Source code for aihwkit.nn.conversion

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"""Digital/analog model conversion utilities.

This module includes tools for converting a given torch model to a
model containing analog layers.

from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Dict, Callable
from copy import deepcopy

from torch.nn import Module, Linear, Conv1d, Conv2d, Conv3d, Sequential

from aihwkit.nn import (
    AnalogLinear, AnalogConv1d, AnalogConv2d, AnalogConv3d,
    AnalogLinearMapped, AnalogConv1dMapped, AnalogConv2dMapped,
    AnalogConv3dMapped, AnalogSequential

RPUConfigGeneric = TypeVar('RPUConfigGeneric')

_DEFAULT_CONVERSION_MAP = {Linear: AnalogLinear,
                           Conv1d: AnalogConv1d,
                           Conv2d: AnalogConv2d,
                           Conv3d: AnalogConv3d,
                           Sequential: AnalogSequential}

_DEFAULT_MAPPED_CONVERSION_MAP = {Linear: AnalogLinearMapped,
                                  Conv1d: AnalogConv1dMapped,
                                  Conv2d: AnalogConv2dMapped,
                                  Conv3d: AnalogConv3dMapped,
                                  Sequential: AnalogSequential}

[docs]def specific_rpu_config_id(module_name: str, module: Module, rpu_config: RPUConfigGeneric ) -> RPUConfigGeneric: """ID default function for specifying the ``RPUConfig`` during conversion for specific layers. A similar function can be given to the conversion. Args: module_name: The name of the module currently converted to analog module: the actual digital module to be converted rpu_config: a copy of the generic ``RPUConfig`` given to the overall conversion. Returns: modified ``RPUConfig`` """ # pylint: disable=unused-argument return rpu_config
[docs]def convert_to_analog( module: Module, rpu_config: RPUConfigGeneric, realistic_read_write: bool = False, conversion_map: Optional[Dict] = None, specific_rpu_config_fun: Optional[Callable] = None, module_name: str = '', ) -> Module: """Convert a given digital model to analog counter parts. Note: The torch device (cuda/cpu) is inferred from the original models parameters, however, if multiple torch devices are used in a given module, the corresponding analog module is not moved to any device. Args: module: The torch module to convert. All layers that are defined in the ``conversion_map``. rpu_config: RPU config to apply to all converted tiles. Applied to all converted tiles. realistic_read_write: Whether to use closed-loop programming when setting the weights. Applied to all converted tiles. Note: Make sure that the weight max and min settings of the device support the desired analog weight range. conversion_map: Dictionary of module classes to be replaced in case of custom replacement rules. By default all ``Conv`` and ``Linear`` layers are replaced with their analog counterparts. Note: The analog layer needs to have a class method ``from_digital`` which will be called during the conversion. specific_rpu_config_fun: Function that modifies the generic RPUConfig for specific modules. See :fun:`~specific_rpu_config_id` as an example how to specify it. module_name: Explicitly given name of the base (root) module, given to ``specific_rpu_config_fun``. Returns: Module where all the digital layers are replaced with analog mapped layers. """ module = deepcopy(module) if conversion_map is None: conversion_map = _DEFAULT_CONVERSION_MAP if specific_rpu_config_fun is None: specific_rpu_config_fun = specific_rpu_config_id # Convert parent. if module.__class__ in conversion_map: module = conversion_map[module.__class__].from_digital( # type: ignore module, specific_rpu_config_fun(module_name, module, deepcopy(rpu_config)), realistic_read_write) # Convert children. convert_dic = {} for name, mod in module.named_children(): full_name = module_name + '.' + name if module_name else name n_grand_children = len(list(mod.named_children())) if n_grand_children > 0: new_mod = convert_to_analog(mod, rpu_config, realistic_read_write, conversion_map, specific_rpu_config_fun, full_name) elif mod.__class__ in conversion_map: new_mod = conversion_map[mod.__class__].from_digital( # type: ignore mod, specific_rpu_config_fun(full_name, mod, deepcopy(rpu_config)), realistic_read_write) else: continue devices = {p.device for p in mod.parameters()} if len(devices) == 1: # We only use "to" if device is unique. new_mod =[0]) convert_dic[name] = new_mod for name, new_mod in convert_dic.items(): module._modules[name] = new_mod # pylint: disable=protected-access return module
[docs]def convert_to_analog_mapped( module: Module, rpu_config: RPUConfigGeneric, realistic_read_write: bool = False, specific_rpu_config_fun: Optional[Callable] = None, module_name: str = '') -> Module: """Convert a given digital model to its analog counterpart with tile mapping support. Note: The torch device (cuda/cpu) is inferred from the original models parameters, however, if multiple torch devices are used in a given module, the corresponding analog module is not moved to any device. Args: module: The torch module to convert. All layers that are defined in the ``conversion_map``. rpu_config: RPU config to apply to all converted tiles. realistic_read_write: Whether to use closed-loop programming when setting the weights. Applied to all converted tiles. Note: Make sure that the weight max and min settings of the device support the desired analog weight range. specific_rpu_config_fun: Function that modifies the generic RPUConfig for specific modules. See :fun:`~specific_rpu_config_id` as an example how to specify it. module_name: Explicitly given name of the base (root) module, given to ``specific_rpu_config_fun``. Returns: Module where all the digital layers are replaced with analog mapped layers. """ return convert_to_analog( module, rpu_config, realistic_read_write, _DEFAULT_MAPPED_CONVERSION_MAP, specific_rpu_config_fun, module_name )