Source code for aihwkit.nn.modules.base

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# (C) Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022 IBM. All Rights Reserved.
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"""Base class for analog Modules."""
from typing import (
    Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, NamedTuple, Union,
    Generator, TYPE_CHECKING
from copy import deepcopy
from warnings import warn

from torch import Tensor, no_grad
from torch.nn import Module, Parameter
from torch import device as torch_device

from aihwkit.exceptions import ModuleError
from aihwkit.simulator.configs.utils import MappingParameter
from aihwkit.simulator.tiles import InferenceTile
from aihwkit.optim.context import AnalogContext

    from aihwkit.simulator.tiles import BaseTile
    from collections import OrderedDict
    from aihwkit.simulator.configs.configs import (
        FloatingPointRPUConfig, InferenceRPUConfig, SingleRPUConfig,
        UnitCellRPUConfig, DigitalRankUpdateRPUConfig

RPUConfigAlias = Union['FloatingPointRPUConfig', 'SingleRPUConfig',
                       'UnitCellRPUConfig', 'InferenceRPUConfig',

[docs]class AnalogModuleBase(Module): """Base class for analog Modules. Base ``Module`` for analog layers that use analog tiles. When subclassing, please note: * the :meth:`_setup_tile()` method is expected to be called by the subclass constructor, and it does not only create a tile. * :meth:`register_analog_tile` needs to be called for each created analog tile * this module does *not* call torch's ``Module`` init as the child is likely again derived from Module * the ``weight`` and ``bias`` Parameters are not guaranteed to be in sync with the tile weights and biases during the lifetime of the instance, for performance reasons. The canonical way of reading and writing weights is via the :meth:`set_weights()` and :meth:`get_weights()` as opposed to using the attributes directly. * the ``BaseTile`` subclass that is created is retrieved from the ``rpu_config.tile_class`` attribute. Args: in_features: input vector size (number of columns). out_features: output vector size (number of rows). bias: whether to use a bias row on the analog tile or not. realistic_read_write: whether to enable realistic read/write for setting initial weights and during reading of the weights. mapping: Configuration of the hardware architecture (e.g. tile size). """ # pylint: disable=abstract-method, too-many-instance-attributes ANALOG_CTX_PREFIX: str = 'analog_ctx_' ANALOG_SHARED_WEIGHT_PREFIX: str = 'analog_shared_weights_' ANALOG_STATE_PREFIX: str = 'analog_tile_state_' ANALOG_OUT_SCALING_ALPHA_PREFIX: str = 'analog_out_scaling_alpha_' ANALOG_INPUT_RANGE_PREFIX: str = 'analog_input_range_' def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, bias: bool, realistic_read_write: bool = False, mapping: Optional[MappingParameter] = None, ) -> None: # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self._analog_tile_counter = 0 self._registered_helper_parameter = [] # type: list self._load_rpu_config = True self._strict_rpu_config_check = True if mapping is None: mapping = MappingParameter() self.use_bias = bias self.digital_bias = bias and mapping.digital_bias self.analog_bias = bias and not mapping.digital_bias self.realistic_read_write = realistic_read_write self.in_features = in_features self.out_features = out_features
[docs] def register_helper(self, name: str) -> None: """Register a helper name that is not saved to the state dict """ if name not in self._registered_helper_parameter: self._registered_helper_parameter.append(name)
[docs] def register_analog_tile(self, tile: 'BaseTile', name: Optional[str] = None, update_only: bool = False) -> None: """Register the analog context of the tile. Note: Needs to be called at the end init to register the tile for the analog optimizers. Args: tile: tile to register name: Optional tile name used as the parameter name. update_only: Whether to re-register (does not advance tile counter) """ if name is None: name = str(self._analog_tile_counter) if not update_only: self._analog_tile_counter += 1 ctx_name = self.ANALOG_CTX_PREFIX + name self.register_helper(ctx_name) self.register_parameter(ctx_name, tile.get_analog_ctx()) if tile.shared_weights is not None: if not isinstance(tile.shared_weights, Parameter): tile.shared_weights = Parameter(tile.shared_weights) par_name = self.ANALOG_SHARED_WEIGHT_PREFIX + name self.register_parameter(par_name, tile.shared_weights) self.register_helper(par_name) if tile.out_scaling_alpha is not None: if not isinstance(tile.out_scaling_alpha, Parameter): tile.out_scaling_alpha = Parameter(tile.out_scaling_alpha) par_name = self.ANALOG_OUT_SCALING_ALPHA_PREFIX + name self.register_parameter(par_name, tile.out_scaling_alpha) self.register_helper(par_name) if tile.input_range is not None: if not isinstance(tile.input_range, Parameter): tile.input_range = Parameter(tile.input_range) par_name = self.ANALOG_INPUT_RANGE_PREFIX + name self.register_parameter(par_name, tile.input_range) self.register_helper(par_name)
[docs] def unregister_parameter(self, param_name: str) -> None: """Unregister module parameter from parameters. Raises: ModuleError: In case parameter is not found """ param = getattr(self, param_name, None) if not isinstance(param, Parameter): raise ModuleError(f"Cannot find parameter {param_name} to unregister") param_data = param.detach().clone() delattr(self, param_name) setattr(self, param_name, param_data)
[docs] def analog_tiles(self) -> Generator['BaseTile', None, None]: """ Generator to loop over all registered analog tiles of the module """ for param in self.parameters(): if isinstance(param, AnalogContext): yield param.analog_tile
[docs] def named_analog_tiles(self) -> Generator[Tuple[str, 'BaseTile'], None, None]: """ Generator to loop over all registered analog tiles of the module with names. """ for name, param in self.named_parameters(): if isinstance(param, AnalogContext): new_name = name.split(self.ANALOG_CTX_PREFIX)[-1] yield (new_name, param.analog_tile)
[docs] def get_analog_tile_devices(self) -> List[Optional[Union[torch_device, str, int]]]: """ Return a list of the devices used by the analog tiles. Returns: List of torch devices """ return [d.device for d in self.analog_tiles()]
[docs] def analog_tile_count(self) -> int: """Return the number of registered tiles. Returns: Number of registered tiles """ return getattr(self, '_analog_tile_counter', 0)
def _setup_tile( self, rpu_config: RPUConfigAlias, ) -> 'BaseTile': """Create a single analog tile with the given RPU configuration. Create an analog tile to be used for the basis of this layer operations, while using the attributes ``(in_features, out_features, bias)`` given to this instance during init. After tile creation, the tile needs to be registered using :meth:`register_analog_tile`. Args: rpu_config: resistive processing unit configuration. Returns: An analog tile with the requested parameters. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access # Create the tile. return rpu_config.tile_class(self.out_features, self.in_features, rpu_config, bias=self.analog_bias)
[docs] def set_weights( self, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor] = None, force_exact: bool = False, apply_weight_scaling: bool = True, weight_scaling_omega: Optional[float] = None ) -> None: """Set the weight (and bias) values with given tensors. This uses an realistic write if the property ``realistic_read_write`` of the layer is set, unless it is overwritten by ``force_exact``. If ``weight_scaling_omega`` is larger than 0, the weights are set in a scaled manner (assuming a digital output scale). See :meth:`~aihwkit.simulator.tiles.base.apply_weight_scaling` for details. Note: This is the recommended way for setting the weight/bias matrix of the analog tile, as it will correctly store the weights into the internal memory. Directly writing to ``self.weight`` and ``self.bias`` might yield wrong results as they are not always in sync with the analog tile Parameters, for performance reasons. Args: weight: weight matrix bias: bias vector force_exact: forces an exact write to the analog tiles apply_weight_scaling: Whether to rescale the given weight matrix and populate the digital output scaling factors as specified in the configuration :class:`~aihwkit.configs.utils.MappingParameter`. A new ``weight_scaling_omega`` can be given. Note that this will overwrite the existing digital out scaling factors. weight_scaling_omega: The weight scaling omega factor (see :class:`~aihwkit.configs.utils.MappingParameter`). If given explicitly here, it will overwrite the value in the mapping field. Raises: ModuleError: in case of multiple defined analog tiles in the module """ analog_tiles = list(self.analog_tiles()) if len(analog_tiles) != 1: raise ModuleError("AnalogModuleBase.set_weights only supports a single tile.") shape = [self.out_features, self.in_features] weight = weight.clone().reshape(shape) realistic = self.realistic_read_write and not force_exact if realistic: analog_tiles[0].set_weights_realistic( weight, bias if self.analog_bias else None, apply_weight_scaling, weight_scaling_omega) else: analog_tiles[0].set_weights( weight, bias if self.analog_bias else None, apply_weight_scaling, weight_scaling_omega) if bias is not None and self.digital_bias: with no_grad():[:] = bias[:] self._sync_weights_from_tile()
[docs] def get_weights( self, force_exact: bool = False, apply_weight_scaling: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]: """Get the weight (and bias) tensors. This uses an realistic read if the property ``realistic_read_write`` of the layer is set, unless it is overwritten by ``force_exact``. It scales the analog weights by the digital output scales by default. Note: This is the recommended way for setting the weight/bias matrix from the analog tile, as it will correctly fetch the weights from the internal memory. Accessing ``self.weight`` and ``self.bias`` might yield wrong results as they are not always in sync with the analog tile library, for performance reasons. Args: force_exact: Forces an exact read to the analog tiles apply_weight_scaling: Whether to return the weights with the (digital) output scaling factors applied. Note the "logical" weights of the layer which the DNN is effectively using are those with the output scales applied. If ``apply_weight_scaling`` is set to False, then only the weight values that is programmed onto the crossbar array are returned, without applying the digital scales. Default is True. Returns: tuple: weight matrix, bias vector Raises: ModuleError: in case of multiple defined analog tiles in the module """ analog_tiles = list(self.analog_tiles()) if len(analog_tiles) != 1: raise ModuleError("AnalogModuleBase.get_weights only supports a single tile.") realistic = self.realistic_read_write and not force_exact if realistic: weight, analog_bias = analog_tiles[0].get_weights_realistic( apply_weight_scaling) else: weight, analog_bias = analog_tiles[0].get_weights( apply_weight_scaling) digital_bias = None if self.digital_bias: with no_grad(): digital_bias = if (digital_bias is not None) and (analog_bias is not None): bias = digital_bias + analog_bias elif digital_bias is not None: bias = digital_bias else: bias = analog_bias return weight, bias
[docs] def remap_weights(self, weight_scaling_omega: Optional[float] = 1.0) -> None: """Gets and re-sets the weights in case of using the weight scaling. This re-sets the weights with applied mapping scales, so that the weight mapping scales are updated. In case of hardware-aware training, this would update the weight mapping scales so that the absolute max analog weights are set to 1 (as specified in the ``weight_scaling`` configuration of :class:`~aihwkit.configs.utils.MappingParameter`). Note: By default the weight scaling omega factor is set to 1 here (overriding any setting in the ``rpu_config``). This means that the max weight value is set to 1 internally for the analog weights. Caution: This should typically *not* be called for analog training unless realistic_read_write is set. In this case, it would perform a full re-write of the weights. Args: weight_scaling_omega: The weight scaling omega factor (see :class:`~aihwkit.configs.utils.MappingParameter`). If set to None here, it will take the value in the mapping parameters. Default is however 1.0. """ weights, biases = self.get_weights(False, True) self.set_weights(weights, biases, False, True, weight_scaling_omega)
def _sync_weights_from_tile(self) -> None: """Update the layer weight and bias from the values on the analog tile. Update the ``self.weight`` and ``self.bias`` Parameters with an exact copy of the internal analog tile weights. """ tile_weight, tile_bias = self.get_weights(force_exact=True) # type: Tuple[Tensor, Tensor][:] = tile_weight.reshape(self.weight.shape) if self.analog_bias: with no_grad():[:] = tile_bias.reshape(self.bias.shape) def _sync_weights_to_tile(self) -> None: """Update the tile values from the layer weights and bias. Update the internal tile weights with an exact copy of the values of the ``self.weight`` and ``self.bias`` Parameters. """ self.set_weights(self.weight, self.bias if self.analog_bias else None, force_exact=True) def _set_load_rpu_config_state(self, load_rpu_config: bool = True, strict_rpu_config_check: bool = True) -> None: self._load_rpu_config = load_rpu_config self._strict_rpu_config_check = strict_rpu_config_check
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ state_dict: 'OrderedDict[str, Tensor]', strict: bool = True, load_rpu_config: bool = True, strict_rpu_config_check: bool = True) -> NamedTuple: """Specializes torch's ``load_state_dict`` to add a flag whether to load the RPU config from the saved state. Args: state_dict: see torch's ``load_state_dict`` strict: see torch's ``load_state_dict`` load_rpu_config: Whether to load the saved RPU config or use the current RPU config of the model. Caution: If ``load_rpu_config=False`` the RPU config can be changed from the stored model. However, the user has to make sure that the changed RPU config makes sense. For instance, changing the device type might change the expected fields in the hidden parameters and result in an error. strict_rpu_config_check: Whether to check and throw an error if the current ``rpu_config`` is not of the same class type when setting ``load_rpu_config`` to False. In case of ``False`` the user has to make sure that the ``rpu_config`` are compatible. Returns: see torch's ``load_state_dict`` Raises: ModuleError: in case the rpu_config class mismatches or mapping parameter mismatch for ``load_rpu_config=False`` """ self._set_load_rpu_config_state(load_rpu_config, strict_rpu_config_check) return super().load_state_dict(state_dict, strict)
def __setstate__(self, state: Dict) -> None: """Set the state after unpickling. Makes sure that the parameter in the tiles are correctly registered. """ self.__dict__.update(state) # update registered parameters for name, analog_tile in list(self.named_analog_tiles()): self.register_analog_tile(analog_tile, name, update_only=True) def _load_from_state_dict( self, state_dict: Dict, prefix: str, local_metadata: Dict, strict: bool, missing_keys: List[str], unexpected_keys: List[str], error_msgs: List[str]) -> None: """Copy parameters and buffers from `state_dict` into only this module, but not its descendants. This method is a specialization of ``Module._load_from_state_dict`` that takes into account the extra ``analog_tile_state`` key used by analog layers. Raises: ModuleError: in case the rpu_config class mismatches. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-branches for name, analog_tile in list(self.named_analog_tiles()): key = prefix + self.ANALOG_STATE_PREFIX + name if key not in state_dict: # legacy key = prefix + 'analog_tile_state' if key in state_dict: analog_state = state_dict.pop(key).copy() if not self._load_rpu_config: if self._strict_rpu_config_check: if not isinstance(analog_tile.rpu_config, type(analog_state['rpu_config'])): raise ModuleError("RPU config mismatch during loading: " "Tried to replace " f"{analog_state['rpu_config'].__class__.__name__} " f"with {analog_tile.rpu_config.__class__.__name__}") if hasattr(analog_state['rpu_config'], 'mapping'): old_mapping = analog_state['rpu_config'].mapping new_mapping = analog_tile.rpu_config.mapping if (old_mapping.max_input_size != new_mapping.max_input_size or old_mapping.max_output_size != new_mapping.max_output_size or old_mapping.digital_bias != new_mapping.digital_bias or (old_mapping.out_scaling_columnwise != new_mapping.out_scaling_columnwise)): raise ModuleError("MappingParameter mismatch during loading: " "Tried to replace " f"{old_mapping} " f"with {new_mapping}") analog_state['rpu_config'] = analog_tile.rpu_config analog_tile.__setstate__(analog_state) # update registered parameters self.register_analog_tile(analog_tile, name, update_only=True) elif strict: missing_keys.append(key) # update the weight / analog bias (not saved explicitly) self._sync_weights_from_tile() # remove helper parameters. rm_keys = [] for par_name in self._registered_helper_parameter: key = prefix + par_name if key in state_dict: rm_keys.append(key) # legacy for part in [self.ANALOG_SHARED_WEIGHT_PREFIX, self.ANALOG_OUT_SCALING_ALPHA_PREFIX]: for key in state_dict: if part in key: rm_keys.append(key) for key in rm_keys: if key in state_dict: state_dict.pop(key) super()._load_from_state_dict( state_dict, prefix, local_metadata, strict, missing_keys, unexpected_keys, error_msgs) # legacy for part in [self.ANALOG_SHARED_WEIGHT_PREFIX, self.ANALOG_OUT_SCALING_ALPHA_PREFIX]: for key in missing_keys: if part in key: rm_keys.append(key) # remove the missing keys of the helper parameters for key in rm_keys: if key in missing_keys: missing_keys.remove(key)
[docs] def state_dict( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, destination: Any = None, prefix: str = '', keep_vars: bool = False ) -> Dict: """Return a dictionary containing a whole state of the module.""" self._sync_weights_from_tile() current_state = super().state_dict(destination=destination, prefix=prefix, keep_vars=keep_vars) for name, analog_tile in self.named_analog_tiles(): analog_state = analog_tile.__getstate__() analog_state_name = prefix + self.ANALOG_STATE_PREFIX + name current_state[analog_state_name] = analog_state return current_state
[docs] def drift_analog_weights(self, t_inference: float = 0.0) -> None: """(Program) and drift the analog weights. Args: t_inference: assumed time of inference (in sec) Raises: ModuleError: if the layer is not in evaluation mode. """ if raise ModuleError('drift_analog_weights can only be applied in ' 'evaluation mode') for analog_tile in self.analog_tiles(): if isinstance(analog_tile, InferenceTile): analog_tile.drift_weights(t_inference)
[docs] def program_analog_weights(self) -> None: """Program the analog weights. Raises: ModuleError: if the layer is not in evaluation mode. """ if raise ModuleError('program_analog_weights can only be applied in ' 'evaluation mode') for analog_tile in self.analog_tiles(): if isinstance(analog_tile, InferenceTile): analog_tile.program_weights()
[docs] def extra_repr(self) -> str: """Set the extra representation of the module. Returns: A string with the extra representation. """ output = super().extra_repr() if self.realistic_read_write: output += ', realistic_read_write={}'.format(self.realistic_read_write) if self.analog_bias: output += ', analog bias' if self.digital_bias: output += ', digital bias' return output
def _set_weight_scaling_omega(self, rpu_config: RPUConfigAlias, weight_scaling_omega: Optional[float] = None ) -> RPUConfigAlias: """ Sets the weight scaling omega and raises a FutureWarning. Args: rpu_config: dtto weight_scaling_omega: parameter value to set Returns: Copy of ``rpu_config`` if ``weight_scaling_omega`` is not None Raises: FutureWarning if ``weight_scaling_omega`` is not None """ if weight_scaling_omega is not None: warn(FutureWarning("weight_scaling_omega argument to the layer module " "construction will be removed in future. " "Use aihwkit.simulator.configs.utils.MappingParameter " "instead to specify weight scaling.")) rpu_config = deepcopy(rpu_config) rpu_config.mapping.weight_scaling_omega = weight_scaling_omega return rpu_config