() def generate_drift_coefficients(self, g_target: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Generate drift coefficients ``nu`` based on the target conductances.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_programming_noise_to_conductance(self, g_target: Tensor) -> Tensor: r"""Apply programming noise to a target conductance ``Tensor``. Args: g_target: Target conductances Returns: Tensor of sampled drift coefficients :math:`\nu`, one for each target conductance value. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @no_grad() def apply_drift_noise_to_conductance( self, g_prog: Tensor, nu_drift: Tensor, t_inference: float ) -> Tensor: r"""Apply the noise and drift up to the assumed inference time point. Args: g_prog: Tensor of conductance values after programming (in :math:`\muS`) nu_drift: drift nu t_inference: assumed time of inference (in sec) Returns: conductance Tensor with applied noise and drift """ raise NotImplementedError
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__